From Abba
Hi my friends! Thomas Griffin here,
I hope your new year is already proving to be the year of the Kingdom manifested in your life like never before. That is, joy, peace, and right standing with God. This morning I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to send you this word.
I remember sitting down recently and I asked the Lord what He wanted to speak. These words flowed like a smooth river flowing and I know it's for you today. Be blessed by this in Jesus name.
Psalm 84:11 “For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”
From Abba's Heart...
“I long for time with you. I'm not upset with you. I'm not angry with you and there is no disappointment in me over you. Everything I've created, I've called good, knowing all things that were, that are, and are yet to come. I'm willing, ready, and waiting to talk with you. I AM constantly aware of your walk.
I'm always mindful of you. My mind is constantly full of GOOD thoughts towards you. I see only the good in you because you are hidden in my Son and He is all goodness. Awaken yourself to the goodness in you. I see it! I see me in you. Those good things in you... well, they come from me. Yes, you are much like your Father. I created you that way from the beginning.
I love the way you love others. I am pleased in how you invest love in others, especially when it's difficult for you do to so. When you love, you are serving in my ministry, to my own, for I AM love. When you love like that, it reminds me of my perfect one, Jesus, as He loved those who would not love Him back from the place of the cross.
One thing I truly love about you is that you always try hard to do what you think deep in your heart will please me. I see that, trust me, I do. David was much like that. I love you uniquely and in time, you will see me as I see you.
Do you know that I am aware of every time you think of me? I’m aware of every time you've thought of me. I'm happy to be on your heart. Your thoughts about me draw me into your life, and I LOVE being in your life. Think on how you yourself just appreciate being considered and how good it makes you feel when others think of you. Well, you make me feel that same way every time you think of me and you think of me more than you give yourself credit for.
I don't feel abandoned by you and you should know that I would never, ever abandon you either. I'm here for the whole race, to see you cross the finish line and enter into eternal love and rest in me. I am both your prize and destination.
Do you want to know what really makes me happy? When you think like my perfect one, Jesus; when you think with thoughts that are like His. He is always about Me, and I am always about Him. We fellowship constantly and He speaks to me about you, even prays for you that I would bring you peace and provision. I AM. Did you know He too, always thinks of you? He brings you up all the time!
I know your struggle with the flesh is hard, while you are yet in your flesh. But let me encourage you, walk in My Spirit! The very same power that raised Jesus, well, I put that power in you also, as you are in Him so therein, you are an overcomer.
The flesh and its battles are just a phase in time. Set your heart on me, and hide yourself in my Son. In time, at the end of time, you will shed the carnal things and all can have uninhibited fellowship as a family. The carnal things are even now fading away, as you set your heart more on me. There is so much joy in the fellowship of our family. It's a place where you belong. It's where you are safe, where you are accepted, where you are loved without restraint. For now, until we are one again, you can find me through My Perfect One. I'm always here and you can come to me through Him. Ask anything in my name and it will be given unto you.
Let your spirit man come alive in you and walk in My Spirit. You are called to do this. To walk in the Spirit! You'll find the toil of your struggles will fade away and I will be the strength in your weakness. The cross is also for you to come alive in me and die to those old ways that brought separation. Choose the cross and deny the flesh, and I will give you new life!
I thought of you and designed you before I even formed the earth. You are still my most beloved and beautiful creation. Yes, above all that is both seen, and unseen, you are still my treasure above all.
I know you were not expecting to hear from me this way, but here I AM, hidden in my Son and accessible by His blood. My arms are wide open. You belong in me and in the fellowship of me and my Son. You are there, but for a moment, and yet, here with me now (in Jesus) in eternity.
Strengthen your inner-man. When you pray, spend time meditating on my words, read my words, and worship me though the fellowship of my Son. You are absent from your present trials and are in my rest in these heavenly places. Draw from that which is eternal to travail through that which is temporal.
Today, I'm giving you an extra portion of joy and peace to walk with. You can come to me anytime for this and I will strengthen you. I've thought of you today and poured out my love in this letter through my own. Be a vessel to pour me out today, too! This world is burning for my love and it needs to be released through you!
I'm so proud of how far you've come and you are looking more and more like my Son. In Him, I am pleased with you. I love you, Abba.”
I bless you in the name of Jesus. This is how I heard His thoughts and felt His heart was towards you today. Share His love!