GAAP Advisors TASK Weekly Newsletter - Enabling Excellence in Financial Reporting in India | 96th Edition

GAAP Advisors TASK Weekly Newsletter - Enabling Excellence in Financial Reporting in India | 96th Edition

It gives me immense pleasure welcoming you to the 96th edition of GAAP Advisors TASK Weekly newsletter. Hope you have installed GAAP Advisors Android App and took TASK (Test Accounting Standards Knowledge). If not, request you to Download and Install GAAP Advisors App and Start TASK Solo. Readers who do not use android mobile can login / register on and Start TASK Solo.

Book 30-minute online meeting slot for one-on-one consultation with CA Manish C. Iyer on Indian GAAP, Ind AS and IFRS

I thank all 12200+ subscribers on LinkedIn and request them to kindly provide feedback on what section of the newsletter you find informative and what changes you would like to have in the newsletter by adding your comments to the post publishing this newsletter. 

A humble request to all readers of this newsletter. Kindly reflect on the knowledge obtained through this newsletter. If you consider the newsletter has created value, please contribute your desired amount by scanning the QR Code towards the value created by the newsletter.

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The views expressed herein are the personal views of the author and are not binding on the reader. The reader is requested to seek the help of an expert before taking any action or refraining from any action based on the views expressed herein.

This edition of newsletter has the following sections:

+ Why register on GAAP Advisors

+ Scholarship for CA Students securing Rank 1 in TASK Solo

+ 16th TASK Room

+ From Issue Repository – Measurement of Investment in Equity Shares

+ Standards Applied for Responding to Issues This Week

+ From Review Repository – Non-compliance with Ind AS 1

+ From Accounting Policy Repository

+ From Key Audit Matters Repository

+ Note of Thanks

Why Register on GAAP Advisors:

Registration is free. On registration, you get 48 hours subscription access to Wealth of Knowledge on Financial Reporting in India in your Pocket available anytime and anywhere:

1. TASK Repository - Play the learning Game on Ind AS and Indian GAAP with TASK. 17000+ Question Bank. Share your certificate and get recognised for your skills on Ind AS and Indian GAAP

2. Issue Repository - 4400+ issues and responses on Indian GAAP and Ind AS. Submit issues on Indian GAAP and Ind AS for Free

3. Accounting Policy Repository - 7400+ Accounting Policies

4. Key Audit Matters Repository - 2300+ Key Audit Matters

5. MCQ Repository - 1200+ Multiple Choice Questions and their responses

6. Term Repository - 900+ Terms defined with comparison between Indian GAAP and Ind AS

7. Financial Statements Notes Repository – 100+ Notes tagged with applicable standards, paragraphs of standards, components of financial statements, related line item etc.

8. Active Standards Referencer – Text of all Ind AS and Indian GAAP tagged with relevant Issues and Notes

Further, if you update your profile with your birthdate, you get free access to all repositories on your birthday. Moreover, daily 2 registrants are selected randomly and awarded free access to all repositories. See the section on Daily Winners to know the names of the lucky ones.

Scholarship for CA Students securing Rank 1 in TASK Solo

•          Student securing Rank 1 in TASK Solo will be given cash award of ₹7000

•          Award will be distributed on the first of every month. Assessment will be done on the morning of first of every month at which time the successful awardee will be announced. If more than one secures Rank 1, the sum of ₹7000 will be shared among them equally.

•          One student can claim an award in more than one month but not consecutive months. Thus, a student who has secured Rank 1 on morning of 1 November 2023 at the time of announcement of the award and retains the rank on 1 December will be awarded only for 1 November 2023. However, if another student secures Rank 1 on 1 November and the former student secures Rank again on 1 January 2024, the former student will be eligible for cash award of ₹7000 again.

•          To Start TASK Solo, click If your login is not active, kindly login / register for free on and Click Start TASK Solo

16th TASK Room

Scan the QR Code to request participation in 16th TASK Room on 14th October 2023 starting at 12pm IST from and secure Rank 1 to be awarded ₹3000 in cash. If more than one secures Rank 1, the cash award of ₹3000 will be distributed equally among them. TDS applicable. To know about previous TASK Rooms please visit our YouTube Channel  (1) GAAP Advisors - YouTube.

Are there any participation fees?

Participation in TASK Room and TASK Solo is free

Subscription is required if the participant is interested in knowing the reason for his response being inconsistent and to view detailed report of his / her performance for questions from each repository.

About Test Accounting Standards Knowledge (TASK) Rooms

•A TASK Room is a Virtual Room. A group of participants can Test Accounting Standards Knowledge in Virtual Room. There can be multiple TASK Rooms at a time. TASK Room is a virtual test centre on

•TASK Rooms enable small and medium audit firms and companies to excel in financial reporting by enhancing the skills of accounts and audit team in Ind AS and AS. TASK Rooms helps students to take a regular check of their skills on Ind AS and AS application. 

What is the use of TASK Rooms

•TASK Rooms can be used: 

a. during interviews to select candidates with skill sets on financial reporting standards in India;  

b. as training tool to upgrade the skill sets of accounts and audit team; 

c. in webinars or seminars as an instant test for participants; 

d. by students to continuously check their skill sets on application of financial reporting standards in India; and 

e. for many more purposes 

Can you create your TASK Room?

• You can Create your own TASK Room.

• Create unlimited number of TASK Rooms as a manager in minutes by subscribing to TASK Repository for less than ₹500.

• You get a choice to publish your TASK Room on Open TASK Rooms page on Participants can request participation in TASK Room by scanning QR Code generated automatically from Open TASK Rooms page

• TASK Rooms published on Open TASK Rooms page are also published in this newsletter

How to practice to secure Rank 1 in TASK Room:

•Practice TASK Solo to win in TASK Room

•Practice makes a man perfect

•One who sweats more in Practice bleeds less in War

•Consistency is the mother of Mastery

Practice TASK Solo consistently

From Issue Repository – Measurement of Investment in Equity Shares - Issue Id: 2723 - Framework: Indian Accounting Standards:

Facts of the Case as submitted by the querist:

We are an Ind-AS phase II entity.

We had invested 25000 00CU in an entity which was not our subsidiary, joint venture or associate. The par value of such investments is 10000 CU. It is currently recorded at 25000 CU

We can not assess the fair value of such investment as per Ind-AS.


How will we record such investments in absence of fair value ?

Take necessary assumptions where ever necessary with solution to alternative assumptions also.

Kindly guide.

GAAP Advisors Response:

The querist has raised an issue on investment in equity shares of a company that is neither a subsidiary nor a joint venture nor an associate. Therefore, as per paragraph 4.1.4 of Ind AS 109 Financial Instruments, those investments will be required to be measured at fair value. The querist has indicated that the company is not in a position to assess the fair value of the investment as per Ind AS. However, the querist has not indicated any reasons for such being the position of the investor. Appendix A of Ind AS 113 Fair Value Measurement defines fair value as under:

The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.”

Paragraph 21 explains as under:

21       Even when there is no observable market to provide pricing information about the sale of an asst or the transfer of a liability at the measurement date, a fair value measurement shall assume that a transaction takes place at that date, considered from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset or owes the liability. That assumed transaction establishes a basis for estimating the price to sell the asset or to transfer the liability.”

Therefore, absence of observable market cannot be an excuse for not being able to measure fair value.

Paragraph 87 of Ind AS 113 states as under:

Unobservable inputs shall be used to measure the fair value to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, thereby allowing for situations in which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability at the measurement date.”

Therefore, absence of observable inputs is not permitted for not being able to fair value the investment. Paragraphs B5.2.3 – B5.2.6 of Ind AS 109 provides guidance on measurement of investments in equity instruments as under:

B5.2.3 All investments in equity instruments and contracts on those instruments must be measured at fair value. However, in limited circumstances, cost may be an appropriate estimate of fair value. That may be the case if insufficient more recent information is available to measure fair value, or if there is a wide range of possible fair value measurements and cost represents the best estimate of fair value within that range.

B5.2.4  Indicators that cost might not be representative of fair value include:

  1. A significant change in the performance of the investee compared with budgets, plans or milestones.
  2. Changes in expectation that the investee’s technical product milestones will be achieved.
  3. A significant change in the market for the investee’s equity or its products or potential products.
  4. A significant change in the global economy or the economic environment in which the investee operates.
  5. A significant change in the performance of comparable entities, or in the valuations implied by the overall market.
  6. Internal matter of the investee such as fraud, commercial disputes, litigation, changes in management or strategy.
  7. Evidence from external transactions in the investee’s equity, either by the investee (such as a fresh issue of equity), or by transfers of equity instruments between third parties.

B5.2.5  The list in paragraph B5.2.4 is not exhaustive. An entity shall use all information about the performance and operations of the investee that becomes available after the date of initial recognition. To the extent of any such relevant factor exist, they may indicate that cost might not be representative of fair value. In such cases, the entity must measure fair value.

B5.2.6  Cost is never the best estimate of fair value for investments in quoted equity instruments (or contracts on quoted equity instruments).”

Therefore, considering the above guidance and principles, the company must consider whether cost can be representative of fair value of investment. If not, the company will have to measure the investment at fair value using unobservable inputs.

Standards Applied for Responding to Issues Submitted on This Week

No Issues were submitted on this week

Issues in Issue Repository can be searched based on:

1. Framework – Accounting Standards or Indian Accounting Standards;

2. Standards in the selected Framework;

3. Paragraph no. in the selected standard;

4. Issue Id; or

5. Keywords.

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Your subscription to Issue Repository will let you –

1. access an ever-growing repository of issues and responses on Indian GAAP and Ind AS, already 4000+.

2. submit unlimited number of issues of Indian GAAP and Ind AS.

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Register now on and get 48 hours of free subscription access to all repositories which includes the benefit to submit issues.

Book 30-minute online meeting slot for one-on-one consultation with CA Manish C. Iyer on Indian GAAP and Ind AS

From Review Repository – Non-compliance with Ind AS 1

Components Impacted: Statement of Changes in Equity

The company has disclosed the following in Statement of Changes in Equity:

Paragraph 106 of Ind AS 1 states as follows:

“An entity shall present a statement of changes in equity as required by paragraph 10. The statement of changes in equity includes the following information:

(a) total comprehensive income for the period, showing separately the total amounts attributable to owners of the parent and to non-controlling interests;

(b) for each component of equity, the effects of retrospective application or retrospective restatement recognised in accordance with Ind AS 8;

(c) [Refer Appendix 1]

(d) for each component of equity, a reconciliation between the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period, separately (as a minimum) disclosing changes resulting from:

(i) profit or loss;

(ii) other comprehensive income;

(iii)transactions with owners in their capacity as owners, showing separately contributions by and distributions to owners and changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of control; and

(iv) any item recognised directly in equity such as amount recognised directly in equity as capital reserve with paragraph 36A of Ind AS 103.”

Para 106 of Ind AS 1 requires that an entity discloses changes resulting from transaction with owners in their capacity as owners, showing separately contributions by and distributions to owner and changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do no result in loss of control. This disclosure is not required by Division II or Division III of Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013. In my view, this is the reason that companies miss out on this disclosure. I request National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) and The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India to look into all disparities between Ind AS requirements and requirements of Schedule III and align them at the earliest. The company has not disclosed changes resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity as owners, showing separately contributions by and distributions to owners. Accordingly, the company has not complied with the requirements of para 106 of Ind AS 1. Due to this, Statement of Changes in Equity has been impacted.

From Accounting Policy Repository – Derecognition of Intangible Assets -Policy Id: 7578

As reported by Company:

An intangible asset is derecognised on disposal, or when no future economic benefits are expected from use or disposal. Gains or losses arising from derecognition of an intangible asset, measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset, are recognised in statement of profit and loss when the asset is derecognised.


The company shall disclose the policy on derecognition of intangible assets from accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2023 only if meets the test of material accounting policy information. This could be a case where the derecognition of intangible assets involves significant judgements or assumptions that the company has disclosed in accordance with paragraph 122 or 125 of Ind AS 1.

From Key Audit Matters Repository - Key Audit Id: 2305 – Impairment testing (as reported by component auditor for one of the associate) – Views of readers are invited):

Key Audit Matter:

Refer Significant Accounting Policies and notes 9(i) to the consolidated financial statements

The management of Stelis (an associate of the Group) has assessed the annual impairment of CGU (which includes intangible assets under development and assets relating to Unit 1 – Research and Development Unit and Unit 2 - Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisation (CDMO) as at March 31, 2023.

The carrying value of the CGU is tested by the management of Stelis atleast annually for impairment, or more frequently if the events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset might be impaired. The evaluation requires a comparison of the estimated recoverable value of the CGU to the carrying value of the assets in the CGU. The management of Stelis has involved external specialist to carry out impairment assessment.

It is considered to be a key focus area by the component auditor because of the significance of the balance and the significant estimates, judgements and assumptions involved in impairment assessment by the management of Stelis, such as:

• Obtaining adequate financing to fulfil the Company’s development and commercial activities,

• the risks associated with development and obtaining regulatory approvals of the Company’s products,

• generation of revenues in due course from the product portfolio and contract manufacturing,

• attainment of profitable operations,

• discount rate

• probabilities applied to the revenues which also factors Stelis management’s best estimate of possible delay in product development cycle and regulatory approvals.

How was the matter addressed by auditor?

The principal audit procedures performed by the Component auditor, among other procedures included:

• Obtained an understanding of the Stelis Management’s process for impairment assessment of the carrying value of assets of the CGU.

• Evaluated the design and implementation of the relevant controls and carried out testing of the Stelis management’s control around the impairment assessment.

• Inquired with management of Stelis to understand the factors considered when performing the impairment assessment including the rationale for the events and circumstances considered based on strategic plans of the entity (business revenue projections), consideration of economic and industry matters and the factors considered regarding the overall value in use conclusion.

• Evaluated the competence of the Stelis management’s expert and the key assumptions considered in the Stelis management’s estimates of future cash flows.

• Involved independent valuation specialist to assist in evaluating methodologies, terminal growth rate, the discount rate applied, which included benchmarking the weighted average cost of capital with sector averages for the relevant markets in which the CGU operates and considering Company specific factors and other key assumptions considered in the calculations;

• Compared the historical cash flows (including for current year) against past projections of Stelis management for the same periods and gained understanding of the rationale for the changes.

• Involved valuation specialists to evaluate the discount rate used in the calculations;

• Compared the historical cash flows (including for current year) against past projections of Stelis management for the same periods and gained understanding of the rationale for the changes;

• Performed sensitivity analysis on the key assumptions within the forecast cash flows and focused our attention on those assumptions we considered most sensitive to the changes; such as revenue growth during the forecast period, the terminal growth rate and the discount rate applied to the future cash flows.

• Ascertained the extent to which a change in these assumptions, both individually or in aggregate, would result in impairment, and considered the likelihood of such events occurring.

• Tested the arithmetical accuracy of the computations.

• Assessed the accounting principles applied by the Company and adequacy of disclosures in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards, applicable regulatory financial reporting framework and other accounting principles generally accepted in India.

Note of Thanks

GAAP Advisors thanks all 12200+ subscribers on LinkedIn and other readers of newsletter for taking their time out in knowing how  GAAP Advisors enables Excellence in Financial Reporting in India. I request all subscribers to kindly provide feedback as to what made you subscribe this newsletter, what sections of the newsletter you read the most and what changes you would like to have in the newsletter by adding your comments to the post publishing this newsletter. GAAP Advisors thanks all subscribers of repositories for contributing to support the mission of spreading the knowledge and awareness of financial reporting standards in Collaborative Manner Creating Value For All. GAAP Advisors thanks all participants of TASK for spending time in learning financial reporting in India. GAAP Advisors also thanks all 2700+ registrants for their faith in the repository services rendered by GAAP Advisors. A humble request to all readers of this newsletter. Kindly reflect on the knowledge obtained through the newsletter. If you consider the newsletter has created value, please contribute your desired amount by scanning the QR Code towards the value created by the newsletter.


Confessing at the outset that being more or less a novice /stranger to the intricacies of the TOPIC dealt with: Me have my independent critical viewpoints, founded mainly on the so believed COMMON SENSE, shared with others more knowledgeable, with a high Profile. For whatever its worth, a sample of related Posts in my personal BLOG ('swamilook'), if so wish, may be viewed @

CA Manish C. Iyer

Financial Reporting Advisor | Ind AS, IFRS and Indian GAAP | Author | Independent Director


Naresh Kataria Thank you so much for spreading the word

CA Manish C. Iyer

Financial Reporting Advisor | Ind AS, IFRS and Indian GAAP | Author | Independent Director


Dr. Ashok Kumar Dubey, Sagarmal Pareek and Vinod Kashyap Thank you so much for spreading the word

CA Manish C. Iyer

Financial Reporting Advisor | Ind AS, IFRS and Indian GAAP | Author | Independent Director


Juin Chakraborty Thank you so much for spreading the word


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