Getting my ACT together for VANI
Recently when a new session of VANI began, the coachee very curiously asked me why did you think of VANI for women. Why did you create this?
It took me back 3 years when the Pandemic struck, slowly sessions started moving virtually. The novelty & unfamiliarity of the medium was soon replaced by familiarity. Still, it was evident that when in the main session, mostly only very few would answer & they would be the male participants. When breakout sessions happened, the rooms would be very interactive. Some of the quietest women participants would be having some amazing replies. Intrigued I would ask, why they did not share it in the main session.
Invariably the answer would be ‘Nobody asked me,” or “I was not sure…” or “This is just a random thought”. That is what prompted me to understand that I needed to create a coaching program to “connect to the #voiceinme” A process which when happened to me helped me find my voice. A hesitant public speaker, nervous & shy, it was the election speech where I went blank on the stage that became the trigger for me to explore how to find myself. That breakdown on stage became my breakthrough into who I am today. I joined classes & understood that it is an art. Like every other art form, it is a skill that needs practice. Once that was understood, it was all about using opportunities big & small. The pandemic helped me create a coaching program for women called VANI – Virtual Articulation Narrating Instrument i.e., your voice. I sent the brochure to six women leaders asking them to share it with women in their teams.
I was surprised when they decided to sign it themselves & take the journey. Thus began this beautiful journey. Soon organically women signed up & the journey continues to date. The permission that they gave themselves to find the #voiceinme made it such a meaningful journey with a definite purpose. As a consequence of the testimonials shared male senior leaders got in touch & thus customized coaching was opened for all. Over the last three years, this has helped me craft the sessions on personal storytelling thus building brand value, developing an element of approaching any topic with a personal story angle, equipping the speaker toolkit & in the process of it all chisel out the speaker & be comfortable bringing forth that voice within which many a time goes unheard! Connecting to it is such a powerful process that when the authentic voice is heard there are many moments of breakdowns too. A lot of the lessons I picked from my own journey of finding myself resulted in surprise recognitions.
When I look back & connect the dots, the main thing that helped me modify myself was the important step to finding my ACT.
When you accept yourself as you are, you no longer are creating an image of something you are not. Authenticity is all about the work you do, how you do it & how you connect with who you are. The moment I accepted myself with my shortcomings I knew where I need to work. That is invariably how being open to feedback, helps you grow. The crucial factor however is, whose feedback you are listening to. Hear everyone but listen to only those who are your well-wishers. You will be liked by all. Make it their problem & not yours. Finding the true you is challenging. There are many unknown aspects of who we are that can be understood as time unfolds opportunities. Doing this without losing your identity is quite a challenge. As an RJ you are not sure who is tuned in. Your job is you need to connect. I learned the best way to do that is to connect with yourself & be comfortable from the very beginning with the way you speak, express your thoughts & connect to each one on an individual level. The ability to take yourself lightly & your job seriously plays a very important role.
Craft yourself by choice: Be your own architect. Know what are your strengths that can help you create a niche. Find a skill you are good at. Work on it till you are known for it and then automatically you will be unparalleled. Your first need to find your talent to hone it. Focus on how you can use it to be of service to others. This would take years. Stay there focussed. What emerges will be well worth it. Maybe a destiny that you did not know waiting for you. Like the beautiful butterfly that emerges from a bulky and sluggish caterpillar. Pain is the process that helps in evolution. Feedback & criticism that people give you are what help you evolve. Only when you take it positively, can you grow. Do not give the key to your happiness to someone else. Keep the choice with you of what you keep & what you discard in becoming the best version of your craft!
Time: This is one factor we cannot beg borrow or steal. A factor that the more we value the better the returns. This resource we understand only after we lose it. We seldom value it while we can. Those who understand truly are working on the controllable. Everything you create should address the need at that point in time. This is a completely limited resource & so using it wisely can truly help.
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Would love to know how you got your ACT together!
UPDATE on the human library audio podcast "U n' I with Rashmi Shetty"
Our guest this week is Dr Neeta Mhatre , the Founder of Reach Out. She is a passionate psychotherapist Tedx speaker, Corporate Trainer, and Heart to Heart listener. Dr. Neeta is the Founder of ReachOut, Co-founder of Bloom, and a Co-Author. She is a certified trainer, Master NLP Practioner (International), psychotherapist, Gestalt Practitioner, and wellness, sexual & relationship coach, and mentor at Bringle Academy.
She has touched more than 7000 lives through counseling, therapies, and empowerment. She engages with the LGBTQ community for skill development and Emotional Wellness. Her program "Transpreneur" is helping upskill the trans community to be successful in society. Her policy- “You get life once..."Let's make the best use of it."
SELFI is a newsletter where I share my reflections on life. Moments where some simple elements stayed on to create a SELFI moment! Moments that force the #voiceinme to express. Do subscribe if you like what you read & do share it with anyone you think will benefit!
I also host an award-winning weekly human library audio podcast called "U n' I with Rashmi Shetty" which can be heard on all popular platforms. Uploads are on Fridays. Do subscribe if you like it & do share it with anyone you think will benefit!
Do get in touch if you need inputs on how to improve your VOICE & Vocal presence. I also facilitate customized leadership programs.
For details please visit:
Self Mastery & Limitless Abundance Coach | I empower you to Get Unstuck through Self Mastery, Unleash Full Potential & Experience Freedom | Corporate Trainer |Global Talk Show Host
1yI loved the story of evolution of Vani and how you're impacting lives with it and even 'ACT', overall very valuable newsletter Rashmi 🌸
Realtor Associate @ Next Trend Realty LLC | HAR REALTOR, IRS Tax Preparer
1yWell said.
multilingual operations specialist, founding CEO of ambeesoft technologies,open for providing growth strategies.
1yWhat for this story