There is someone always at the first step, another one at the middle step and another one at the last step and the cycle is endless.
Someone must hold your hand on the first step, someone else must hold whoever is holding your hand to make it to their next step. #endless #circle
As you make it on your first step, then you realize there is someone eager to make their first step, and you must be willing to hold them and ensure that they make it. #makeit
The stairs are not without challenges, there is slipping, there is falling, there is some discouragements at some level. But the end goal is that we all succeed and ignite a spark to spread like wildfire. #spark
Don't let the challenges discourage you from accomplishing your obligations of helping others grow. #overcome the #challenges
When we come together and solve the challenges we have at each step of the staircase, then we realize that, actually nothing is impossible to attain. #solutions
Our dreams become valid through others realizing theirs. We create a rapport, we become a begin family willing to support each other at each staircase. #valid
Let us grow together, let us achieve our goals by helping one another. Together like Ants Army we realize our dreams, we reach our goals, we make growth possible. #possible