Following Your Bliss & Finding Your Element
The above title is from two of the greatest scholars that made great efforts to change humanity to its best ' Joseph Campbell and Ken Robinson', in days and era like this we need to follow Professor Malik Bin Nebi division of societies and heed his warning to save whatever we can amid all this death and ruin.
Societies and its people are engaged in one of the following and dwell upon them
Possessions and materialism
People - master and slaves dilemma
Ideas and transformation
The figures of authority will do whatever in their power to keep all society hostages to them 'People - Master and slaves' to maintain their status quo and will divert their attention from their priorities by redefining them as Ali Shariati claimed, their enemy is 'Informed, educated and enlightened beings and citizens'.
Their false prophets will say to the public that their pursuits to better themselves and their societies at every level just like they are doing ' financial, spiritual, educational, health, etc. 'is 'A devil's plot' to kidnap them from being true believers, but after much investigation into them and their lives they're doing the opposite; accumulating wealth, knowledge and on a marriage crusade and one questions themselves of their preaching of
﴾. So (it will be), and We shall marry them to Houris (female fair ones) with wide, lovely eyes ﴿
& heavenly bliss
Do they truly believe in what they preach or practice what they preach?!
It's like Mother Teresa and articles written about her on advising the ill and poor not to cure themselves nor seek means to escape poverty and then admitting to reporters on tape 'She is concerned with increasing the followers of the church and not improving their conditions or making them transformed believers!' And then when she falls ill goes for treatment at luxurious health facilities reserved only for the 1%?!
Or Pope Francis nowadays 'All are welcomed in the church even if it is contrary to the teachings of Christianity and Jesus PBUH!' Is he suffering from the same mental health difficulties beside health ones that Biden is suffering from, and thus selling everyone and God to the devil?! As if the Church needs more scandals and problems beside what it is currently experiencing and its failure in rebranding and improving its worldwide image!
It and majority of Muslim and non Muslim 1% had become like WEF; reinstalling false and satanic teachings imposed on the masses while they live in a parallel universe that is more satanic! I saw a Muslim preacher who was advising all Muslims to refrain from eating but he looked like 'Japan's Sumo Fighters', how did he maintain such weight and health if he is truly practicing what he preach?!
I was listening to John C. Maxwell and that he left his work in Church to work in a new way to transform people and reintroduce God to followers turned into atheists. He said his work with business community didn't mean he gave up on God but a new calling to bring the lost back to God, and counselling and his work at that time was more like 'People are evil, horrible and there's nothing good about them' just like Freud, psychology and psychiatry movement believe about all humanity except the real EVIL CRIMINALS EVERYWHERE! '
I was reading about what made Freud so evil, and researchers say YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND ANY MAN WITHOUT KNOWING 'HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY' Freud a Jew in Europe where all kinds of work and education were forbidden to all Jews and he wanted to appeal to the authority of his era for status and wealth!' The more evil he wrote the more they loved him, drew him closer and elevated him! Maxwell says he wanted to do as humanistic and positive psychology and others believe 'Humans are good and possess untapped levels of talents and strengths that need to be unleashed' and he named his philanthropy with a name representative of that.
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Following Your Bliss - Joseph Campbell
Your soul has a calling and it'll guide you effortlessly to fulfill that purpose and mission with much ease because it's the reason you're created for.
& Finding Your Element - Professor Ken Robinson
It's that one or a number of things that while it takes others ages to do, you have are a master of doing it with so much ease you take it for granted!
People and master and slaves dilemma - house negro's/ uncle Tom's who enslave you and restrain you from moving to the level of
Ideas and transformation
& stay in world of Possessions and materialism - or just to focus on hereafter
Are using with you
Learned Helplessness - Martin Seligman
No matter what you do, you will never change your circumstances because all odds are stacked against you by ' AXIS OF EVIL'!
Let's join the movement of transformation and bringing down the idols that have established 'THE IDOLS OF LEARNED HELPNESSESS' to keep all humanity as slaves.
Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari Al-Kinani a great companion of prophet Mohamed PBUH was 4 or 5th man to believe in Islam and the messenger of Allah and had went through unheard of levels of evil that only was witnessed by the prophet PBUH and his followers to the era of pre Islam, Jesus, other prophets and their followers. He died an outcast, prosecuted, alone and poor as predicted for him by Prophet Mohamed PBUH that they couldn't find people to bury him, yet he fought all his life for Islam and the prophet and endured unprecedented levels of evil, should this be his fate?!
Ask the false prophets/preachers to invite you to their homes and you will find that they are 'The Pope ' Martin Luther has visited and when he found he is not practicing what he preaches he made a new movement of believers! They want us to be Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari Al-Kinani while they are ' 'The Pope ' Martin Luther has visited living in a golden palace where everything is gold!