Four Feet From the Finish Line : Boston Hoppman, Precision Home Group

Four Feet From the Finish Line : Boston Hoppman, Precision Home Group

Every realtor wants a quick sale, an easy transaction that is as stress free as possible.

Our team does everything within our power to exceed these expectations for our clients. However, every property, homeowner, and situation is unique, and listing a home it’s not always as straightforward as you might think.

Last summer, we listed a triplex and got an offer for our client in 14 days!

Everything was looking great and running extremely smooth, until about three days before the closing date.

We got a call from the title company saying that we wouldn’t be able to close because the carport extended over the property line, by matter of about four feet.

My client could not extend the closing date because he was due to leave the country for several months and did not have anyone available to sign for him. Our options were to either cut down the car port, or potentially walk away from the deal.

As you might imagine, anyone who paid money to build something might not jump at the opportunity to destroy it at a moment's notice. My client had paid a fair amount, and it was a perfectly good carport. It seemed just wasteful.

We talked and were looking to figure out ways to salvage the carport by moving the structure over, but time (and money) was not on our side.

After the client decided to cut down the carport, the next challenge was to find a contractor that could complete the job within 1-2 days to meet our deadline.

Did I mention this was during the middle of the summer at the peak of the busy season for contractors?

The stakes were high and the pressure was on! I called a half dozen contractors to find a contractor that was not only available, but qualified for the job.

In less than 12 hours I was able to schedule, and have the job completed enabling us to meet our closing deadline.

You never know what might come up in a transaction, but you just might come out the other side with more knowledge and skills for the future.

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