Gravitas- Angreji Akhaada

Gravitas- Angreji Akhaada

Body & Mind Approach to Gravitas - A 21 Session Communication Coaching program

                              Knowledge + purpose + passion (– anxiety) = Gravitas


This trinity of knowledge, purpose and passion is the key. They are the pillars on which gravitas rests. The more you strengthen them the more you find your gravitas. And, unlike many other things in life, these three are enhanced by the passage of time. Let’s have a look at how they work-Caroline Goyder

All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed  

If you are not well groomed and not dressed immaculately, the guard in a five-star hotel or any company will not let you in-no matter who you are? Your PhD degree is worth nothing when you are making a business presentation. Neither the big car that is standing outside nor the big house you live in nor who is your grandfather- if you are under prepared, look shabby and frazzled before the small group you are making a presentation to. 

Practice isn’t the thing you do when you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.


What's important is to improve your language skills, have impeccable manners, and dress immaculately. Doing so will help you succeed. 

In the year 2000, I attended a certification course in Cross Cultural Communication at EMPI business school, taught by a professor from Fordham University. It was the professor's first time in India, and she shared her experience of culture shock. On her first day, she tried to understand Indian culture by watching the news. However, for almost half an hour, she didn't realize that the program was in English and not in an Indian language. She thought she was watching Hindi news instead of English. This incident signifies how Indians speak the English language.

Global communication is not about sounding British, American, Australian, or Indian. It's about sounding neutral, like a non-native educated speaker speaking the language on the international platform. It's the language spoken in Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Istanbul, and even in airports and five-star hotels in Singapore and Dubai.

The Netherlands is a country with no significant natural resources like oil, minerals, or ample land for cultivation. As a result, the country relies on neighboring nations such as the UK, Germany, and France. However, despite this, the per capita income of The Netherlands surpasses that of many neighboring countries. Dutch companies like Unilever and Shell have achieved global leadership. This success can be attributed to the adaptability and scenario planning ingrained in Dutch culture, which prepares for the worst. Additionally, the Dutch are educated to fluently speak three foreign languages, including English, German, and French, in addition to their mother tongue.


Certainly! Here's the revised text:

In fact, despite being non-native English speakers, Dutch individuals can challenge English speakers with their command and fluency in English. While they may not sound entirely British, they speak with a smooth, globally accepted accent. This involves enunciating clearly and speaking with a full, confident voice.

Even though many Indians study in English at school, why are many professionals not able to speak confidently in English? The main issue is the fear of grammar. There is so much emphasis on grammar that a person becomes panicked at the thought of making mistakes and ultimately becoming the subject of ridicule. This is especially true for students from a vernacular and rural background. English professors, instead of helping students gain confidence by encouraging them to speak, often advise them to work on their grammar.

Spoken communication is all about expressing yourself and not about grammar. Speaking correctly comes from observing good speakers and understanding conversational etiquette, which can be mastered in a few days.

It is all about Anubhav pajna in Buddha's language i.e. putting into practice through action orientation.

As we discussed above studying English is not the answer, the answer lies in Gautam Buddha's teaching. He is the world's first guru of personality development. According to him we have two minds, one is the thinking mind and second body mind. Thinking mind is what we see and what we read. While body mind experiential in nature i.e. putting into practice what we know already.

Galileo said, “You cannot teach a person anything? You can only help him find it within himself”?

Mastery in any profession, including teaching, is a lifelong journey. People must believe that they have what it takes to learn and grow. Systemic coaching is rooted in that framework. It delivers a growth-fostering relationship that challenges and supports people along the journey. Instead of taking over and directing traffic, as though one could mandate how to get from Point A to Point B, coaching assists teachers to clarify and define their own paths of development.

Coaching focuses on adult learning principles and makes learning self directed

Adults are autonomous and self-directed. • Adult learning builds on a wide variety of previous experiences, knowledge, mental models, self-direction, interests, resources, and competencies.  • Adult learning needs to be facilitated rather than directed. Adults want to be treated as equals and shown respect both for what they know and how they prefer to learn. • Adults need specific behavioral feedback that is free of evaluative or judgmental opinions. • Adults need follow-up support to continue and advance their learning over time.

You must have already heard of the saying, “It takes 21 days to form a new habit. This 21-day challenge provides the perfect starting point for anyone who wants to hone their communication skills. You won’t be able to implement a completely new set of habits in 21 days, but you’ll notice a real difference as will your friends, family, and co-workers.

They say a group of five dedicated individuals can change the world. Each of our students forms a group of five peers and works with a mentor on their English fluency and confidence-building project. For this 21-day challenge, you will need four more committed friends who will come together:

"In a coffee house or someone's home, you can practice what you have learned."

The 10-week program will meet weekly twice. That includes 10 two-hour classroom sessions and 10 follow-up practice sessions on the lesson previous class. During the practice sessions, a group of five meet separately on different days. The last session will be the wrap-up.

Learn techniques to overcome worries about dealing with people. The topic covered may include:

-         Convey passion and energy and secure instant engagement

-         Find calmness when anxiety hits during formal English conversations

-         Understand and apply the body language of gravitas

-         Handle nerves and stay resourceful in the moment.

-         Step up to a big challenge with poise and authority

-         Style and use of grammar in communication

-         Convey passion and energy and secure instant engagement in public speaking and group communication

-         The tone, pitch and volume of voice & confidence building

-         Rapport building and NLP in communication

-         TA and Assertiveness in Communication

-         Experiential Training Methodology and Skills

-         Communication Project of talking and interviewing strangers

-         Handle disagreement with aplomb

-         Dress up for success

The program will involve 20 hours of classes and 60 hours of Team Coaching.

Total No of Sessions: 40 two-hour sessions


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