The fullfilling life of a psychotherapist

Did we choose our profession or did it choose us?

The metaphors of an iceberg and a tree seems to be appropriate when I think about my personal and professional life, which are like the roots of a tree connected in the trunk of a tree and expressed by the many branches and leaves which represent our clients, relationships, activities and endeavors.

As for the iceberg metaphor, happiness and a fulfilling life are composed of a piece of ice above the surface and a mountain underneath. Underneath a person's happiness is positive thinking, hard work, failures, sacrifices, beliefs, optimism, hopes, flaws, love, dreams, plans, imagination, tears, effort ... All these help us in our vocation of psychotherapy.

The topics that my clients present with are varied and seem to be in waves -- right now I have 6 clients that are adopted children of single moms. Their problems include "I am not good enough, worthwhile enough -- my birth mom gave me away, did not want me, etc." At the same time I have several woman judges who are dealing with control issues and unsolved issues with a father figure. Then there are the clients who are depressed, considering suicide and unhappy in their relationships and lack of them. These clients are now busy with focussing on resources and positive aspects of their lives.

Never a dull moment. We have chosen an exciting and satsfying profession, or maybe it has chosen us.

Faina Furman

Professional linguist


Not just as a psychotherapist. You were a wonderful teacher who delivered exciting lessons and encouraged her students and younger colleagues to succeed. Thank you!

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