General blows with vehicles stay tuned !!!
There are numerous scams involving in some way purchases and sales of vehicles (cars, motorcycles, trucks etc ...). Usually these scams cause significant damages and so it is important to disclose the preventive information to avoid at least the most common cases.
Ghost Vehicle
The scheme is quite simple, even though there are a number of variants. Scammers announce vehicles with very attractive prices and conditions on the internet, in newspapers (classified) or even on radio and TV channels (local or cable). Under the conditions almost always an entrance of 10% to 20% of the value of the vehicle and small installments is foreseen, to lose of sight, with low or nonexistent interest.
When the victim comes in contact, they inform that the vehicle is in a very remote location (if the buyer is from São Paulo the vehicle will be in Bahia, and vice versa), but that can be delivered anywhere in Brazil without costs. They offer numerous photographs of the vehicle and, if the buyer insists they say that, without problems, they can travel to the place where they are, to see or inspect him.
Anyway, after the first contacts and after sending photos and details, regardless of whether or not the victim has opted to travel to see the vehicle, the scammers will inform that they have received an offer from another interested party and are about to close the sale of that vehicle to unless someone else immediately makes a deposit (usually the amount of the deposit) to block the offer and ensure business preference.
In order not to lose the opportunity, the victim ends up making the requested deposit, always in a personal checking account. Soon after making the deposit the scammers stop answering the phone and usually disappear. The victim will never receive the vehicle, which normally does not even exist.
Automobile Employee Vehicle
The coup, often through advertisements, but also by direct indication of acquaintances (see matter about outsourcing credibility), declares being an employee of an assembler (or having contact with an employee of an assembler) and therefore, the possibility of buy vehicles directly at the factory with "employee discount".
The theater sometimes involves visits to the factory, where someone actually appears, whether as an employee, leaving the factory or waiting in front or at the entrance ... and always confirming in full the opportunity.
It shows documents (false) proving what it says, price lists and purchasing modalities and says that, depending on the discount, the payment to the factory must be advanced and must leave the employee's account. In some cases it says that there is the possibility of receiving the car through the payment of a signal (always consistent) and the rest will be paid without interest. The goal is always to convince the victim to make an advance payment (the value of the car or the signal) for the operation to take place.
In reality, there is no official or discounted cars, and once the payment is made, the scammers, as always, disappear without a trace.
Vehicle Seized
In this mode the scammers have the possibility of buying below the market price motorcycles or cars seized by authorities or that will go to the auction for some reason (bankruptcies, canceled financing, excessive fines ...)
Vehicle in Contemplated Consortium
The coup declares that they have the possibility of selling a consortium contemplated for a certain vehicle, that is to say a vehicle with financing in very advantageous conditions. For this, it is always necessary to make an advance payment to acquire the consortium.
Consignment Vehicle
This coup is usually driven by shops, resales or car dealerships. The first contact often happens as a consequence of an advertisement for the sale of the vehicle, which responds to a representative of a store claiming to have customers interested in the purchase. Then the store convinces the owner of a vehicle to leave the same on consignment for sale, claiming that with the consigned vehicle in the store the sale will be faster and for greater value.
From this moment some different blows can be practiced.
1) The store is interested in buying the vehicle, takes their documentation and gives financing (leaving the vehicle as collateral). Then he tells the interested parties that the credit has not been approved and pockets the money, leaving a link in the vehicle.
2) The vehicle is sold without the documentation, that is, being in the name of the original owner who left it consigned, and the store gets the value of the sale.
3) The vehicle disappears from the store and has been sold with false documentation or by false proxy or other fraudulent means. In some cases the vehicle is even sold for clandestine breakouts. In these cases also the store gets the full value of the sale.Veículo BaratoThis scheme is quite elaborate, and backed by other scams. Scammers announce new or new vehicles worth far below market value (less than half of the normal value, sometimes as much as a quarter). The reason for this price is in the fact that the vehicle was bought, usually in another state, with a bank financing divided into installments that will never be paid. For money, some "orange" lent the name to make the financing and sometimes, exists until the involvement of employees of concessionaires. Alternatively, the financing was done through cloned or falsified documents, in this case, setting up stellium. As the financing is not going to be paid and everything that is achieved in the sale is profit, the car can be "resold" for any price. The only problem is that the vehicle can not be legally transferred because, normally, there is bond in favor financial institution or bank. For this problem the sellers make the most varied excuses, in some cases even count a half truth, that is that it is a financing and until the end of it the vehicle must be in the name of who made the financing. Otherwise, the full documentation of the vehicle is circulated which can circulate smoothly. The point of force of the coup plotters lies in the fact that even the financiers comply with all legal collection procedures, open a police investigation (when it is the case of falsified documents) or and until the search and seizure warrant is out and the vehicle is located, it takes a long time. On average two years, or even more. There are scammers who even offer to exchange the vehicle for a new one after this period, to avoid that the "client" runs the risk of going through a seizure.Parting from this scheme the "buyer" in reality is not buying the vehicle (which will never be his) but participating in the actions of a gang, which can lead to serious problems, well beyond the mere apprehension of the vehicle.