Shifting from "Boundary" to "Bondary"!
I’m amazed at how one letter of the alphabet can cause such a profound shift in perception. I admit, this is a fairly ambiguous statement to begin an article with, but nevertheless, here we go!
Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of personal and professional time exploring the topics of teams, teaming, diversity, multiculturalism and other similar topics. My practice in helping people learn to work together better has led me to the observation that although there are many aspects of team which have a healthy, inclusive feel to them, there are also a number which have a less desirable exclusive aspect. Whenever there’s an opportunity for people to work as a member of a team, there is often an inherent sense of competition with other teams, even though competition has neither been explicitly nor implicitly set up.
For a number of well-rooted, traditional reasons, the concepts of team and competition often go hand in hand (eg. the competitive sports team model). The very nature of “team” seems to imply a boundary. “This is my team and we are working on “X”. That is your team and you are working on “Y”. Or perhaps you are working on “X” as well, and one of us is likely to be better at it than the other—and I’d rather be on the team that’s better.” There is a clear sense of “this is what I do and this is what you do”—a boundary of sorts. The boundary can be one based on task, gender, thinking style, culture, geography, etc. The point is, there is a boundary—a point or line of differentiation or distinction.
I was reading an article the other day when I came across a misspelling that leaped out at me as a wonderful way to reframe the notion of boundaries between teams, groups or nations. The word “boundaries” was missing a “u”—it was spelled “bondaries”. A simple misspelling with a potentially profound impact. Imagine the change in mindset if the point or line of distinction between two teams, genders, cultures or countries was viewed as a bondary (or point of bonding) rather than as a boundary designed to maintain separation.
The discussion would become one of “What do we have in common at this point?” rather than “What are the differences which we have to maintain or protect?” The focus could become one of similarity, commonality, cohesion, unity, etc. This in no way means we should be any less aware of our differences, but rather that we examine them from a starting point of how we are alike. Rather than focussing on how different we are and struggling to find ways or means to work and be together, we start from a premise of “likeness” and explore differences so we can better understand and work with each other.
What are the bondaries that connect Canada and the United States? What are the bondaries that connect people with different gender preferences? What are the bondaries that connect different levels of an organization? What are the bondaries that are points of connection for different political parties? What are the bondaries connecting those who support COVID-19 mandates and those who are opposed to them? What are the bondaries shared by the wealthy and those living in poverty?
What impact could be achieved if divisions, departments, teams and individuals began to look for the bondaries in all possible horizontal and vertical views of their organizations? Is it possible that corporate vision and values might take on a more powerful role? Might turf wars diminish? Might a higher level of collaboration begin to take hold?
There are an increasing number of articles written on the theory and practice of the “Boundaryless” corporation—I believe one of the necessary steps in moving towards this form of organization is a bondary orientation.
So how might you go about developing this orientation? Here is a totally untested and unresearched process that might help!
I don’t have any proof, but my guess is that taking on a bondary focus would dramatically increase understanding, appreciation, quality relationships and service in virtually any context, be it family, team, corporate, intercultural or international.
I also doubt any program or process can be developed that will automatically create a bondary mindset. Awareness of the concept can be raised; however, it requires individual desire and commitment to actually make the shift this article has been exploring. And the best way I know to make a decision on something new is to experiment with it.
Boundary or bondary? Removing the “U” is up to YOU!
Keynote Speaker at Idoinspire, Motivational Speaker
2yGreat article. I usually find Boundaries not helpful. It forces you to focus on (your perceived )weaknesses in others. It makes relating difficult Because now you have these conditions that need to be met before we even get the chance to relate.