Not God but We!

Not God but We!

God had two sons – Amenadiel and Lucifer. While Amenadiel was a sweet obedient boy, Lucifer was very naughty and never listened to his Dad. One day, God got furious with him and discarded Lucifer from heaven. He made Lucifer the Devil whose job was to give punishment to the bad souls in hell.

Lucifer, the story on Netflix, adds a twist to this famous biblical account and adds more to the story. Lucifer is tired of taking care of the hell and torturing all the horrible souls. He decides to take a break from hell, flies down to earth, and takes shelter in Los Angeles. Here, he finds a detective, Chloe. He falls in love with her which makes him vulnerable. While normally, as an angel, he could not be killed or hurt by any human, but in the presence of Chloe, the story changes and he gets hurt.

The story revolves around the Devil who believes that everything that has ever happened bad in his life is because of the God who is trying to punish him. Lucifer, the Devil of the story, joins the Detective as LAPD consultant and helps her solve the cases. He does a lot of good and even fights with both human evils and celestial beings who happen to trickle down on earth.

There are several encounters of Lucifer with celestials in the story such as Amenadiel, who wants to take Lucifer back to hell, Goddess who turns out to be a bigger mess than Lucifer, and Cain, the first murderer of the Universe.

Lucifer hates his dad and strongly believes that he is doing everything to push him to go back to hell. The girl whom he loves too much gets into danger and Lucifer blames God for that. He thinks that everything that happens on this earth is a pattern and the doing of God. He does everything to displease God as a rebellious child. He knows that he can never go to heaven because that is what God wants. But in the end, Lucifer has a realization that changes his life.


He learns that it is not God who decides if one would go to hell or heaven but the actions that humans take. When they do a bad deed, guilt creeps in and that guilt is what makes the person to hell. Every person has an opportunity to change one’s destination between hell and heaven by doing good and getting relieved from the guilt.

The hell is imagined as a place that looks like earth but it puts you into one situation which you once lived on earth and is guilty about. Then, you have to live in this situation again and again. In one scene, Lucifer is shown to have gone to hell after he killed his brother. In hell, Lucifer lives the same moment and he has no choice but to kill his brother over and over again till he is tired and his mother then arrives and takes him back to earth.

My Take...

While I may not be a religious or too spiritual a person but I do believe in the idea of God residing inside us and I equate Goodness with God. Every story I watch gives me a lesson I want to take and this story also gave me one. One that I already believed in but this very strong message that "YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR HAND" can actually be so powerful that it can change the world for good the moment everyone starts believing in.

Now, think for once, if you really believed that everything that is going on in your life - Good or Bad - is your own doing. Would you blame anyone? Would you ever complain? Would you ever want to take revenge? Would you want to do bad? If you knew that praying God for long will not make you skip the punishment of hell, will you do a bad deed? Absolving one of the sins through pray - a concept exists in most religions but it can be dangerous because that gives you the false impression that no matter how bad you did to others, you have a way out.

I liked this series because while it still talks about God in a beautiful way, it did question this belief and puts the focus on humans. It tells them that you cannot escape your punishment no matter what you do. God has given you free will to choose between right and wrong. It is now up to you to make a choice between right and wrong, between heaven and hell.

I have had my own set of experiences. I may not have seen God but I have stories I cannot explain so I believe that there is some power over us and I also believe that the same power is inside us. And it is this power which connects us together, which is gives us choices, and which also gives us the feeling of guilt so we know if our choice is right or wrong. The question still remains - What about the people who do bad and still think that they are doing good and thus, do not have guilt. Would they still be punished? Perhaps this could also answer the common questions that people ask -

I never did bad but always did only good to people then why is this happening to me?

He/She was always so mean, bad, selfish, and troubled others, yet why is he/she so lucky?

If you are also one with these questions, try looking inside. Do you have guilt that is troubling you? Perhaps, you want to work on it now. COVID won't kill anyone and if you are alive then you are lucky so, use this luck to find what is really going on in your life and in your mind.

Deepti Dani

Content Marketing Manager (India/GCC) at Seclore


Wonderful write-up. I really enjoyed the series and I am eagerly waiting for the last season. I loved your take on the series too and how you have interpreted it.

Bhakti Sharma

COO - Enliten IT India | Brand Builder | IT Consulting | CRM | Designing | Edifybiz


Writer Pooja Dubey Wonderful perspective on Lucifer. Really enjoyed reading it. It comes at a moment when lot of people are already reflecting on what is happening around them. I really liked your take on there is power within us. Thanks for sharing it.

Apurva Dharmadhikari

Content Developer at Personio


If you liked Lucifer I believe you might also like “The Good Place” on Netflix. The series deals with actions and its consequences as well as concept of right and wrong in a broader sense. :)

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