The Founders Journey
This note took me less than 5 minutes to write.
And is the perfect example of The Founders Journey.
My company (and pretty much everything I do) is centered around growth. Personal growth, growing is something I am uniquely curious about.
I had an interview with a woman, and she pointed out that curiosity trumps passion. I 100% agree (BTW, another example of putting myself in a position to constantly be learning). Passion to me can fizzle out, but curiosity is long lasting. Trying to figure out the "why" of something is an indefinite exploration. I have dreams about it.
Which brings me to my point of why writing this note in 5 minutes is the perfect example of The Founders Journey.
I have a workshop on Monday at 11am PST on this very topic. I haven't prepped for it, I didn't put together any slides...I am 2 days out and for most that would appear as if I am ill prepared.
However, this date has been scheduled for over a month now. It's been percolating in my mind. As I've been out, as I eat, as I workout, as I walk my dogs, as I take a shower, as I live my day to day life...I've been allocating slots of time from my mental bandwidth towards the topic of The Founders Journey.
And mostly, it's just me recalling different interactions that I've had. Anecdotes from interviews that I found compelling or interesting. Themes or trends I've noticed after having interviewed hundreds of Founders.
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And then this morning, it came to me.
The format for my workshop.
And it took all of 5 minutes to type it out.
Yes I will maybe spend another 30 minutes to an hour to polish it up and make it pretty, but the bones are there.
And the only way I had that epiphany moment, or that hyper productive 5 minutes - is because I have and will always be curious about the topic I am talking about.
For most people, there is a delineation between work and personal. But for me, life is life. Life doesn't care how you delineate, you are still consuming time. You might as well find a way to spend time on things you care about, or in this instance are uniquely curious about.
For all you current Founders (and future Founders)...find that thing you are uniquely curious about, and keep digging at it. Over time, you'll have stacked hours and hours, days upon days, months over months, and ultimately years of knowledge on the subject matter - and you will eventually become an expert on it.
Happy Saturday!