Great Book Review by Judge Carl Marlinga
As a former prosecutor, defense attorney, and now as a judge, I always thought that I could tell when somebody was lying on the witness stand. Now I know why. Joe Koenig’s book meticulously lays out the telltale verbal clues that people give when they are straying from the truth. This highly entertaining book is an invaluable aid to anyone whose job it is to find the truth. The detailed analysis of the statements of our best known liars, from O.J. Simpson to Bill Clinton, memorably illustrates the subtle word and sentence structure changes that we adopt when trying to deceive. Did I like this book? I would like to say I did. Of course, because this is an honest review, the answer to that question is: yes.
By: Carl J. Marlinga, Macomb County (MI) Probate Court Judge
You can receive an autographed copy of Mr. Koenig’s book by going to “BookStore.”