From Spark To Flame
Every human endeavor, be it of greatness or hideous, starts with a spark in a human mind. Or sometimes, with sparks in multiple human minds! Like in the case of the world famous San Francisco Golden Gate bridge. This bridge which materialized with the design by a team lead by Chief Engineer Joseph Strauss
Thus came into being this suspension bridge which is almost 2 kms long and a quarter kilometer tall! The key to the idea was that spark in the minds of the people to connect the two ends. We do get several such sparks in our minds daily, don't we? What do we do with them?
Sparks for short stories also happen in the same fashion in our minds. And then, the plot builds and becomes a flame that burns within us till it becomes a story and be placed in the hands of our readers in the form of a book, or in front of their monitors, these days!
From spark to flame is where the author's space is. In these days of ubiquity of English short stories everywhere, it takes a lot to create a niche and an image
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Such sparks did materialize as short stories
If you are someone who loves a quick read of around 4000 words in an hour or so as a short story, the book is for you, as it contains 14 such short stories to be consumed at your convenience.
If you would like to talk to me about this book, please feel free to message me in LinkedIn, and I would be glad to chat.
Happy Reading, and keep those sparks alive!