Forget New Year New You Schemes and Regimes – here are 25 coaching tips on doing very little to get truly big results
Hi Mike,
As the arch Mistress of Creative Loafing I hereby give you permission to do very little right now.
There is a nobility in leisure that in recent years has become distinctly out of fashion. I wish to revive it. We are slaves to time management memes as we scrap and scrape around trying to save seconds, cram in more (of what precisely?) and get shed loads of stuff done. Though we don’t.
The existential to-do list has a sinister secret. It has its own life and it’s one of immortality. It goes on forever and here’s the thing, guys - we will never get “it” all done. “It” being Life, of course.
So as a coach for 22 years I am offering you the alternative balm to soothe the tattered psyche which is to forget the magaziney New Year/New You schtick. This is not the best time of year to work against the elements and try and do more and eat less.
However the bleak winter months can be a very useful time for planning, reflection, rumination and letting go of what no longer serves you.
But if even that sounds like hard work for those of you for whom busyness itself is what life is all about then here are a few simple but profound ways to creatively loaf your way to excellence. Counter-intuitive they may be but good things lie in doing less and living more.
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I picked the course for so many reasons – content, tools, techniques and coaching by the best coaches
The community of student coaches has both motivated me and inspired me – it’s been totally fantastic
We’ve done so much in 8 week and I have even launched my website, started my business and I feel confident in my niche and my coaching abilities now. No more fear in my way. I have even started to lose weight and get healthier!
I needed to be sure of the business side of starting out as a coach and the course completely covered that. I want to create a business success and I wanted to be trained by the best in the industry.
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Carole Ann is an award winning journalist, media consultant and high profile coach, with over 20 years' coaching experience with private clients and major organisations such as the London School of Economics and Play England.
She co-wrote Start Your Dream Business and Find Your Dream Job which are available from Amazon.
She is the winner of 'Best Coach' in the Best Business Women's Awards 2017.
She is also MD of the Pure Coaching Academy which is an accredited (IIC&M) 8 week life coach training course where she trains people to become world class coaches. It includes an inclusive coaching manual which is the handbook of any new life coach when starting out.
As her website boldly states "not just another life coach".
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12moLove this about January- couldn’t agree more 💗