Gaara Vulnhub(walkthrough)
Gaara Vulnhub(walkthrough)
01.) Target Discovery with Nmap
02.) Web Enumeration
I got this wallpaper on the web page. Nothing else, so now time to brute force the directories.
For directory brute-forcing I used gobuster.
‘/Cryoserver’. This looks interesting in the output. Let see on the web browser.
The page was blank but If you see in the source code their three entries for the web page.
I use /iamGaara
These three pages have the same content. After enumerating the webserver and these three web pages. I got nothing.
03.) SSH Brute Forcing
Then I tried to brute force the ssh login with the username ‘gaara’. I was not sure that gaara is a user, but then I thought let’s give it a try.
And Success I got the credential gaara:iloveyou2.
04.) Privilege Escalations
To escalate the privilege I fired the find command to find the suid bit binaries through which I can become root. You can use this
And I got one. GNU Debugger(GDB) has the suid bit and I can get the root shell with it.
To get the root shell I fired the command that I mentioned below
gdb -nx -ex 'python import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-p")' -ex quit