The Goddesses on fire
Out of the total number of people suffering from auto-immune and mystery illnesses, approximately 78% are women. Why are women's immune systems attacking their own bodies?
One day, after the class I got into a very interesting conversation with Megha. Megha is a physiotherapist from Chennai who had been staying in the Gurukulam with her husband since a month. Her husband was training under Master Jothi to complete his Teacher's Training Certification in Karlakattai (Indian Club). Megha was curious to know how I reversed my Multiple Sclerosis. She had been failing to help MS patients at her physiotherapy clinic. I told Megha that even I had been failing to help MS patients with my nutrition programs because what I thought were the root causes of MS were actually not the root causes at all. I had also realized that I could reverse my MS successfully not because I followed a very strict diet regime but because I received a constant support from my teachers, including Master Jothi, to work on the 'true' root causes of MS.
For the last 2 years I had spent several hours talking to MS patients, all of whom were women, to find a clue or a pattern to this highly inflammatory neuro-degenerative auto-immune illness. Out of the total number of people in the world suffering from MS, approximately 80% are women. I have been successful in finding the pattern and I will write about it in one of my articles in the future. I shared my insights with Megha. Megha had also been practicing Meipadam (the body lessons from Pallava martial arts) and observed that there was something exponentially more effective with this exercise than every other kind of exercise she had tried before. We both compared our observations and learnt about the following details regarding the transformation we had experienced in ourselves:
- The exercise had worked on correcting our posture, especially the curve of our spine, which enabled us to breathe better.
- Since we could breathe better our energy levels improved and we were able to think better.
- Since our energy and stamina increased we needed less and less food to fulfill the energy requirements of our body, as a result, we lost weight and got a more toned body.
- Finally, the most important observation we had was related to why we developed fatigue, weight gain and various aches over a period of years. And, the reason was a shocking change in the shape of our bodies, especially spine, due to being in a constant fear.
The shape of our spine is an indication of the state of our body and mind. When we are in a constant fear we keep slouching all the time to protect our internal organs as a defense mechanism. Being constantly on a guard also makes our immune system to go on a kind of an overdrive where it starts to overreact to even the slightest presence of pathogens (bacteria, viruses and fungi) and toxins. Our immune system starts to attack the closest surrounding body parts affected by toxins and pathogens to make our body feel safer, this is what auto-immunity is. The constant stress and fear response also makes our body to keep secreting stress hormones which keep creating a low-grade inflammation as the stress hormones are acidic in nature. Our bodies are literally on a low-grade fire 24*7 when we suffer from an auto-immune or chronic illness.
In India, we consider women as a form of Shakthi, a goddess. We worship some very powerful goddesses in our culture. In many other cultures all over the world too, the divine and powerful feminine is considered sacred and is worshiped. Why are women in a constant fear then and what are these fears,
- Fear of a sexual attack or a physical attack
- Fear of having to go through violence in a relationship
- Fear of being rejected for not having a 'good enough' body shape or a 'good enough' skin color or a 'good enough' appearance
- Fear of having to live life alone
- Fear of not being able to bear children
- Fear of being accused as a failed parent by the society
- Fear of not being cared for, for not being useful enough for the society. We women are never expected to learn the skills of earning a living, defending ourselves from violence, mastering communication, or achieve a mastery over any useful skill.
We know how this feels, don't we? It feels like no one cares.
You will be surprised if I tell you that the teaching that has caused the most damage to women's health is 'be brave enough and put up a fight against all these problems'. We are expected to do this without being taught the skills to do this. How can you win any battle if you don't have the skills to fight it?
For example, imagine a venomous snake enters your room. If you follow the teaching, 'be brave and put up a fight against the snake' then you will get bitten and die because you don't have the skill to handle a venomous snake. In this situation, it is better to run as far away as possible and as fast as you can to seek for someone who has the skill to manage a venomous snake. A skilled person will have all the courage that it takes to get rid of the snake. When you are not equipped with the skills, you keep failing over and over again to fix the same problems in life. This gets tiring, both physically and emotionally.
Everybody's body has a potential of being capable to achieve their own unique destiny. We experience deep pain when we have to do something that doesn't help us to achieve our destiny. In ancient times in Tamil culture, women were trained since a very young age through various exercise forms from Pallava martial arts that prepared them, both physically and emotionally, to develop the skills they needed to achieve their own unique destiny. Some advanced exercises were specifically meant for stem cell regeneration which enabled them to look 15-20 years younger to their age, and, have the stamina that always equaled to that of a healthy 25 year old.
The exercise forms helped to develop a perfect spinal alignment that helped women breathe efficiently and maintain a high energy all the time. These exercises also massaged the deep vital organs in such a way that their bodies were detoxed on a daily basis and hence the body could get rid of pathogens and toxins regularly from the blood and the organs.
Last week, I received many messages from both men and women telling me that they were eagerly waiting for me to reveal the 'secret'. Here, I am revealing the 'secret' to you,
The reason for auto-immune and chronic illnesses is not a bad diet or pathogens or toxins. It is being in a constant fear response which damages the shape and functioning of our body. The various exercise forms from Pallava martial arts, correct this pattern that helps us to identify and develop the skills needed to win the battle over our fears and achieve our own unique destiny.
I asked Master Jothi, "Ashan, what can be an obstacle for women to achieve their destiny?"
Master Jothi replied, "Being in denial of their own true desires which makes them behave against their true nature. By nature, women are stronger than men and have the mind to protect their ecosystems. In modern times, women are being controlled by the social and educational systems in the name of empowerment. They have been told that doing certain things will give them the beauty they want. Beauty is not a thing. Beauty is your character. Beauty is a feeling of health. Beauty is in self-discipline. Beauty is in respecting every situation in your life. Beauty is in following your destiny. We have created a massive epidemic of diseases for women in the name of empowering them.
In ancient times, the women were ruled only by their desires. And therefore we worshiped them as Devis."
"Who were these women? What was their life like?", I asked.
To be continued...