Go... Just Go!
You’ve got to put in work to get things done. The way to get them done is to stop worrying about the road ahead. When you start thinking about your goals 10 years from now, it may actually de-motivate you because it feels so out of reach. But if you work it backwards and you live your life like you're in the headlights then it'll help you out because you won't have paralysis by analysis.
Too often, people are overthinking everything that they need to do when in reality they just need to start. You just need to go…JUST GO!
One of my favorite quotes is, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” When you take the first step, then you can begin to focus on the next step. If you haven't even taken the first step, then why are you worrying about the next one?
Overthinking holds us back from taking any action at all. Too many people waste time planning and researching. We tell ourselves that that's productive. That's not productive, that's being busy.
You can't take your second step until you've taken your first step. You can't, there's no way. It's impossible.
Instead of focusing on the second, third, or fifth step, why don't you just focus on the step that you need to take right now? What do you need to do today to get you closer to your goal?
There are two things that often hold us back from taking action and working towards what it is that we want. Number one is that we make it out to be much bigger and harder than it actually is.
Number two, a lot of us have never done it before so we think that we can't.
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What is it that you can do today that will move the needle towards the direction that you want to go?
One of the common things that I see among people who are successful is they just GO and they figure it out along the way. Whereas a lot of unsuccessful people have to make sure that it's perfect before they GO. They say they have to plan because they're a planner. They have to do research. They are so concerned with messing it up, that they never just GO.
You cannot avoid messing up. Accept that because it is a part of the process.
You don't fail along the way, you figure it out along the way. The only time that you fail is when you don't start or when you give up.
Go …. Just go!!
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