Greatness Awaits
In June 2015, my daughter was invited to a leadership conference in Lowell, near Boston. I paid for the conference, and travel costs to the conference but applied for a loan to cover costs while we were gone. We were living in a small town in Indiana, so we chose to take a bus to Chicago and fly one-way from O’hare to Boston and stay in a hostel that night. Although I had been given verbal confirmation of the loan, I was informed while en route that the loan was denied. I called family from the plane and was wired a little money.
Around 8pm, we were picked up by a cab driver who drove us and our 7 bags all over the city in search of a CVS to pick up the moneygram. Traffic was hectic, and it was after 10pm when we found an open location. The safe was locked. Because I had chosen to buy meals on the plane, I did not have enough left on my card to pay the entire taxi ride. I had no cash. I asked him to take us to the police station so I could turn myself in and at least Hannah could be safe inside.
When we arrived, I was a mess and bawling my eyes out. I have never been arrested. One police officer stated: “Ma’am, Ma’am, MA’AM, PLEASE CALM DOWN. This is a civil issue. You need to exchange information with the driver, and if they choose to pursue this in court they can file it in the morning.” Another officer suggested we stay in the lobby all night as they did not want to send us to the women’s shelter.
The Boston Police District C-6 South Boston lobby was open to the public. The black metal benches were arranged in a circle, so we put our bags inside the circle. Hannah stretched out and slept while I sat close to her, frantically searching for a CVS within safe walking distance. I sat up all night, while she slept. The next morning, around 7 am we collected our things and started the walk to CVS near Chinatown.
We stopped at a nearby park, and had some fruit and granola for breakfast. As we had time before the shop opened, and to try to relieve the anxiety, we danced. I am blessed to have trained with Paige Prill Craigie, a phenomenal dancer, choreographer and mentor who showed me my power in times of great pain. That morning, Hannah and I showed our power. We did a short dance warm-up, and though floor work is not comfy on concrete, we persisted. Then we found a railing to use as a ballet barre and did a short warmup. We were shelterless, in potential danger, but we danced, anyway.Around 7:50 am I began the walk to CVS. Once I retrieved the funds, I called the cabdriver. After paying him what we owed, he graciously took us to the bus station at no charge. Child support was scheduled to come in that day; so we just needed to survive the day.
I was able to find a room in Manchester, NH; the bus did not leave until that afternoon. We sat outside, with our bags, until 11 am or so and went into the bus station to charge my phone and to buy food. We took our time eating as it was getting hotter. Hannah was afraid we would get in trouble. I assured her that we were paying customers and it was a public place: we were legally allowed to stay inside.
After waiting several hours, drawing or quietly playing cards, we boarded the bus to Manchester. Upon arrival, we stayed outside the bus station. Periodically, I would walk down the block for a stronger cel signal while keeping my eye on Hannah. It was getting darker and colder. Once the funds came in, we called a cab to the Super 8. We prepaid our room for 2 days, and ordered pizza. We were hungry and exhausted; and thankful to be inside.
The next day we were able to travel with the same cab company to and from the conference. We were scared about money, but I wanted Hannah to have 1 day of the 3 day conference. So we went, and listened to leaders in the medical field. After returning to the hotel, keyed up and excited, I couldn’t sleep. Around 2 am I began my daily routine: checking available funds. Around $2500 had been deposited via child support. I shrieked, Hannah woke up, and we jumped for joy. We had enough to stay and participate in the entire conference. After 36 hours of being shelterless and in danger, and 24 hours of danger of being shelterless again, we were finally safe.
We kept quiet about the financial fear except to explain why we had to do things differently. No one knew we were homeless; we just looked like travelers. We walked quickly, we did not ask for money. We traveled on the T, or via bus. When asked for money, my gentle “No” was not greeted kindly but we weren’t attacked. At night, we stayed in or close to public buildings in well-lit areas. We acted or looked like we were waiting for a ride from a friend. No one ever knew how vulnerable we were.
Looking back, it would have been better to go straight to the hostel, and find a different way to pick up the funds the next day. But I needed to make that mistake. I needed to be able to speak to officers who would differentiate between civil and criminal law. I needed to be reminded that police officers’ primary goal is to serve and protect our ability to act peacefully. I needed to see heroes in continuous action in order to find my moments of heroism, again.
I hope we can all find those moments of heroism. Keep sharing our power with our communities, our families and ourselves. Stay safe, stay strong and stay together. peace elaine