From Goals to Growth: How to Close the Year Strong and Set Up for Success in the New Year

From Goals to Growth: How to Close the Year Strong and Set Up for Success in the New Year

As the year winds down, many of us are taking a moment to reflect on our goals - both achieved and still in progress; our challenges, and the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

Studies show that while around 60% of people set goals at the start of the year, only about 8% see them through.

For entrepreneurs, coaches, and mentors, closing out the year with thoughtful intention can make a meaningful difference, not just in reaching specific goals but in creating lasting growth and momentum.

This time of year provides a valuable opportunity to celebrate milestones, learn from setbacks, and refocus our priorities.

By embracing practices that help us close the year with clarity and prepare for the future, we can start the new year with renewed energy and purpose.

In this article, we’ll explore some effective strategies for evaluating the year gone by and creating a vision for success in the year ahead.

We invite you to join the conversation: what has helped you stay on track, and what are your go-to tips for planning the year to come?

Let’s come together to share insights, inspire each other, and ensure that we’re all ready to take on the new year with confidence and clear direction.

Watch the interview here and read the full article below.

Claire Bagehot

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

I have a morning routine that keeps me on track as well as reflecting each day / week etc on my progress to date. So, about September time I'm already planning the next year's achievements and accomplishments. 

This way, I don't need to do what many people try to do and work out what happened over the course of the year, I know intimately where I am at any given moment. 

The end of the year is extremely satisfying for me as I play in the present moment (and enjoy what I've done and who I've become) whilst building the future at the same time. 

I don't need to review the year as such as it's an ongoing process for me.

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

If they haven't already, gather all the gold from successful accomplishments and achievements as well as from things that ''failed'', ''flopped'', ''didn't work'', do the inner work to clear any crud out, and then map out what you need to, want to, desire to and think you will never accomplish - very different energies and levels of thinking, being and moving within action.

Suze Maclaine Pont

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

I have a ritual at the end of November where I look back for three full days off grid. 

On day 1, I first look back at my goals that I had set for the year at the start. Then I journal around why I wanted that, how I approached it and what happened. I write everything that happened, good, bad, ugly, unexpected, then I make a vision board for the past year. 

On day 2, I contemplate on the vision board and what happened and I answer a whole bunch of questions enabling me to see where my survival patterns might still be running the show, where my Divine Self is actually taking over, what patterns are unfolding and how I can see them show up - sometimes in small actions, sometimes in big results. 

On day 3, I then start to journal and vision around what I want to create for the next year and I start to look at what I might need to learn, how that might show up and how I can speed my learning up...

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

By allowing more of who they ARE as human beings into their work, instead of trying to 'make results' so that they feel happy, allow more happiness to fuel the results.,, this process works. I do a version of this every 3 months and at the end of the year this big process, sometimes a full week. We can be so busy 'getting things done' that we often forget that WE are the ones doing it. 

So this self care of 'where am I in all of it' is not just 'important', it IS the actual work. Your clients buy who you are BEING while you do what you do. Never forget that!

Sorrel Pindar

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

For me the best way to reflect on the end of the year is to take time out, stop everything and let my thoughts settle. This means being single-minded about setting time aside which is protected from the demands of the rest of the world!

Journaling can be a useful tool here: Dedicating one or two pages to each month of the year where I can note down the challenges, the things that went well and the things that I would do differently next time.

Then I can look back through the year and see my trajectory from January to December. What was I doing at the beginning of the year and what's different now? How have my vision and therefore my intentions and goals changed? 

This serves as the basis for a projection into the next year, but more importantly it gives me a chance to notice how much I have achieved and the challenges I've faced.

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

Start by recognising that if you live in the Northern hemisphere, it's cold, it's dark and the days are short, so hibernation is important. Respect the cycle of the seasons and take the opportunity to let things sit quietly. New Year's Resolutions are just a way to set yourself up to fail - so don't make any!

January is a good time for reflection and for dreaming. Dream big, without feeling you have to do anything. This is a time to just be. In that state of being, your dreams will start to develop into plans which will eventually become goals and intentions. 

As the days get longer we come out of that slowed-down state. You can start to take action on some of those dreams and intentions. Whatever you do, do it because it feels right at this moment, not because of a need to push. And by March 21st it's time to set some Equinox Resolutions!

Fleur Sclarandis

Instagram: @fleursclarandis

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

By going inward, and doing some self-reflection alone first. Ask yourself specific questions and journal those answers with curiosity and compassion. E.g.: Write what you achieved, what you're proud of, lessons learned, etc. And, then gather together in a small, intimate group that feels safe, with people who are in this arena with you (that is key!), and together share your answers, insights, and intentions. 

There's something really powerful about sharing with others that really brings out ideas, feelings and inklings that only come forth in safe, intentional conversations with like-minded people. Plus, you get lots of encouragement too, and that goes a long way!

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

By taking time to relax, reflect and rest and prioritising that! Remember that it's never really about what you get or achieve or the numbers you make- it's all about who you become and the lives you touch in the process of striving towards your business goals. 

So, once you have made time to rest and stop - because there is power in stopping, and it's when your best ideas come in - come back to your 'why', cut out the noise, and keep it simple. Be sure to make a strategic plan that aligns with your values and how you like to work... but hold it lightly! 

Finally, make time to think and journal about who is 'the future you' who has achieved your desired impact- step into the new year with the confidence that the world needs your dose of authentic magic! No one can do what you do in the way you do it. 

Finally, remember that you have to LOVE what you offer... so follow the excitement and remember that 'selling is simply the transfer of enthusiasm from one person to another!'

Danielle Silverman, MBA, M.A., ACC, CRP

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

For me, the best way is to go back and think about all of the things that have happened throughout the year. I usually write things down, as they come back more easily that way. I start with some of the big things that pop up and usually go from there. In the case of this year 2024, there were many big things, not all of them good. Then I reflect on what happened and how it affected or changed me.

This year started off with a bad accident and it led me to reflect on the value of self-care and self-love. We talk about this very often but seldom do we take action. This was the year that I understood the value of self care. After having coached clients over the years using the story of how, when there is depressurization in an airplane cabin, it's essential to put the mask on yourself first, so that you can be in good enough shape to help others, I found I had to live it myself. 

Ultimately, as human beings, we are alone, even if we are in a partnership. As entrepreneurs, we may have people we work with who support us in various ways, with technology, writing, administration, or other tasks. But we are ultimately responsible for ourselves. There is no one who is going to wave a magic wand and make things happen for us.

When I learned that I would not be having a back operation this year, that turned things around completely. 

Events happen, some of them small, some of them big, some of them good, and some of them not so good. In my case they were not so good, but the lessons I took away from these situations are: 1) Care for myself first if I want to succeed. 2) To succeed means actually doing something. It won't happen by itself. 3) Examine all of the things around me and reflect on what is going on. Reflect on what I need and what I can let go of. Reflect in particular on what is holding me back. What am I holding onto that I no longer need and that is actually weighing on me and keeping me from moving forward. 

I remember having a conversation with someone and telling them that I had just bought a new laptop, but hadn't had time to install everything. It was weighing on me but I had so many other things to do that I didn't consider that a priority. Well, in fact it was not only a priority, it was the TOP priority, because without this new laptop, I would not be able to be productive in what I wanted to do.

I did a lot of re-organizing and getting rid of things this year. Many, many things. From clothes that no longer fit, to files I no longer need to keep. Most of it got cleared away. And in their place came new ideas, new energy, new visions of what could be, and new clients.

This process is what Reinvention is all about. It is about constantly re-evaluating a situation and taking stock. Determining what works and what doesn't work and making a decision about what to keep and what not to keep. It is about breathing life into a system. 

In 2024, I breathed life into my system, into my physical being and my physical surroundings. It created space in my brain and  increased energy such as I have never experienced before.

I highly recommend this kind of deep personal reflection - it begins with awareness and a desire to take care of oneself first.

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

I would start with a reflection on everything that has happened throughout the past year. Journal about it and make a conscious decision to look at each major event and analyze it. Ask powerful questions such as: What worked? What prompted me to say/do/think in a certain way? What feedback did I receive and how did it affect me? What could I have done differently? What would I not change? What went well and what was the reason it went well? Where did I put my energies and where do I really want to put my energies? How can I get more energy? What kind of support do I need?...I could go on. The vision of what we want to do in 2025 will come out of this reflection. Expand your self awareness and awareness of your surroundings.

Look at it as a transformation. What stage of the butterfly are you in? Are you still in the cocoon? Are you the egg, larva, pupa or adult? What does each stage represent and what is the ultimate transformation that you would like to seek.

When I first joined GTeX, I heard Simone say that our Vision is not about what we want to do. Rather, it is the vision of the kind of world we want to live in. I remind myself of this every single day. That is my purpose. To make this place a better world for others. And the only way to do that is to begin by making it a better world for me to live in.

I have to say as well, that much of my own personal reflection worked because I had two very special groups that I met with on a regular basis weekly or twice a week, as well as a supportive community. Being able to share ideas, fears, successes, anything in fact in a safe and supportive space has been critical and most beneficial. I highly recommend finding a small group of people that will support you, defend you, and hold you accountable.

Riikka Manninen

Instagram @reflector_astrology

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

I use mindfulness to clear any limiting doubts, beliefs and mindset blocks. I try to do a daily journaling session where I work through anything that comes up in the moment. Reading through my past thoughts, fears and doubts, and also the creative solutions give such a sense of accomplishment. Wow, I worked through all that and look where I am now!

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

Connecting with the bigger picture of your work is a great way to give direction and motivation for the year ahead. I believe we all are here to answer a calling and serve the greater good. I have a mantra I say before all my sessions: "May I use all my knowledge, skills, wisdom and love for the highest good of all beings concerned. May all your dreams come true and may you be happy, be peaceful, be loved."

Ben Chai

Instagram: BenCHaiOfficial

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

By having daily, weekly and monthly reflections

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

By understanding themselves and what their passions and motivations are.  Once they know these- they would be unstoppable.

Patience Ogunbona

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

Slow down, introspection and consolidate progress whilst adjusting expectations for the new year

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

Be determined to lead your life, not just live it and live well. Understand what anchors you to purpose and fulfilment

Veronica King

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

I have found looking back at what I have and have not achieved has been helpful. My biggest regret is that I have not used my systems records such as my CRM for best use, so I cannot track on paper my results.

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

The best way any entrepreneur can start the New Year is to have a Plan that is executable, for them. Once done, look at whether you are going to need help to execute that plan, and who are the people best placed to help you. This is what I have done for myself.

Paula McNicholas

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

For me it’s answering the questions “what went well” and “what went not so well” but with the emphasis on doing more of what went well. It’s really important to reflect on, and celebrate, the wins you had throughout the year. It’s all too easy for us to focus on the failures or simply to move on to the next goal. Celebrate the wins however big or small along the way.

With your 2025 goals in mind, consider doing the Stop-Continue-Start exercise, this will guide you on which of the activities to focus on for the next year and which to drop.

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

Not only have your goals set for the year but break these down into milestones along the way, month by month. Then plan your strategy and the activities you need to do to achieve these goals, whose help you might need (team, coach, network etc), and consider who you need to BE in 2025, to achieve these goals. What new success habits will you adopt on a daily basis, to keep you consistent in your pursuit of the next level of YOU!

Implement. Be intentional with your time. Take ACTION every day.

Dr Deborah Maw

What is the best way you have found to reflect on the end of the year?

To look at my results, compared to my intentions at the beginning of the year

How can entrepreneurs start the New Year on the right foot?

Write down your desires, not so much your goals, but what you want. Writing down our wants is like writing to Santa with our wishes, the universe will conspire to make them true.

Final Thoughts

Loving the variety of ideas here, from keeping track, regularly, all year to just reflecting at the end of the year.

You may have your own methods, for seeing the year out and preparing yourself for the coming year, that have served you well and it might be worth considering a change.

There are so many great tips that would worth experimenting with, mix things up a bit by testing out different ones.

It just might spark new perspectives, new revelations and new ideas.

In wrapping up, it's clear there's no one-size-fits-all approach to closing out the year and starting the next with intention.

The ideas shared here remind us that the end of the year is an opportunity to not only reflect but also to evolve.

Whether you stick to what’s worked for you in the past or try something new from these suggestions, the key is to approach it with curiosity and an open mind.

After all, every year brings a chance to refine your vision, embrace growth, and set the tone for the journey ahead.

Here's to making the most of it!

Paula McNicholas 🏎️🏁

Law Firm Partners hire me to Double their Profits in Less Hours with Less Stress, and get their Team working as Efficiently & Effectively as a F1 Pit Crew | Profits | Productivity | Business Growth


Great to be a contributor to this article alongside such an esteemed bunch of professionals🎄

Angela Roth

Founder - Succeed From The Start - Where You Matter, and so does Your Message!


This is such a powerful and timely topic! Simone Vincenzi. Reflecting on the year and setting intentional goals for the future is a game-changer for sustainable growth, both personally and professionally. I love the emphasis on celebrating milestones and learning from setbacks, it's such an empowering approach to finishing the year strong and starting the new one with purpose.

Danielle Silverman MBA, M.A., ACC, CRP - Thespian

EXECUTIVE CAREER and TRANSITION COACH - Embrace Change. Rediscover Your Vision. Reinvent Your Professional Path with Purpose and Passion. Create Your Dream Job and Live a Happy Life. WHEN WHAT YOU DO MATCHES WHO YOU ARE.


Simone Vincenzi, thank you for the opportunity to contribute. At the same time, it also helped me take stock and set myself up for success in the coming year.

Claire Bagehot

Peak Performance Coach to Senior Executives, CEOs and Entrepreneurs


I loved hearing from the others as we recorded - so many valuable points, insights and tips.

Claudia Romero

🌟Empowering Productivity & Resilience | Work-Life Harmony Architect | S.O.U.L. System™ Creator ➡️ Unravel Time & Thrive Guilt-Free! and get 8 hours of your week back


Fantastic article Simone Vincenzi, It was great to read the different opinions and so valuable tips given by the professionals interviewed!

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