Generative pricing for AI is a blend of dynamic pricing and value based pricing
Generative pricing is an emerging pricing methodology designed to meet the needs of generative AI companies, especially companies in what Bessemer Capital calls vertical AI. It has been designed to address key characteristics of generative AI applications. Second-generation generative AI applications have a number of characteristics that need to be factored into pricing and packaging design. Ask:
“Which of these are relevant to the application I am taking to market?”
Characteristics of generative AI applications impacting pricing
Dynamic resource requirements
Automation capabilities
Exponential value creation
Vertical specialization
API-driven usage
Performance and quality considerations
Integration and infrastructure costs
Scalability requirements
Support and ongoing improvement
That is quite a list. Not everything on this list is relevant to every application, so focus on the 3-5 that will have the most impact on your packaging and pricing.
Limitations to current approaches to pricing for generative AI apps
Current approaches to pricing are not up to snuff for pricing this new class of applications.
Cost-Plus Pricing
Cost-plus pricing is particularly challenging for generative AI applications for several reasons:
Willingness to Pay and Dynamic Pricing
While willingness-to-pay and dynamic pricing approaches can be more responsive than static models, they have limitations:
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Value-Based Pricing
Traditional value-based pricing comes closer to addressing the needs of generative AI applications, but still has shortcomings:
Market Pricing
Market pricing faces challenges with generative AI due to:
The need for generative pricing
Given these shortcomings how do we move forward? This is a design problem. How do we design a pricing process that is fit for the new potentials opened by generative AI applications?
The design brief for this new approach to pricing derives from the unique characteristics of B2B generative AI applications and the shortcomings of existing pricing methodologies. Key considerations are …
After exploring many different approaches, and observing what is happening in the market (Michael Mansard at Zuora has been doing some compelling research here or read a summary from Perplexity) we decided that rather than come up with a completely new approach we could combine existing approaches is a concept blend or mash up.
We leaned on dynamic pricing and value-based pricing to begin developing generative pricing.
What is generative pricing? A concept blend of dynamic and value-based pricing
Concept blending is a compelling way to drive innovation. See Some innovation patterns from concept blending. Basically, within the context of a domain, one takes two different approaches or sets of concepts to create something new.
For those who want to go deep into this see Turner and Fauconnier Blending as a central process of grammar. Generative AI will be a powerful way to generate, explore, and manage concept blends. The above concept blend was developed with extensive use of generative AI.
Generative AI itself is a powerful way to work with concept blending. Here is how we used Perplexity to help create the blend that is generative pricing. A careful reader will notice that we did not use the generative AI output ‘as is’ but used it to help spur and organize our own thinking, we used it as a thinking partner, not as a substitute for our own thinking.
Key aspects of generative pricing (an evolving perspective)
Customer-centric flexibility
Model-driven value optimization
Personalized value stories
Real-time adjustments
Multifactor differentiation
More on Generative Pricing
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