Growth hints and hacks for the Research & Insight
As the end of the financial year looms (including for Client Advocates), your agency hits a significant staging post. This is a time to assess the last year's performance, strategise for the future, and solidify plans to propel growth. Hopefully it's a time of some celebration (either "we did it!", or "we survived!") and also a point to take a breath. It might also be a time to say, "yep, those issues we know we have need to addresses, can no longer be ignored or put off." Expecting last year to be different from next year, without taking any corrective action or investment, is at best optimistic, and may just be silly!
In the ever-evolving and disrupted landscape of market research, foresight and planning are paramount. And hopefully this newsletter helps you with these.
Here are my latest thoughts and musings about researching industry trends, consumer behaviours and how to get ahead of the curve and drive growth.
The case for the four-day week - is it for you?
I'm always open to suggestions when it comes to working smarter, not harder. And so the concept of a shorter workweek leaves me curious. Less work and yet generating the same levels of value sounds like a winner to me - definitely commercially astute! We find ourselves now in the midst of a growing movement advocating for a 4-day workweek and with good reason. According to this UK study, such a shift would result in significant benefits, including increased wellbeing, easier recruitment and better inclusivity. Following a trial of this system, the vast majority of organisations committed to making the change from 5 to 4 days. However, there were still be concerns around productivity, with some finding completion of work to be challenging, along with a lack of connectedness and social aspects of work that could result from decreased hours. It will be interesting to see if more businesses decide to go ahead with the compressed working week as the momentum continues to build. How about your market research and insight agency? Is a 4-day workweek something you have considered?
Mental health at work
As an industry, I think we can be quietly proud of the efforts that many agencies are investing in to improve mental health awareness and provision within their organisations. And I am sure this will continue to evolve and become even more mainstream as time goes .
If you are a market research agency that is starting out on the journey to invest in mental well-being, or you are seeing the positive impacts of your initial initiatives and wonder how to do more, then I think this article will be of interest. It provides four principles for how to better support mental health and well-being in a business and goes into some excellent detail on how to deliver impactful programmes and initiatives. I was particularly struck by No 4: Embrace The Power Of Role Modeling To Shift Culture. Most of my clients in agencies are leaders and owners and therefore the people who might themselves encounter issues with mental health (running an agency is not without its pressures!) and who can also role-model and embody really good mental well-being practices.
I hope the article gives some ideas and inspiration: Read More.
Manging deadline stress
When I ask Heads of Insight about the things that exasperate them, agencies that miss deadlines is always a guaranteed mention. We all have deadlines and inevitably, sometimes we run close to them - me included. Some people thrive on deadlines, some simply survive, but there are ways to navigate them more smoothly.
This is a useful piece exploring techniques to manage the deadline stress and hopefully avoid those friction points for clients and colleagues. Getting the most important task out of the way first, effective communication, and factoring in "buffer time" - are just a few great ways to keep up the efficiency levels as you complete a project and ensure you submit at the agreed time.
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Which of these tips will you be taking on board? Read Now.
AI as a Marketing tool...
AI this, AI that... so much talk, so much written.
I'm not going to chime in about the impact AI is having/going to have on the practices, processes and products in the market research and insight agency. At least, not in this post!
What I do want to draw my network's attention to is the way AI can help and elevate with your brand building and sales activation. I hear quite a lot of the time that the biggest challenge to research agencies doing more concerted marketing is that it is too time-intensive and involves too much creativity resource. So here is a really useful article from Greenbook and my friend Norbert Sari that will help you to use AI to save time and make the generation of your brand-building content and planning easier and more productive.
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Helping Research & Insight Leaders be more successful
Mobile: 07711344074
Fantastic insight! To amplify your reach, consider leveraging machine learning for predictive analysis on consumer behavior, enhancing your market research outcomes.