Five reasons to leap out of your comfort zone
In times of continuous change and uncertainty – such as the current health crisis – we tend to be risk averse and hold onto the familiar and the way we used to do things. But as the old moto goes “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. If this is remotely true, it is time to start leading the life you really want. Inspired by my own life experiences, I outline in this article five reasons why I believe that getting out of our comfort zone is essential.
In the midst of this immense disruption created by the pandemic, leaders are managing their organizations under new and difficult circumstances. The sense of normalcy is disrupted. In response, many may choose to hold on to what is comfortable and what has worked in the past. However, it is at times of great uncertainty and change that new opportunities present themselves.
This is the time to be creative and courageous . . . the time ‘to think outside the box’.
Thinking outside the box is a metaphor which means to think differently, unconventionally, to approach a situation from a new creative perspective.
This catchphrase which has become a cliché is widely used in the business environment. It is also referenced in many advertising slogans and became the inspiration of modern artists.
However, for me, thinking outside the box is more than just a business cliché.
For me it means getting out of your comfort zone and embracing change with courage and conviction.
Take a leap of faith . . . to your growth zone!
Stepping out of our comfort zone means we are moving into uncharted, unfamiliar territory. We are trying things that we have never tried before. It is human nature to cling onto the safe and familiar when things are stressful. It is easy and natural to just keep doing what feels comfortable and stick to things to which we are accustomed to. Why inflict more stress and pain on ourselves?
And this is where the danger lies, as the more time we spend within ‘our’ zone, the more difficult it is to make the leap and break free.
Your comfort zone is a dangerous place.
It prevents you from improving, it stops you from venturing outside to see what you might be capable of achieving. In this way you are sacrificing the potential to be open to all sorts of opportunities you may not have thought possible and, thus forfeiting an exciting and fulfilling life-journey.
A moto that has been broadly attributed to John A. Shedd and stuck with me is: “A ship is safe in a harbor, but that is not what ships are built for”. And I would add that a ship stuck in a harbor will most probably ‘rust and rot’. A ship must be kept moving in the risky open seas so that crew can fully apply their seamanship, experience and master new challenges. Just like a ship, we are all designed to sail our own seas, to push our boundaries and unlock our potential which is lying dormant.
What keeps us from setting sail in our own wide-open oceans is fear of failure - the fear of making mistakes. It is a fact of life, that the younger we are the more risks we take. As we grow older, we begin to fear failure and our tolerance to risk reduces substantially. The challenge is to push through and overcome this self-inflicted handicap.
If we are not willing to take risks and make mistakes, we are not going to improve. Making mistakes is part of life and fear is a natural and essential part of our growth. Every time we face our fears and we consciously choose to step outside of our comfort zone, we develop in so many ways, even if we fail. Trust me, the next uncomfortable task will become a little easier to handle. This fear takes a serious emotional toll on us. If you want to ‘keep sailing’, you must change the way you think and overcome the fear of failure.
I am not suggesting by any means that you need to become an adrenaline junkie, you also need to manage the stress at the optimal levels. Thus, it is good from time to time to come home to your comfort zone to relax, to process the experiences and reflect.
My own encounters
I have embraced this theory and stepped out of my own comfort zone many times throughout my life. Although it was rather painful at times and included many sacrifices. With hindsight, it was all worth it - and paid huge dividends. Let me share some examples of when I stepped out - most of the times unknowingly.
Back in the late 1980s, I decided to leave Cyprus, my home country, and travel to the United States to study. At a time when cell phones, computers, and internet were sci-fi technologies and people still communicated with family and friends with good old 'snail mail'! Moving to a faraway country to study is one of the first major steps out of comfort zone one can take and it is monumental if one does not have the financial means to do so. The challenge becomes greater when one is not a native English speaker. However, I did have plenty of youthful drive, and determination, so I supported myself with odd jobs and pursued academic scholarships. Undoubtedly, my experience of supporting myself throughout my college years boosted my self-confidence and paved the way for a continuous expansion of my comfort zone.
During my studies, I changed my direction many times, from Economics, to Marketing, to Finance, to Accounting and Auditing. I was flexible and open-minded to exploring different disciplines which allowed me to learn more about myself and the world around me. But, as the famous U2 song goes “...I still haven’t found what I am looking for…”.
I worked (and still do) in multinational companies and opened myself (and my family) to international assignments where every 3 years, on average, we had to pack-up and move to a new country, a new role, a new position, a new culture and sometimes even a new industry. Looking back, it feels overwhelming and exhausting and we do wonder sometimes, how we managed to pull through. This difficult road, though, led my family and I, to many beautiful destinations and lifelong friendships! Certainly, this has been, and still is, by far the most significant developmental experience and the greatest leap out of our comfort zone.
I learned a new language, Spanish, during my wonderful time in Madrid. It was challenging, scary and embarrassing to try to converse with my Spanish friends - they laughed a lot! But the more I practiced, the more I learned and gradually I overcame my fears and finally I was able to have meaningful conversations . . . beyond ordering a paella and a bottle of wine!
On the other hand, I tried to learn Russian during my adrenaline-charged time in Moscow, but, by comparison, it was a total disaster! Maybe a combination of the difficult language and lack of time required to commit to this task, took the better of me!
Since I moved to Dubai, I have taken up a new sport, golf. I dare to say that I can now play and even enjoy a good round despite the fact that most of my golf buddies will disagree with this statement. But all the golfers reading this, know how daunting and intimidating it is to walk up to the tee when you are a novice player. You just have to get out there and do it: over and over, and over again, until you develop the skill and confidence. After all you can always take a ‘mulligan’!!
The most recent example of pushing myself out of my comfort zone, has been writing these articles. Overall, I consider myself a very private person and I avoid social media at all cost. So for me, writing and especially posting these articles, is quite frightening as I am openly ‘exposing myself’ to public comments and critique. However, I find that it is very rewarding and creative to use writing as an outlet to express my thoughts and ideas on current affairs and leadership topics. And I have received an overwhelmingly positive feedback and encouragement from my readers to keep writing!
Therefore, drawing from my personal experiences, I believe these are five reasons why we should leap out of our comfort zone:
1. Increases personal growth and development.
Undoubtedly stepping out to the unknown, leads to new experiences. You will not always get it right, in fact, chances are you will make many mistakes in the process. And you will fail from time to time. So what? Recognize that only faced with challenges you grow and develop.
You learn from your mistakes and you expand your repertoire of life experiences. As you continue to move forward, over time you will look back and be proud of yourself. You will realize that your personal development journey has only just begun, you have expanded the size of your comfort zone and became more self-aware…and this leads me to the next reason.
2. Builds self-confidence.
You don’t really know what you’re made of, unless and until, you venture outside the familiar, every day. Starting new projects and taking steps to achieve your goals will have positive effects on your self-efficacy beliefs.
As you push yourself into the unknown and test yourself, you keep learning what you can truly handle. You discover hidden talents/capabilities and/or master new skills. When you eventually manage to cross this uncertainty and come out the other side, your self-confidence is boosted. Enhanced self-confidence is associated with positive thoughts and aspirations, less stress and anxiety. So, it’s all good! You now have more ‘tools in your toolbox’ to face new challenges and opportunities and you have the self-confidence to kick it up a notch and go for it.
3. Enhances creativity.
When you are constantly challenging yourself to try new things, engage in new activities, seek new experiences, meet new people, open new doors, and learn new skills you become fascinated, charmed, and inspired… It’s all new, new, new… and very refreshing!
The process you force yourself to go through when tackling the unknown, and the frustration created along the way, paves the path for brainstorming; it compels you to reconsider your preconceptions and beliefs and view challenges with a new and different lens. Undoubtedly this process stimulates and enhances your creativity to break the routine and meet new possibilities. You’ll be surprised at how creative and innovative you become! And remember creativity and innovation is not always an option – sometimes it is a necessity.
4. Increases productivity.
Use it or lose it: comfort kills productivity, period.
Pushing personal boundaries will help you feel more ambitious, more capable and will certainly help you get more done. You are more energized, more motivated.
You are overwhelmed with the euphoria of achieving/learning something new and this will provide more gas in your tank and make you more productive.
When you start achieving small wins from stepping out of your comfort zone, you start building a natural momentum. And with all the gains in development, self-confidence, and creativity stated before you will become a productivity machine, achieving tasks (in quantity and quality) you never thought possible before.
5. Increases adaptability to change.
If you challenge yourself to do things you normally would not, you train and groom your body and mind to be able to handle change better. It is inevitable that when you build the courage to throw away old habits, you will come face to face with change.
Feeling insecure in the face of change is totally natural. That fear of change provides a warning to our brain that the road ahead will be uncharted and may not be easy. It is important to face the change with a positive mentality. The more you do that, the more you train your mental muscles, the more experiences you gain and the more adaptable to change you become. This will make it easier for you to deal with change in the future.
Only when you are willing to become comfortable with being uncomfortable - and have the determination to win - can you really change, become a high achiever and an effective leader. Good things don’t happen to us because of wishful thinking; they happen to us when we take action, and we create an environment where we encourage our people not to be afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
In my next article I will share my insights on how we as leaders, can create a work environment in which out of the box thinking and getting out of comfort zone is encouraged and nurtured.
We have seen this motto many times: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. It is time to leap out of your comfort zone and to lead the life you are capable of. The choice is yours. Remember you can achieve so much more than you ever believed. Your goals, aspirations and dreams are waiting for you. I hope my five reasons above will help you get there!
Minimally Invasive General Surgeon, Clinical Associate Professor, Basic and Clinical Sciences
3yInsightful and a pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing. You reminded me of Cavafy’s Ithaki: set your sights on your dream, your goal, accept some risk, choose the beautiful road full of adventure and spectacular memories, the road less traveled. In the end the destination may not be what you had imagined, but you will be rich in experiences, memories and wisdom, a life well lived.
Chief Financial Officer - Jameel Philanthropy
3yInsightful indeed. Cannot be better.
Assurance Partner at EY
3yCongratulations John,it is great article!
Thanx John. Enjoyed your article as someone who had a similar life and work experiences. Hey what if there is no box?🤓
Chief HR and Kaizen Officer at Abdul Latif Jameel
3yDear John, Thank you for another great article. Allow me to make some comments and observations : 1. Our biggest enemy is ‘complacency’ which you referred to as the ‘comfort zone’. This is where our edge becomes our ledge. Our readiness to conquer our fear of the uncharted waters is the key to open the door to our full potential by getting out of our comfort zone. 2. In your ‘five reasons to leap out of our comfort zone’ you included ‘change’. I can’t agree more more. For long I truly embraced what I learnt from Jack Welch that ‘change is the oxygen of growth’. To achieve growth this is a fundamental prerequisite. 3. Finally, I loved the quote that ‘Difficult Road Lead to Beautiful Destination’. Good luck to all.