Fossil vs. Solar Energy and Climate Hoax
All living things contain carbon. Carbon atoms move through living organisms, oceans, plants, manufacturing processes, equipment, and the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide production occurs through the respiration of animals, plants, and fuels for operating manufactured equipment. Also, carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere when organisms respire and decompose (decay), rocks weather through erosion, forest fires, and volcanoes erupt. Excess greenhouse gas is released into the atmosphere and traps heat.
Carbon dioxide is a necessary greenhouse gas that helps trap heat in the atmosphere. If too much concentration occurs, then global temperatures may rise. Disruption of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions disrupts the ecosystem of 4.5 billion years in the making. Only a portion of the environmental disturbances is caused by humankind.
Oxygen is a chemical element necessary to sustain all forms of life. Oxygen is essential for living organisms and body cells to function normally; sustaining includes all forms of manufacturing processes and energy combustion. Oxygen is the earth’s third most abundant element after hydrogen (natural gas) and helium. Hydrogen is 1000 times more abundant.
Carbon dioxide and oxygen are necessary to sustain each other. Green plants absorb carbon dioxide through the top of their leaves. New oxygen is created and emitted into the air. Oxygen is released into the atmosphere, which helps grow all living matter. Exposure to light is necessary. The conversion process is called photosynthesis.
The natural cycle of emitting carbon dioxide into the air and conversion into oxygen through photosynthesis has allowed the earth and living organisms to transform into their current state. A delicate balance is necessary to sustain the planet as it is today. The balance has maintained itself over the 4.5 billion years of the earth’s existence.
The balance is constantly disrupted partly by humankind’s intrusion and partly by natural events.
Fossil fuel is hydrocarbon-containing fuel created from decomposed plants and animals. These fuels are located in the earth’s crust, where carbon and hydrogen are converted into energy sources. Coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shale, bitumen, tar sands, and heavy oils are the most common. Fossil fuels may be used up over time and cease to exist.
Climate change is anthropogenic change. Yesterday’s drumbeat, called global warming is now called climate change. Climate change has only been partially human-induced through harmful intervention into the earth’s ecosystem. If there were little or no human intervention, the earth’s delicate ecosystem might not be any closer to balance and sustainability.
Humankind has grown from approximately 20,000 Homo sapiens one million years ago to 8 billion today, with little earthly pushback on the accelerated world population numbers. Homo sapiens is the Latin word for “human” and “wise or astute.” Responding to that question is another article!
At the time of Christ, the world population was about 300 million and changed very little over the next 1000 years. Life expectancy was around 35 years, with high infant mortality rates. The world population reached one billion in 1804, 3 billion in 1960, and rose to 8 billion today. Projections show the population rising to 10 billion around 2050.
The world has an unsustainable population explosion, with the poorest countries procreating at the highest rate. Excess population growth is a massively critical worldwide crisis beyond imagination. But 95% of the population growth is outside the USA and not under our control. Today, the USA has only 4.25% of the world’s population.
However, the government propaganda machine, mainstream media empire, and corporate opportunists promote lies that the USA is the primary driver responsible for climate change. The urgency in their message is about their maintaining power, control, and profits made with products mostly built in China or other Asian countries. These globalists and domestic opportunists are fully aware that they can transfer carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses across the ocean to another continent and pretend they are doing good for the world.
Humankind and natural disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, and droughts have killed millions of acres of green forest. Forest covers 31% of the earth’s surface. 15.5 million square miles of forest land are destroyed each year. Each minute of every day, two thousand four hundred trees are destroyed.
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78% of the greenhouse emissions are from fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes. Emissions are created from manufacturing, land transportation equipment, air flight, ocean transport, Agricultural, and deforestation. Other buildings and land-use changes are the remainders.
The U.S. accounts for about 4.25 percent of the world population, produces about 30% of the global energy, and is responsible for about 28% of carbon emissions. Correspondingly the remainder of the world, 94.75% of the world population, produces 72% of the carbon emissions.
If the USA transfers its manufacturing base to China, the trail of carbon emissions only changes continents to other countries focusing on profit and much less on carbon emissions. China has over 3,000 operating (emissions spewing) coal-fired power plants. China continues to build over half of the world’s new coal-fired power plants. You will only hear emotional outbursts about environmental emissions as though the terrible USA violators created them all.
The current debate is about the direction the U.S. should go to produce energy.
The so-called environmentalists are pushing for solar energy and the modification of the U.S.A. infrastructure as the solution. It just so happens that this group will also become the profit beneficiaries of the work product and oversite for the entire process through their controlled labor union groups. Most environmentalists are labor union members in disguise. The push for massive alterations of building upgrades, manufacture, installation, ongoing maintenance, and repairs can only be performed by labor union contractors; they will undoubtedly scream bloody murder about fairness, which is so self-serving. Labor union contractors’ overall cost may be as much as 100% greater than non-labor unions. But who cares when they have close connections (monopoly status) to the government enterprise and will be spending someone else’s money?
When the government, as the current administration is doing now, announces a bold executive action on behalf of clean energy, the result is always about spending that handy free fiat currency that government creates out of thin air and redistributing taxpayer dollars. Out of 100% of the dollars that government spends, 60% of it is created out of thin air, and 40% is collected from taxpayers. Most folks do not understand this statement! Fifty years ago, the government created only 25% of currency out of fiat and collected taxes for taxed the remaining 75%. Today’s irresponsible actions by the government can only result in massive inflation and a corresponding reduction in purchasing power of each dollar.
The plan for all clean energy projects is to line the pockets of labor unions who do the work and the public employees who oversee the processes. Climate change bills, building back better, clean energy, and retrofitting hundreds of thousands of homes in low-income communities will do little or nothing for those responsible folks who pay taxes, have families, and make an effort to be self-sufficient.
Eliminating the 5000 most common petroleum-based products is virtually impossible. A full-court press of elimination would take 30 to 50 years. How would you like to wake up one day and find there was no more gasoline, oil, automobiles, commercial transport, asphalt, cement, air travel, ships, synthetic polymers, cosmetics, or manufacturing production facilities allowed?
The elimination of most of these products constitutes government-backed tools of tyranny. Elimination would subject the people to government congrol and dependence at all levels. The government would dictate what you can purchase, and consume, how far you can travel, how many resources you are allowed to use, and punish you for infractions or disobedience.
The climate hoax is currently collapsing. Global average surface temperatures have risen only about .17o F per decade since 1901. There is little evidence that global temperatures have risen above a .01o C change.
The most practical solution is to stay the course of fossil energy usage and lace in solar energy replacements when economically feasible. Also, the government should fast-track the development of alternative energy sources such as hydrogen fuel cells and nuclear power plants. Lastly, recognizing emissions is a global problem, not just in the U.S.A as mainstream media wants to portray it. A worldwide strategy is necessary; otherwise, we are just transferring the spewing of emissions to other countries around the world and out of sight of our elite governing and media hounds. You can be sure that their self-serving agenda will be presented as authentic, science based, and fair.
Thank You
Dan Harkey
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