Getting a handle on upcoming changes to WSIB system
What’s being proposed and how you can prepare
There’s no better time than the present to get a firm handle on the brand new system being proposed by Ontario's Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB), which will replace the existing NEER, CAD7 and MAP programs. The new system is slated to come into effect as early as January 2019 and would be the most significant change to the WSIB in decades.
This new system, when introduced, will impact employers across Ontario. Most importantly, your results on your September 2017 and September 2018 review will affect where you enter on the new system. By acting now, you still have time to better your position by improving your NEER results.
- New unified system to replace the current NEER, CAD-7, and MAPP experience ratings programs;
- Current 200+ rate groups (industry groups) reduced to approximately 34;
- Each employer will be placed into one group, based on its predominant business activity;WSIB will assign a range of premiums for the entire group, with your company falling into one of 40-80 distinct "risk bands" within that range, depending on your company's performance.
- Increases or decreases in claim costs will result in an increase or decrease in next year's premium (as you move up or down that "risk band" continuum).
- No more ‘predicting’ expected claim costs for a given year and then allocating a refund or additional surcharge if your actual results are different than what was expected;
- Further expansion of the review window from 4 years to 6 years (with higher weight given to more recent results).
As the WSIB transitions to the new system, it will need to determine your company’s new rate group by placing it along the new "Risk Band" range. This decision will be made by looking at your historical experience and claim costs, so it is important to improve your company's NEER experience now and increase your chances for lower premiums in the new system.
- Here are a few ways to positively impact your NEER experience:Practice good safety. If you don’t have a claim, you don’t have to worry about claim costs.
- Have a process to manage claims when they occur. It should include a toolkit with all the forms you need to report claims in a timely and effective manner.
- Object to claims you believe may not be legitimate so you limit your exposure.
- Have an effective return to work program in place to limit the lost time on any one claim.
- Medically manage claims to understand and remove any barriers around returning to work, again reducing the amount of time lost and your claim costs.
At Clear Path, we specialize in helping employers implement good claims management practices, which in turn directly improve your NEER experience. We would love to help you prepare so you’re not left scrambling. Join us at our one-day workshops that provide an Introduction to WSIB and NEER as well as updates on the new system slated for 2019.
The workshop is jam-packed with useful information and dives into 10 real-world scenarios to help demonstrate how everyday decisions can significantly impact your NEER claim costs. It also delves into the proposed Rate Framework changes so you'll have a better understanding of what's coming in the future and how you can prepare.
Cambridge – May 3, 2017 Register for this Workshop
Mississauga – May 4, 2017 Register for this Workshop
For more information on the workshops, visit our website here.