Florida Gulf Coast Mitigation Bank for Sale
The Florida Gulf Coast Mitigation Bank & Land is FOR SALE. This Freshwater & Saltwater Mitigation Bank provides state and federal Freshwater Depression Marsh and Freshwater Forested credits within SEVERAL BASINS within the Suwannee River Water Management District, Levy County.
Conditions set forth in the Permit for establishing FGCMB and releasing credits include placing and recording a conservation easement over the Property, establishing financial assurances for construction, monitoring, maintenance and reporting, and for perpetual management, as well as implementing a work schedule that includes restoration and enhancement, and a prescribed fire program.
FGCMB is permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the US Army Corps of Engineers.
The Permit for FGCMB requires the restoration or enhancement of portions of the Property that contain habitats that include coastal scrub, mesic flatwoods, freshwater depression marshes, and salt marshes, while preserving existing high quality hydric hammocks, sand pine scrub, maritime hammock, and salt marsh with forested islands and creeks. Enhancement work includes using mechanical methodology and prescribed fire to reduce density and height in oak canopies, and to reduce woody scrub in flatwoods and saltwater marshes. In addition, scrub oaks will be re-established in a former landfill, and the tidal regime in in salt marsh areas will be re-established by replacing four sections of road fill with two low water crossings. Invasive exotic plant species will be targeted for treatment throughout the boundaries of FGCMB. The perpetual management plan will include a prescribed fire management plan.
The financial assurances are Completely established for implementation of construction, monitoring, maintenance, and reporting activities, as well as a perpetual management plan, that are determined by pre-approved cost estimates that are attached as an Attachment B to the Permit.
Environmental Scientist at Lochner
3ySelling swamp land in Florida??? Seems like that's been done before ;)