- Follow UP! -
"There is Gold in them Files" here is a fundamental shift in perspective that can make all the difference:
"Buy or Die - Keep Following Up"
1. Past Contacts:
Top producers never stop working their past contacts, their past end-users, and their past vendors. An originator can increase their current production numbers by 20% by properly working the past relationships.
2. Life-Time Value:
The times of a "one and done" client are over. Look at the Lifetime Value (LTV) of a client. Once they buy - there is a great chance that they will buy again. It might as well be from YOU. Keep in touch.
3. Costs to Acquire a Client:
What is your overall cost to acquire a paying client? Is it less then the LTV? Where can the Margins be improve?
4. Partnering for Success:
Top Originators understand the market is constantly changing and past relationships can be rekindled and become an excellent source of new production in 2024.
5. Bring Value to the Table:
Be that consultant - that goto person in the industry. One that has insights, ideas, solutions.
Call: 307.241.7005
Email: kwest@chbef.com