Welcome to the Association for Coaching’s (AC) Newsletter. In this week’s edition:
Discover why Team Coaching is so important to the future of an ever-changing world
Georgina Woudstra and Allard de Jong, believe that the greatest advancement in the history of coaching is team coaching and mastering the art of team coaching is essential for the future of our profession. As two passionate pioneers of Team Coaching, they join the AC in creating our latest podcast series: Is the Future of Coaching Team Coaching?
You may or may not agree with them, but join them on the 6th of February to hear why they believe Team Coaching matters so much, what real team coaching is and how it is done.
“Team Coaching achieves sustainability better than other approaches because it asks that teams take ownership of its own processes and ownership of its own learning.”
Allard de Jong
Listen to the podcast series here (after 230pm on 6 February)
Want to know more about Team Coaching and experience it with two experts? Look no further!
Team coaching involves making real-time interventions as a team performs real work, generating in-the-moment awareness, immediate shifts in behaviour, and sustainable improvements in effectiveness and results.
Join us for this action-packed two-part webinar series, starting on 2 February and led by Alexander Caillet, CEO and Founder of Corentus and Nancy Nachbar, Team Coach and Facilitator. Learn about the various frameworks and models team coaches integrate and employ in their work, including team diagnostics and methods for measuring impact at the individual, team and organizational level.
Recommended by LinkedIn
“Teams need to be able to become very quickly aware of how they are working and to be able to make adjustments in the ‘how’ and that’s what team coaching does.”
Nancy Nachbar
In a recent LinkedIn Live session, Alex and Nancy explained more and provided a wonderful taster to the webinar series. You can watch a short clip of the session here or watch the full LinkedIn Live session here.
If you would like to find out more and register for this webinar series click here.
This is available to members and non-members and will count as 2.5 hours of CPD.
“Purpose, philosophy and stance are the three key elements that make up the identity of a team coach.”
Georgina Woudstra
In the latest edition of Coaching Perspectives magazine, Georgina Woudstra dives deeper into your identity as a Team Coach by examining why your philosophy, purpose and stance matter. In this thought-provoking article she looks more closely at these three elements, recognising the challenges of Team Coaches and what may get in the way of us being our effective.
Subscribe to Coaching Perspectives magazine here to access all past and current editions.
(Members of the Association for Coaching have access to the digital Coaching Perspectives Magazine on demand.)
We hope you enjoyed this newsletter and encourage you to explore our wide variety of resources. If you have any questions or would like to contribute to our podcast, digital learning, or magazine, please email us at
The Association for Coaching (AC) is a leading independent, not-for-profit global professional body dedicated to promoting best practices and raising awareness and standards of coaching worldwide. Our purpose is to inspire and champion coaching excellence, advance the coaching profession and make a sustainable difference to individuals, organizations and society.
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Clark Kent’s phone booth for when you need new perspectives and to connect with yourself/yourselves - passionate team-builder and facilitator.
1yyes I do agree. The results are more solid with team coaching. The is something flawed in the 1-2-1 approach when it comes to supporting collaboration.