God is with us always, just feel it
We all experience of God and these meetings are obviously very personal one to one. I can’t speak for everyone and don’t want to get into details of my own experiences, but I don’t mind outlining in general what I have experienced. It’s clear that people feel for others. Whether it’s parents and their children, close friends, spouses, or lovers, all of us at some time or other ‘feel’ for others. There’s a happiness in being with them, and a sadness at separation. Because God is absolute there is no difference between Himself and His name. When the Lord’s name is present,
He is present. By chanting His names, and avoiding offences, we can feel that presence. A pleasing feeling wells up inside. This is no more a coincidence than a feeling of affection towards anyone else. Because the Lord is His name, the feeling towards one, is the same as the other. During meditation I always connect to the universal force. Among the range of feelings a person can experience some are better than others.
My life has not been devoid of nice feelings. While growing up I had loving parents and siblings, good friends and girl friends. Now I have a wife, children and grand-children all of whom I love, but the feeling that comes from chanting the Lord’s names is the best I’ve experienced. It doesn’t rise to anything like pure love, it’s way before that, but even at my level there is a taste to it unlike any other. It’s not continuous, but that’s my failing. When my attitude is right, and my concentration is fixed, it’s there often enough to discount coincidence.
"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare" "This mantra, consisting of 16 words and 32 syllables, is the only means against evil in this age. After searching through all the Vedic literature, one cannot find a method of religion more sublime for the age of Kali than the chanting of Hare Krishna." --- Kali-santarana Upanishad Bhaktivinoda Vani Vaibhava Chapter 45. What is the gradual process of Bhajana?
"Certain pious activities, which lead to bhakti, generate faith. One then becomes interested in associating with pure devotees. Thereafter, one is initiated by the spiritual master and executes the regulative principles of devotional service under his orders. Thus one is freed from all unwanted habits and becomes firmly fixed in devotional service. Thereafter, one develops taste and attachment. This is the way of sadhana-bhakti, the execution of devotional service according to regulative principles. Gradually emotions intensify, and finally there is an awakening of love. This is the gradual development of love of Godhead for the devotee interested in Krishna consciousness.
While chanting at the stage of nishtha, anarthas (unwanted attachments) are destroyed and one attains taste for the holy name. Then as more anarthas are destroyed, one comes to the stage of attachment. Gradually as one attains stage of bhava, or rati, almost all anarthas are destroyed. In this development, if the desire for fame arises due to the company of non-devotees, it leads to kutniti (diplomacy), which then results in one's fall-down. Therefore, one should carefully abandon the company of non-devotees and at the same time one should always chant the Lord's name in great ecstasy."
Almighty who gives importance to our pure heart and good intentions. Some say, I have such belief system because I'm too lazy to follow my Hindu traditions. Whatever it is! I believe an Almighty who always gives me the comfort I need. I saw God and felt His presence in the personal journals I wrote at the highest point of depression. He always helps me even in petty issues. Funny thing is He sometimes responses to me so quickly. Even in solving stat problems in my psychology! He always sends me right persons to save me from problems. It's like He never leaves my side.
All His protections and helps He provides me shows me that He is right beside me. I'm not a deeply religious or spiritual person as I used to be. But I have my own Belief system yet God whoever He is has kept me safe and has been showing me that I’m loved. He has showed me that your religion or your practices won't help you but your pure mind and the deep faith you have would help you get His love. My beliefs are different from others. Yet, I go to temples. I pray whenever I come across Churches and peek into Masjids hoping I could go inside some day. I believe all religious Gods and I love Lord Buddha the most. His images alone calms me down.
It's true I never win no matter how I work hard with over dedication. Even my family has come to the point that I'm sorta unlucky when it comes about achievements. But all I need is His presence. As long as He's with me everything is Heaven-like. Nothing is fine to me when I feel disconnected to Him. Yes, I've felt His presence in many people, many pets and things. He is Universal and is manifested into everything. He is my best friend. I talk to Him,confess and even yell at him when in anger. But he loves us all if we pray with a pure heart.
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When I suffered a massive heart attack in 2017 and I had a near-death experience. I found myself in front of God and the intercessor, who I have come to believe was Lord Ganesh. The intercessor was necessary to act as the communication intermediary between God and me, and He spoke on my behalf. I was chanting Ganesh Mantra while my eyes were closed. I felt was being taken by some one, after being chaperoned by an angel to observe a past life—my outer self then was much different, but my eyes and soul were the same as the ones I see in the mirror every day (It was so weird!
First I seemed familiar to myself, and then when I got in close I saw that those eyes were my own)—I found myself standing before God where I experienced a life review and God singled out one moment of my life when I had acted carelessly in my actions and words and had made another feel bad, even though I was not aware at the time.
God explained to me how that person had felt because of my words and allowed me to feel exactly what they felt as if I were them. I was immediately remorseful from the bottom of my heart and with all honesty I repented, and God was satisfied with that. I had made good because I made a full understanding and was forgiven because I was truly sorry. I did not mean to hurt another and would not repeat that mistake again in that same way because I understood in the universal sense of why I should not. Being attentive to others’ feelings that are impacted by our words and actions and caring about them enough to correct them because it is the right thing to do is exercising love.
I was next informed that I could ask any question about life and the universe. I asked why good things happen to bad people, and then felt silly about asking such a simple question when there surely are better questions to ask in front of God. God replied that it is, in fact, the first question most people ask first. The answer was surprisingly simple when you are capable of seeing a much larger perspective on the world. Cause and effect of two events many miles away that seem unrelated are actually related in the giant ecosystem of events, but our minds are too tiny to process and therefore too myopic to see.
All in all, sometimes the lesson is for you, and sometimes it is for someone else. Pain and illness, even tragedy and grief, are uncomfortable, but they are not the end. Even chaos, bad events, and horror are part of the larger plan. Life is a collection of experiences for the individual. For God’s chosen, death on the Earth is not the end. I then asked several other questions, mainly about how the world worked scientifically. I was shown the code of plant growth from seed to bloom and back again, as well as the perfect synchronization of the planets. Even accidents to us are not so. The world and how it works is perfect, but we lack the perception and therefore understanding. Each and every one of us are born with the entire knowledge of everything, and life is a process of remembering what we already know.
I was told I was predestined, meaning that my life has already been prewritten or created before I was born. I didn’t ask if all people were like that, or if it was just me. I asked if I had died and would now stay in that space. I was told that if I died then, that I would not have come any further than the last time I had lived, so I had to accomplish more before I could come back. Then it was explained to me that the way death works is a “don’t call us; we’ll call you” kind of situation. God determines your death time.
Just then I was sent back and awoke. It was slightly painful, but God has a beautiful sense of timing and humor. The radio played an electronica song that had drum beats building into a vocal crescendo, so as I came to 100 percent, the beats stopped and the sound of melodic angels’ voices broke out in singing. It was if God sent me a little gift on the way out to remind me of His and His angels’ holy presence.
During the transition from standing in front of God’s throne back to Earth, even though I was told up there that I would not remember some things we spoke of because I was not supposed to, I tried to remember the most important thing I could. As I came to, after the angelic song sounds, I loudly exclaimed over and over again that “We know it all along. Everything. All of us. We know it—everything—all along.” So, at the very point of doubting his existence, God pulled me up so that I would see the truth. God is real and the intercessor, Shri Ganesh in all his glory, is real—even when I forgot. Shri Ganeshay Namah!
2yBeautiful n true msg,👍
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