Fundamentals of LEI

Fundamentals of LEI

Ok so admittedly, I'm a little late on this one, unfortunately Covid came and found me again! 

Fundamentals of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

The LEI is a unique 20-digit alphanumeric code identifying distinct legal entities engaging in financial transactions. It was introduced in 2012 by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), a non-profit organization created by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in response to the September 13-14th 2008 financial crisis, also known as the “Lehman Weekend”.

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What does an LEI code contain?

The LEI system is designed to improve transparency and mitigate risks in financial transactions by providing accurate and reliable information about legal entities. It is used by regulators, financial institutions, and other market participants to identify and track entities that participate in financial transactions.

Any legal entity that engages in financial transactions, including corporations, partnerships, and trusts, can apply for an LEI. The application process involves providing basic information about the entity, such as its name, address, and registration number. The LEI is then assigned by a Local Operating Unit (LOU), an organization authorized by GLEIF to issue LEIs.

Once assigned, the LEI is maintained in a publicly available database, the Global LEI Index, which contains information about each entity's legal and ownership structure. This information is updated regularly to ensure accuracy and completeness.

The benefits of using LEIs include increased transparency and accountability in financial transactions, improved risk management, and greater efficiency in regulatory reporting. LEIs also facilitate data aggregation and analysis, which can help market participants make better-informed decisions.

 Regulatory Use of LEI

Heavily used in Financial Industry, Growing adoption of LEI within KYC, AML, and RISK. Currently there 294 Global Compliance & Regulations

Below Is a link that provides an overview of the current and proposed regulatory activities including the use of LEI.


The LEI is the ONLY Globally standardised & Accepted Legal Entity Identifier. 

Solving the issues that institutions are encountering to Identify Legal Entities on a Global Scale.  Heavily recommended by; FAFT, ESMA, EOPA, G20, FSB, Bank of England, Treasury, US Customs, ISO20022, Payments (SWIFT), EMIR, MIFIDII, DODD Frank, ISO17442

What has the LEI solved so far?

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To finish off, the Legal Entity Identifier is an important identification system for financial markets that promotes transparency, mitigates risks and improves regulatory reporting. As the use of LEIs continues to expand globally, it is essential for market participants to understand the fundamentals of this system and how it can benefit their business and to continue with the global expansion the G20/FSB – Public Statement to drive the LEI Ecosystem to 20m by 2027!

LEI issued as I write this 2,366,664

Nathan Tourret

Transforming Global Trade, Compliance & Onboarding with LEI (Legal Entity Identifiers)


Great article Tobi


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