The gene edited baby is a reality now

The gene edited baby is a reality now

The purpose of this article is to show how history repeats itself, how we haven't changed, how we think we are sooo ahead of our forefathers, when we are not. Also within the next 10 years, we are going to have a lot more gene edited babies, regardless of what happens now. The genie is out.


I know all of you read and watched the news that Chinese scientist He Jiankui has created the world's first gene edited baby using CRISPR. You know because unlike scientists doing peer review, and then publishing it in obscure journal, and then telephoning journalists to point at it and then explaining the concept in great detail(very lengthy process), he just posted it on Youtube.

He did it bang ahead of the Hong Kong Gene conference. Newspapers reported the outrage generated on it as "Gene conference slams trial". Some journalists are still looking for a more powerful expression than "slam"

Haven't seen it?

Well here you go. Watch the video, and then keep reading, for this is a genie that is not going back in the bottle.

So what has he done?again?

He has used a very cheap and popular gene editing technology to edit human genome in an embryo of a human baby. No, he didn't kill a baby, or give babies injections. He took the human embryo, which is like 2 cells and edited the genes inside them. (Replaced one sequence of proteins in the gene with another)

After this gene editing, he claims that the newborn babies are now resistant to AIDS. Here i would want to remind my readers (only so that they don't flame me on comments later) that path to hell is paved with good intentions. what's the big deal? Its like vaccines...right?

No its not. With vaccines, your body is taught how to fight the germs by introducing a very weak form of disease forming bacteria. What he has done is changed the fundamental DNA of the baby. This means the baby and all the future generation of that baby, forever in time are going to carry genes impacted by his edit.

It's a BIG deal. Because we don't understand the larger impact of such experiments on humans. What he has done is artificially MUTATED (Now you got it, right) the genes of this baby and every baby in this genetic lineage.

So why is it a problem.

Well, if you are like me and live on Sci-Fi, then you know what happened in my super fav film Gattaca. In the film, gene editing is normal to produce designer babies. Our protagonist wants to be an astronaut but his gene report show that there is a flaw in his genes. This flaw means that there is a PROBABILITY that he will not be able to handle gravity and his heart will give in. And based on a probabilistic occurrence, he is denied the opportunity. The protagonist is hell bent and how and what he does is the story.

If editing is allowed in our world then sociologists, government, people fear that people with resources will be able to design super babies for themselves while poor will suffer. Imagine if you can pay for a baby thats never going to have a disease. All of a sudden your decision making priorities will not cover medicines.

A large part of our society works because even the richest of the rich is a human with same failings and so while we may be different bank balance wise, we are the same biologically. If that stops being true then it will mean that the humankind will split into two kinds of people. The normal people with normal genetic weaknesses/strengths, and supermen who will be able to run faster, think more, live longer etc. Sociologists fear that this will break the society human achievement.

Well if you have seen as much Star Trek as I have(which is everything), then you will realize what happened in "The wrath of Khan" can happen to us. Khan noonien singh is a character who is created on earth as super beings, but these superbeings start looking at normals as inferior and try to take over earth (Sigh...yeah Nazi overtones).

To understand the issue, these two movies are must. Its very easy for genetically engineered people to start thinking of themselves as a "Race". You know how that works, and honestly, who needs one more way to divide the world. We already have enough.

I mean if you look at us from an alien's perspective, we are people who have drawn lines on the ground and we fight over it. Not for any other animal, or fish or whales or birds. Lines for us. It's just humans can't live with humans. Everyone else is pretty fine. If a tiger sees a gazelle, he WILL kill the gazelle. But for us, on some days we may kill the person on the other side of the line, and on some days we won't. An alien will be thoroughly confused. Reminds me of Albert Camus that "hell is other people".

There is another problem. The problem of ignorance. We still don't completely understand evolution. We don't know that how changing gene sequence of humans artificially will affect us. We don't even understand genes completely.

We understand very little about how Genes actually work

Let me illustrate how we have understood genes till now with the great "Human Genome" project with a silly example. Suppose you entered a meeting room, which had 10 switches on the wall and you wanted to switch on lights. How would you find the switches if there is no marking? You will flip each one by one and see which ones light up the bulbs.

But will this tell you what other switches did? May be one of them was just a silent alarm to the pantry. This is how we have understood the genetic sequence. This is why you still keep on getting news on "The gene sequence for XYZ has now been isolated".

We humans have this habit, that if someone gives us iron, we will first make swords, before we make ploughshares. Anyways... so how is it same as history? have we done this before?

How is it same as history?

Let me tell you a story. You know we got the birth control pill in the 1960's? You know it was invented by a scientist called Gregory Goodwin Pincus. When the pills were released, there was a huge hue and cry. Even now birth control is a major vote gainer/loser in politics. Other countries like India, huh, we just implemented it without a debate. We know its good. Not so in other countries, where this was seen as anti-religious.

Dr. Pincus was also the first guy who did the world's first successful IVF (In vitro fertilization, Test tube baby, Artificial fertilization in a petri dish) using a rabbit in 1934 at Harvard. When his research of producing bunnies artificially broke, the press was livid.

You know Dr. He is just being "Slammed" right now.

In 1934, the world had a little different political mores.

Not only Dr. Pincus LOSE (as in fired) his Harvard tenure, the press called him all sorts of things, mostly based on his religious beliefs.

I would take being "Slammed" any day over that.

(below image from: Reproductive Rights and the State: Getting the Birth Control, RU-486, Morning-after Pills and the Gardasil Vaccine to the U.S. Market by Melissa Haussman)

Similarly in the case of Dr. He, he has been fired. His decision making has been called in question, just like 80 years ago.

So what now

Well Dr. Pincus produced a rabbit in 1934 via IVF which got him fired and slandered. He still kept on working in the same field and moved to UK. His research was funded by Rothschilds. Actually there were many other similar researchers in that age being funded by likes of Rockefeller foundations, Macy foundations etc. So nothing stopping our super rich from doing it today.

The technology for CRISPR had been known for sometime. What Dr. He did, could have been done many years ago. So it is not a technological marvel per se. But it's an ethical boundary crossed as a scientist. (Uhh... thought crossed my mind that what if we edit the color out of human race..anyways..continuing)

Actually i should correct that. Thousands of people in the world could have secretly done what he did, and none would have been any wiser. The technology is cheap and accessible. Who knows but there might be designer teens among us, and just the scientist never declared due to a backlash.

What Dr. He did was to show the courage to DECLARE that he has done it. So he has become the first now. He is immortal now, for every textbook ever since will mention him. How they will mention is to be seen. But in human history, it is no less than what Armstrong did by landing on the moon.

What's more is that this is the first thing of this magnitude done in Asia.


What Dr. He has done is started a secret race. There will be people who will replicate it. After Dr. Pincus was ostracised for the IVF in 1934, the first IVF baby was born some 44 years later in 1977 and hailed as a miracle. We all remember dolly the sheep, which was cloning. The arguments were same as are being forwarded now for Gene Editing.

As time passes, we will grow comfortable with the idea. We always do.

At today's pace and social media, an interested party who would want to change the public opinion on Gene Editing will be able to do it inside of 10 years (I predict)

So don't fight the Idea. You will see this becoming normal in your life time. For a simple reason. There is an Icarus in all of us and this guy has unleashed the cheat code. How many people with means will be able to resist over some moral argument. People do many more worse things for a lot less.



  5. Book Reference: Reproductive rights

The views expressed here are my own, and don't reflect the views of any of my employers, present or past.


Vikram Karthick

Chief Digital Officer - Adani Ports and SEZ


Excellent write-up..... In a not so distant future: "oops, red eyes. can he see though?"

Md Sarfaraz Ansari maasallah




danaji Walake

Student at



Jairaj S.

Web Development/Design/Consultancy


The scary part is the reason the gene was edited to make the baby resistant to AIDS. Now that's the scary part how? Vaccines were trying to emulate the same as the drug that inhibits protease but protease is very important for certain functions in the body, but that is written of as side effects which can kill a person. Now the vaccine and this gene editing aims at doing this It's like cancer sugar feeds cancer they say, but sugar rather glucose is the fuel of even healthy cells.

Vinoth Kumar

Singapore worker at Cementai s.e.a.pvt ltd


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