From the Desk of the Secretary General – October 2023
At the core of the IAIS’ role as a global standard setter lies a commitment to promote effective and globally consistent supervision of the insurance industry, supporting the development and maintenance of fair, safe and stable insurance markets for the benefit and protection of policyholders and to contribute to global financial stability.
A key aspect of delivering on our mission of effective and globally consistent supervision is the finalisation of the Insurance Capital Standard (ICS) – and its consistent implementation across jurisdictions.
The ICS is the global capital standard for internationally active insurance groups (IAIGs) and will provide a common language for cross-border supervisory discussions of group solvency in a world where we face many shared and interconnected global risks.
We are now entering the final phase of the development of the ICS as a prescribed capital requirement (PCR) for IAIGs. Public consultation recently closed on the candidate ICS as a PCR. The ICS is due to be adopted by the IAIS at the end of 2024.
The United States is developing an Aggregation Method (AM) as their implementation of the ICS. Whilst the AM is not part of the ICS, the IAIS is undertaking – in line with the IAIS’ focus on effective and globally consistent supervision – an assessment of whether the AM provides comparable outcomes to the ICS, and if so, will be considered an outcome-equivalent approach for implementation of the ICS as a PCR.
Earlier this month, we issued a statement outlining how the assessment will be conducted. I will personally lead the assessment team consisting of technical experts within the IAIS Secretariat, representing geographical diversity and expertise in both the AM and ICS. The AM comparability assessment will be a robust technical, evidence-based analysis using the comparability criteria agreed in March 2023 and in line with the assessment methodology, process and governance agreed by the IAIS earlier this year.
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The assessment will be conducted using the candidate ICS as a PCR and the Provisional AM for use in the comparability assessment developed by the United States, utilising the 2023 ICS and AM data collection packages that participating insurers submitted in August.
The AM comparability assessment team’s technical analysis will support the IAIS ICS and Comparability Task Force (ICSTF) in making an informed recommendation to the IAIS Executive Committee on the outcome of the comparability assessment. Based on the ICSTF’s recommendations, the final decision on whether the AM provides comparable outcomes to the ICS will be made by the Executive Committee by the end of 2024.
Development of the ICS project has always followed a data-driven, empirically-tested approach. Whilst the assessment of comparability of the AM will be a challenging exercise, given the complex nature of insurers’ balance sheets and capital calculations, it will likewise be driven by a commitment to deliver a technical, robust, transparent assessment that will allow all stakeholders to understand the basis of our assessment and how it will be conducted.
To learn more, read the IAIS statement that was published on 17 October.