Forgiveness is the Way - by  Dr.Ted Msipa
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Forgiveness is the Way - by Dr.Ted Msipa

Forgiveness is the way to go

This is a brand-new day and I trust you are waiting to exhale as you take your place among the giants.

One of the most difficult things we face every day is forgiveness. We have so many people who wrong us every day. Not that we are perfect ourselves, no, not at all. We have even seen St. Peter have the same dilemma, to the point of asking Jesus what should be the cut-off time for forgiveness. The answer is four hundred ninety times a day. In a nutshell, you must forgive infinite times.

The truth is that we live with other people who are bound to err against us. Therefore, if we are to live emotionally and spiritually balanced lives, we must excel in forgiveness. People are people and they will hurt us, intentionally or unintentionally. The modalities don’t matter, what matters is your response to the whole debacle.

It is important for you to decide that forgiveness is your way of life. God expects you to forgive since He also forgives you. Without forgiving others, He will not forgive you. The worst victim of unforgiveness is not the other person but you.

Allow me to share a few insights on forgiveness below:

1.      The major beneficiary of forgiveness is not God, but you.

2.      Most people are hurting and they will hurt you in life

3.      Without forgiveness we will not be able to realize our full potential

4.      Forgiveness is never about a feeling but a decision

5.      You exercise forgiveness based on maturity

6.      There is no peace treat which was achieved without forgiveness

7.      Forgiveness is the first part of healing

8.      Forgiveness is the best revenge

9.      When you forgive, you do not necessarily forget but you choose to let go.

10.  True forgiveness happens when you remember the issue but it no longer causes you pain.

11.  God gave you a sound mind, so you will always remember what happened, the power is in reflecting and laughing it off.

12.  Forgiveness removes all spiritual roadblocks’; it paves the way for your prosperity and wholeness

As I conclude, I remember what the great Mandela said, he said these words upon coming out of prison. Remember he was imprisoned for 27 years by an unjust and diabolical system. Yet he came out of prison wiser and more inspirational. I now quote him verbatim, ‘As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.’

I hope this week you are going to let go and forgive those you need to forgive. It is time to grow up. Lose yourself and be free. You have the keys to your freedom and mental wellness. Remember God is love, in Him there is no darkness. Jesus Christ has forgiven you and he expects you to spread it to others. Jesus Christ is Lord and is King of Love and Forgiveness. May favor being your portion this week.

Shalom Shabbat

Ted Msipa (Ph.D.) 

Sibongile Komati

Accredited Family Law Mediator & Life Coach




Very profound, but one day we should be honest about how heavy the process towards forgiving can be. Its not just "I forgive you" but a process and 😘 in the end its a beautiful space to be.

I've been inspired here, indeed nothing heals like choosing to forgive and let go and let God. The grudges one holds against the other are chains that hold them prisoners of their own freedom, deliverance, prosperity, inner peace even outer peace being at work, home, society etc Profound.

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