FREEDOM - Volume 2 - Setting The Correct Expectations
Hey there!
Welcome to Volume 2 of our newsletter, Freedom.
If you're reading this, you're curious about starting something online and making more income than you currently make.
You're looking for a tangible way to reduce your work hours and increase the Freedom possible when you have more cash and time on your hands.
You may be curious and have yet to think it through all the way.
In any event, it's all good news, and you're in the right place.
15 more seconds about what I stand for and who I am.
Who you listen to in life matters at any age.
If any of the below turns you off, we're not the right fit, and it's ok. :)
1. I don't believe in flashy internet guru stuff. I only move forward with proven strategic plans for my business, and I teach others the same.
2. I live well below my means and will show you why it matters more than ever soon. Our businesses will quickly reach over 6 million per year. We live in a simple and small 1600-square-foot condo in South Florida, and we've lived in the BIG house and don't need it.
3. I avoid hustle culture and death with 20-hour work days. It's unnecessary, and I've achieved more than any of my peers while sleeping well and never working more than 5 days per week. I work less and make more now than ever.
4. I believe in good strategic thinking, planning, best practices, testing hypotheses, and moving quickly if something does not work. It's called simple and sturdy business development, and you'll learn all about it.
5. Shoshin, we operate in our community with Shoshin. Shoshin is the beginner's mind. Come in weekly with an open mind and no prejudgment based on past experiences. Open your mind and heart as if you were learning valuable skills for the first time. Come in ready to absorb the weekly lesson and take action 7 Short Days at a time.
6. I often use "7 Short Days" because I believe it profoundly led to my success. Please join me in this philosophy; it can change your life like mine.
People rush into things and stop early because they do not pace their journey. Your journey will be walked slowly with me, 7 Short Days at a time to speed up everything dramatically weeks from now.
7. I have zero fancy cars, jet planes, or ego. I could easily have all 3. I'm on this planet to serve and enjoy all life offers.
You should leave now if you need the YouTube gurus or the flash; you should move on now because I'll bore you to death.
8. I only teach about things I have done and succeeded in, which is the opposite of most online education today.
Ok. I promised a 3-minute read per newsletter, so here is Freedom Volume 2's STEP FORWARD. You'll get one weekly.
If you want to start a new income stream part or full-time, you have a decision to make and a plan to write.
But first, the decision.
Erase any thoughts you've had about this topic and RESET your mind.
Here is the one lesson and step for the week. Consider it, see if you can accept this step, and then move forward with me.
Take your time with this. You're committing to yourself, and this is for the long term in a good way.
If you say yes, I will hold you accountable. :)
This week's STEP FORWARD = Your Decision
This step is designed so that you can commit to a new income stream.
This means you decide to have fun and create something new and exciting. It also means you hold the exact reason you're doing this in your heart, and it can't be the cash; it has to be more meaningful.
Money is not a strong enough driver to get you to the finish line, and this has been proven throughout time. Believe it.
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This decision is not a full-time decision. It NEVER has to be full-time.
Part-time, even a 1-2 hour commitment per week, is my recommendation at first.
You can quickly increase your input as we move forward.
I want you to decide whether to move forward this week or not. You can still read my newsletter, but after this week, we're moving on to an exciting new STEP FORWARD.
I want you to speak to the people in your life about this step.
IMPORTANT: I do not recommend speaking to your employer, no matter your professional role.
Keep this in the family.
We'll review how to communicate with your employer later, and I have several case studies and frameworks I'll share, including mine.
But you should include those close to you so they know what you are up to and hopefully will encourage you.
For me, I spoke to my wife, mother, best friend, and my son. This was 17 years ago now. They were supportive, but some of my client's people were not.
I hope your people are incredible.
In any event, you have to find out who is on board.
Explain what you're doing.
Like, "Hey, I'm reading this newsletter about a guy that left his big shot career to do his own thing. I'm not doing that, but he's teaching his readers how to start a second income stream online as he did, and it's all part-time."
Then review "WHY" you're doing this. New patio? College tuition? New house? Retirement money? Helping aging parents? Church?
Share why you're doing this. Do they want to help? Get them to do this with you if possible; it's fun.
Then ask them for feedback. How do they feel? What are their thoughts?
Then if all goes well and you have the right people in your life, we're good to go.
Take time to make your decision. It's an important one and could change your life.
Share your thoughts with the people it may impact so everyone knows and perhaps helps.
Carefully start with a good reason to do this for more than just the money, and share that with your people.
That's all for now.
See you in 7 Short Days.
P.S. If you want to receive this straight to your email, go to 7SHORTDAYS.COM and sign up for free.
I also send out bonuses to my community there that my LinkedIn folks are not part of.
It's a VIP thing when you go to the website. See you there.