Four Foolproof Ways to Connect with Others
Have you ever had a moment where you just instantly clicked with someone?
You know ... where you felt connected right off the bat?
I have a theory on why this happens. And it's based on the idea that we have energy that extends past our skin.
In other words, our energy isn't just held inside our bodies. It extends outside our bodies, too.
This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. We've all had the experience of feeling someone's energy (positive or negative) when they walk into a room.
Eventually, we'll figure out a way to measure this (I call it Péra Energy) the same way we figured out how to measure x-rays and infrared energy.
Why do I bring all of this up?
In my workshop titled Unleashing Your Superpower: How to Get the Best from Yourself and Those Around You, I teach attendees how to project positive, optimistic, confident energy.
One of the techniques involves connecting with others people on a deeper, more meaningful level.
Here are some of the ways I teach people how to connect with others (some of which are adapted from this excellent speech by David Brooks):
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I hope those tips are helpful to you. Give 'em a try -- I think you'll like the results.
In other news. I was interviewed by CNN on Sunday for my take on this year's batch of Super Bowl commercials.
You can watch the segment by clicking here or the image below.
As always, thanks for being part of our tribe of executives interested in cutting-edge leadership techniques.
About the Author: Jamie Turner is an internationally recognized author, professor, consultant, and speaker who has helped employees at The Coca-Cola Company, Holiday Inn, Verizon, Mercedes-Benz and others do a better job leading, managing, and mentoring others. To have him speak at your event or organization, email him at: Jamie@JamieTurner.Live
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1yFour very actionable and insightful techniques for connecting with others. For me, fearing the pause is a big one. I also noticed how many people don't ask questions and I often wonder if they are interested!