Framework to deal with Imbalance Classification Problem
🔴 Imbalance Classification
🟠👉 Sampling methods are a very popular method for dealing with imbalanced data. These methods are primarily employed to address the problem with relative rarity but do not address the issue of absolute rarity.
🟠👉 Sampling methods seem to be the dominant type of approach in the community as they tackle imbalanced learning in a straightforward manner .
🟠👉 Data OverSampling methods:
👉 Random Oversampling
👉 ADASYN - (Adaptive Synthetic Sampling)
👉 Borderline SMOTE
👉 MWMOTE - (Majority Weighted Minority Oversampling Technique)
👉 ROSE - (Random Over Sampling Examples)
Will share more later, follow Mukesh Manral🇮🇳 for more details.
🟠👉 Data Undersampling methods:
👉 Random UnderSampling
👉 Tomek Links
👉 NearMiss
👉 NearMiss-1
👉 NearMiss-2
👉 NearMiss-3
👉 Cluster Centroids
👉 Edited Nearest Neighbors
👉 One-Sided Selection
👉 Condensed Nearest Neighbor
👉 Neighborhood Cleaning Rule
🟠👉 Combined Oversampling and Undersampling | Hybrid methods:
👉 SMOTE and Edited Nearest Neighbors | SMOTE-ENN
👉 SMOTE and Tomek Links | SMOTETomek
👉 SMOTE and Random UnderSampling
👉 BalanceCascade
👉 MC-ODG (Majority Class-Oriented Data Generation)
Refer this for more