Grateful for the Opportunity to Serve Our Community!
Almost a week ago, on Saturday, September 21, 2024, Tampa Hispanic Heritage Inc. held its annual gala to celebrate Tampa's Hispanic Man and Woman of the Year at the Hilton Tampa Downtown. It was a beautiful, elegant, and memorable event. It was, as it has now been for almost 40 years, a homecoming of Tampa's Hispanic community leaders, getting together to once again celebrate our own- our own culture, our own history, our own heritage, our own customs, and our own accomplishments.
I have been attending this particular gala for a long time. I have marveled about, listened to, learned from, and long admired each recipient, as each and every one of them have made our community a better place, a better home. But this year, the tables were turned; this year I was the honoree, as I was chosen THHI's Tampa Hispanic Man of the Year. How could this happen? How in the world could I be a part of the same group that includes some of the most important, influential, and respected members of Tampa's Hispanic community?
Saying thank you for such a recognition in such a monumental occasion is not easy, as it is a moment in time which deserves looking back and acknowledging the folks who have helped me get here, serve my community, the folks who have assisted me with each project, each idea, each venture. What follows is my acceptance speech, but I think more accurately stated my thank you's to all those who have lead me here, who have embraced me here, who have motivated here, who have guided me here, who have loved me here, all the way here.
Thank You Maria, Maribel, THHI, and Andrea!
Thank you María Bermúdez-Torres and Maribel Garrett . I could not have imagined this incredible journey without both of you by our side. You have made this entire experience richer, sweeter, more enjoyable and incredibly more fun. Thank you!
Thank you Tampa Hispanic Heritage, Inc. and its board of directors for this once in a lifetime moment and experience. Our family is forever grateful and appreciative for this humbling recognition. Thank you!
Thank you Andrea Gonzmart Williams ! I could not imagine going through this experience with anyone else. I have learned so much about you, who you are, what you are all about going thru this experience together. I come away from it with a greater sense of gratitude for you, a greater sense of pride in you, a more meaningful understanding of your commitment to our community, a deeper and more emotional bond with you as a result of your past and continuing work to make our community a better place to live, work, play, study, eat, and heal. Thank you Andrea for who you are, what you bring to the table, what you have endeavored to do, and your life long commitment to make sure our Hispanic students have an opportunity to obtain a higher education. You are changing students’ lives forever, you are changing the trajectory of family’s lives forever, you are transforming our community forever. You belong here and are so very deserving of this lifetime achievement recognition.
The Gala: An Incredible Honor, Legacy, and History
I have been attending this Gala since 1990. I remember being here in 1992 when Matilda Martinez Garcia, someone I served with and respected immensely, received this recognition. I was here in 1993 when Tampa’s legal icon Hon EJ Salcines was named Hispanic Man of the Year. I was here in 1996 when Adela Gonzmart, Andrea’s grandmother, received this recognition. I was here in 1997 when one of our community’s most respected educators Liana Fernandez Fox, Ph.D. was recognized. I was here in 1999 when the amazing Maruchi Azorin became Hispanic Woman of the Year. I was here in 2000 when Donna Perrino was recognized. I was here in 2003 when one of our most beloved and respected federal jurists the Hon Virginia Covington received this recognition. I was here in 2005 when one of my personal mentors and example, a man I regard in the highest, Jose Valiente became Hispanic Man of the Year. I was here in 2006 when one of my idols and mentors, the incomparable Richard Gonzmart , Andrea’s father, received this recognition. I was here in 2016 when Patsy Sanchez was recognized, and in 2018 when Adri Colina received this recognition. I was here in 2019 when Betty Viamontes, (Author) CPA, MBA and Simon Canasi were recognized and in 2022 when Grace Maseda-Sainz, APR, MSM and Anthony Perez received this recognition. And I was here last year in 2023 when Catalina Botero and Dr. Ray Ortiz became Hispanic Woman and Man of the Year.
So, for me, for Andrea, for us to stand here tonight, what an incredible honor, what an incredible legacy, what an incredible history. We have said it many times over the last couple of months in multiple interviews, when we look at the list of folks who have previously received this great recognition, a list of the most important, integral, foundational, and committed to serving members of our Hispanic community, we are overjoyed, grateful, thankful, and so incredibly appreciative for this amazing honor. Thank you!
From Havana, to Madrid, to Miami, with Mom's Dream
I was born in Havana, Cuba in 1964. Communism had taken everything from us; our home, our store, our freedom, our dignity. But it never took our hope to be free, our dream to live in peace, and our desire to grow, prosper, and become.
By herself, on her own, my mother, Miriam Lera, sacrificed everything- her life, her family, her dreams and aspirations, so that we could have an opportunity to live in freedom, so that we could go to school, so that I could become a man of peace, a man of words.
We landed in Madrid, Spain, not knowing whether she would ever return to her home again, whether she would ever see her parents and sister again. All she knew, all she cared about, was that she had to do whatever it took to give us an opportunity to grow, prosper, and become.
Her dream was to bring us here, to the greatest country in the world, where freedom, opportunity, and hard work would provide us the chance she dreamed about. Like millions of other Cuban immigrants before us and since, we made Miami our new home.
She was a waitress during the day, and cleaned offices at night. And there were years where she squeezed in a third job doing nails. All of it with one purpose, so that my brother and I could go to school, could study, could learn, could grow, could become. She truly believed that an education could change a single life, that it could change the trajectory of a family forever, that it could transform an entire community.
Lisa: The Center of My life, My All, My Reason, My Everything
I graduated from Miami Sr High in 1983. Her dream had become mine. I shared in her belief in the power of an education. So, off to the University of Florida I went. Go Gators! In the Fall of 1983, my first semester at UF, I met a girl, Lisa Gonzalez . She was smart, genuine, gentle, and caring, and loving, and nurturing. I fell head over heels, madly in love with her. Still am today. Over 40 years later, she remains the center of my life, my all, my best friend, my reason, my everything. All I have managed to do, all I have accomplished, it is because of her, her love, her care, her tranquility, her balance, her sense of fairness, and her devotion to our family. Thank you Lisa! Love you with all my heart!
She is a 4th generation Tampena, of Cuban, Spanish, and Sicilian descent. She is Tampa. She is our history, our heritage, our culture. Her mom and dad, Maryann and Robert, born and raised in Ybor City, proud graduates of OLPH, University of Tampa and Embry Riddle, became my second set of parents. Love, respect, and admire them both. Married over 60 years, they became my example of a happy and healthy marriage, of decency, respect, honor, and commitment. We lost dad a couple of years ago, wish he was with us today to see this, experience this, be a part of this. Thank you Maryann, mom, for your love and support. Thank you for showing us the way. Thank you Rob Duarte for sharing them with me.
FSU, Workers Compensation, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
After graduating from UF, went on to law school at Florida State University. Go Noles! I did it all at FSU. I worked for Florida’s first Hispanic Governor, our very own the Hon Bob Martinez, I worked for the first Hispanic woman ever elected to the Florida House of Representatives, the Hon Iliana Ross, and I worked for the first Jewish Florida Supreme Court Justice, the Hon Gerald Kogan.
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It was at FSU, as a result of these executive, legislative and judicial branch experiences, where I learned all about workers compensation, social security, medicare, and medicaid, systems and processes established to help the elderly, the poor, and the disabled. These would become my life’s work. These would become the areas I would practice in, write about, speak about, present about, teach about. Still doing so 40 years later.
Our Greatest Pride and Joy: Alex and Andres
After graduating from law school, Lisa and I headed back to Tampa. We both knew this is where we wanted to raise a family, establish roots, practice, teach, and serve. We welcomed Alex Gonzalez to our family in 1994 and Andres Gonzalez in 1999. They both attended Brandon Academy. After graduating from Tampa Prep and Bell Creek, Alex graduated with a BA in digital media and Andres with a BS in legal studies from UCF. Go Knights! Watching our boys grow, become young men, and now responsible, caring, loving adults has been our greatest accomplishment, our greatest joy, our greatest pride. Thank you Alex and Andres for making our lives complete. Thank you Kim Debrei for being a part of our family. Love you!
Volunteering, Teaching, and Dr. Wolfson
I began to practice law in the areas of work comp, social security, medicare, and medicaid and immediately began to look for opportunities to serve by sharing my academic experiences and my legal knowledge. For almost 4 years, I volunteered to teach political science at Hillsborough Community College. For 3 years, I taught a course at the University of Tampa for incoming freshman comparing our social security system with that of many other countries around the world. For 4 years, I taught workers compensation, social security, medicare, and medicaid law at Stetson College of Law. Loved every second of it!
It was while teaching at Stetson that I learned of Jay Wolfson , a PHD and JD, perhaps one of the brightest and most knowledgeable men I have ever known, an expert in public health issues, a professor at USF College of Public Health, College of Medicine, and College of Pharmacy, and on the faculty at Stetson College of Law. But even better, one of the most decent, humane, caring, respectful, and kind human beings I have ever known. I wrote him, asked if I could teach with him, really more liked begged to be in his presence. And much to my surprise, he said yes. Over the next several years, he allowed me to come to his classes and teach his students all about work comp, social security, medicare, and medicaid. I watched him, I listened to him, I learned from him. I fell in love with academics, public health, and USF because of him. Thank you Jay for your example, your mentorship, your professionalism, your expertise, and your genteelness and kindness.
My Greatest Honor: Serving at the University of South Florida
I fell in love with USF. Go Bulls! As a result, I looked for ways to volunteer, to get involved, to engage, to be a part of what was happening on campus. Got to work with Betty Castor as she became 5th President of USF. When on behalf of Judy Genshaft, 6th President of USF, Patsy Sanchez asked me to join the USF Latin Community Advisory Council, I did not have to think about it for a second. The LCAC began in 1988. Its first chair was none other than the Hon EJ Salcines. Its members have included a who’s who in our Hispanic community: Adela Gonzmart, Dr. Liana Fernandez Fox, Jose Valiente, Donna Perrino, Richard Gonzmart, Simon Canasi, Lauren Valiente, Grace Maseda Sainz, Anthony Perez, and Catalina Botero Lovett, just to name a few.
It has been my greatest honor and highest point of civic pride to serve on the LCAC and to have been provided the opportunity to serve as its chair under Rhea Law , 8th President of USF. Together with many of the most incredible individuals sitting here tonight, many of the most amazing organizations also with us tonight, the Latino Scholarship Program has provided over $5 million in scholarships to over 900 scholars since its inception, with a nearly 100% graduation rate. My special thanks to the LSP godmothers Donna Perrino, Patsy Sanchez , and Flor Martinez for their care of each student who has been a part of the scholarship program. My special thanks to the USF Foundation’s leadership, Jay Stroman , Kelley Gibson , and Grace Maseda-Sainz, APR, MSM for their support and commitment to help latino students succeed at USF. And my special thanks to our LCAC USF team, my angels, Ralphy’s Angels: Clara Buie , Flor Martinez , Clara Villanueva , Mónica Lee Miranda, Ph.D. , Daphne Almodóvar , and Tracy Muir . Our council could not do what it does, could not serve in the manner in which it does, could not accomplish anywhere near what it has, but for each of you, and all you do to enrich the lives of latino students at USF. It is because of each of you that USF continues to shine and climb to new heights. Thank you!
Professional Mentors and Examples
As I continued to practice law locally, I began to gravitate to professionals who in addition to deeply caring about their careers and who took their responsibilities seriously, also cared about doing right, about serving our community, about treating others with decency, respect, and kindness. Folks like James McConnaughhay and Steve Rissman , Founders of the Workers Compensation Institute. Thanks Jim and Steve for entrusting in me and allowing me the opportunity to serve our workers compensation community alongside each of you. Folks like Sandy D'Alemberte, Donald J. Weidner , and Erin O'Hara O'Connor , Deans of the FSU College of Law. Thank you Sandy, Don, and Erin for the honor of representing FSU and our law school all these years. Folks like Yvonne Guibert , Vice President of the Institutes of Health. Thank you Yvonne for your trust in me to help you build a podcast, an awards show, and multiple educational events together. Folks like Caryn Siebert , Vice President at Gallagher Bassett. Thank you Caryn for being the most generous person in our industry, and for always extending a helping hand no matter the issue, the project, or the problem. Folks like Susan Theis (Garthwait) , President of Commercial Risk Management. Thanks Susan for always including us, and for always welcoming us, for teaching us about inclusivity as a professional. Folks like Bob O'Halloran , Sr VP of Claims at Summit. Thanks Bob for showing me by example how a true professional should always comport. Folks like Tom Koval , then general counsel at FCCI Insurance. Thank you Tom for believing in me, for providing me the opportunity, and for showing me by example how to lead a team with heart and honesty. Folks like Gina Cox and Brian Cox . Thank you Gina and Brian for teaching me kindness and understanding at work and in life, for always doing the right thing. Appreciate your making it here all the way from Denver, CO to celebrate with us. Folks like the Jacqueline Steele , now a county court judge in Manatee County. Thanks Jacque for serving as an example that you can be an advocate, a decision maker, even a judge, and always be kind and respectful.
John Cattie and Jim Anderson
After 20 years of working in the corporate world, I decided to return to law practice. Having known him for over 15 years, known of his work, of his integrity, his vision, I reached out to ⚖️John V. Cattie, Jr. and immediately began to have conversations about building a national law firm focused on medicare and medicaid compliance in the liability, no-fault, and workers compensation space. Cattie & Gonzalez, PLLC was born. The rest as they say is history. Thank you John for your leadership, your integrity, and your vision. Most important, thank you for your trust, your compassion, and your commitment to building a law firm that truly cares about its employees, its clients, consistently dedicated to serving them at the highest level. Thanks Stephanie and Tucker for making the trek from Charlotte, NC to be here with us to celebrate this moment.
And thanks James M (Jim) Anderson for your steady leadership, for your voice of reason, for your wise counsel, and providing us an example of what it means to build a life long career centered around doing right, listening to the client, and serving the client’s needs. Thanks Jim for always putting humanity, compassion, understanding, and patience first. Thanks for making it out from Austin, TX to be here with us on this special day.
Family Friends
A fulfilling life also means surrounding yourself with friends who share your history and values, people who understand and value integrity and honesty, trusted advisors who can guide you and provide varied perspectives, folks who no matter what will stand by you. Lisa and I have been blessed to have such friends. Thank you Oni, Hector and Susy Salgado for being such friends. Thank you Amita and Nash Kanji for being such friends. Thank you Tammy and Mike Hebert for being such friends. Thank you Nora and Fred Wirth for being such friends. Thank you Lisa and Anthony Fevola for being such friends. You have each made our lives better, richer, more enjoyable. We love and appreciate each of you and are so incredibly glad you could be here with us to celebrate this amazing occasion.
You Have Made My Existence Matter and Consequential
I leave you tonight with a very personal note. My mom passed away 9 years ago of a brain tumor. On the day at the hospital she recognized and understood the tumor would end her life, my brother and I jumped in bed with her, and while embracing us both, she shared with us the following: “I want you both to know that I leave earth having fully accomplished all I ever set out to do. I brought you here, to the greatest country in the world, to live in peace, to be free, to accomplish all you ever dreamed. I brought you both here so you could go to school, become professionals, men of words, men of peace. You have both done that and as a result, your life will be better than mine, and your children’s lives will be better than yours. Because of your schooling and degrees, you have forever changed the course of where our family will go. You both need to know that you have done that. I have taught you to be good sons, to be good husbands, to be good fathers. And you have both been good sons, great husbands, and amazing fathers. You both need to know that you have done that. I have done everything I ever dreamed on doing, ever dreamed accomplishing. You both need to know that you have made your mother’s dreams come true, that you have each made my existence on this earth matter and consequential.”
Education Changes Lives, Family Trajectories, and Transforms Communities
By bestowing this honor upon me, you have made my mother’s dream come true. Thank you for honoring her, for making her existence on this earth matter and consequential.
She was right, an education changes lives, it changed mine forever. An education changes the trajectory of families, it changed ours forever. An education transforms communities, it has most certainly changed Tampa’s Hispanic community forever. Thank you THHI for all you do to provide latino students an opportunity at a higher education, and a new life.
Thank you all for being here tonight with us, for coming to celebrate this amazing moment with us, and for serving as our inspiration to do more, be better, and continue to serve our community. As always, my love and very best to each of you and yours. Thank you!
Retired-Senior VP Claims at Summit Consulting
5moAppreciate the man you are. All the best !
Solution Specialist - Hablo Español
5moFelicidades Rafael Gonzalez, Esq.!
VP Clinical Operations Best in Class MD
5moWhat a great honor! You must feel so proud and it’s great to be part of this community and get this recognition. I admire how you take to heart the contributions you make to your profession and community. It’s necessary and important.
Assistant Vice President Claims | Southeast Region at PMA Companies
5moCongratulations 🎉
Partner at Sensenig Law Firm, P.A.
5moSo happy for you - you've been such a "giver" your whole life, I for one am pleased to see you recognized! Congratulations!!!!