Take a casual stroll through your local Barns & Noble and you are sure to find hundreds if not thousands of books on "Leadership". Business leadership, church leadership, family leadership, how to lead big companies, how to lead small teams, how to lead volunteers. Rows and rows of old books and new books, good books and bad books. All of them giving you different strategies and philosophies for being a good leader, but what actually works? What can you do today that will make increase your leadership capital? I am no expert but I have learned a few things that I know work and if you try them I know you will find them effective as well.
- Leaders eat last- I know, I know, everyone knows this one but it is so very crucial, and not just in terms of actually consuming food but in every aspect of the organization. I have heard it said that the higher you go the less rights you have. The job of a leader is to be the legs that hold up the people following you. So yes, eat last, work the hardest, help the most, take the blame, and give the credit.
- Know where you want to lead- A leader is not a leader unless he/she has followers and a direction. Many leaders are just leaders in position only and have no vision for where they want whatever group they lead to go. Take some time and determine some goals for your team. Where do you want to be a year or ten years from now? Know where you want to lead and lead your people there.
- Lead with grace- "grace"- to give someone something good they do not deserve. Your people are not perfect. They will mess up but how you react says a lot about your leadership. Leading with grace creates a culture of grace and a culture of grace is a positive culture.
- Care for your followers-A leader is nothing without followers. Your people are truly your biggest asset so care for them. But do not just care for them care about them, know them beyond your organization. Support them, pray for them, truly want the best for them.
- Listen-A leader who does not allow input from his/her team is doomed to fail. Allow your team to take some ownership. Ultimately the decisions are made by you but if your team feels heard and valued the sky is the limit.