H A P P Y  H O L Y D A Y S
That's David's painting of the Pandas. They are absolutely certain that All is Well. No mistaking those happy smiles!


In times like these when the world seems to have gone mad, always remember

that the light that resides inside your heart is the same light

that Sunbursts, Moonbeams & Stargates are made of.

This, Dear One, is You!

Have a beautiful Holiday Season and know you are loved.

A Special Writing Challenge Over the Holidays

You can do this alone or have fun with friends and family. All you need is writing paper and a pen! Your muse will meet you write where you are!

Choose a favourite book on your book shelf, open it to any page and put your finger down. Copy down the words, sentence, or phrase where your finger landed and write wherever those words take you. Don’t stop until the time is up. And if you like, post it in Junie’s Writing Sanctuary for all to see! 

David and I did this some weeks ago. He chose the book The Call, by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

 My finger touched down on these words:  How do I want to make love to the world today? And this is what I wrote:

The way I would like to make love to the world today and every day is with wild abandon. That every flower, every leaf, every moth, squirrel and rabbit feels the invisible kiss of God as I walk by. Children giggle even louder. Older folk forget their bodies and their age while politicians unite in their unwavering stance to end all wars.

Oh yes, if I were to make love to the world today I would do so as The Creator would. Ecstatic pleasures would burst forth with such elation that even inanimate objects would thrust wide with pride their chests declaring to the world, “Look at me!” And all the world would gaze in awe and admiration at their porcelain, plastic or even paper mache magnificence. Everyone would know that work of art was born of imagination.

Yes, if I were to make love to the world, I would lie on the ground in an open meadow or fern-covered forest and devote every breath of my being to Mother Earth. Later, on ocean shores, I would imagine every sea creature swimming to meet and greet me in kind – frolicking freely upon the waves they would sing their solar songs, vibrations of pure love as we curtsy and bow in each other’s honour.

But alas, I am just a woman with limitations locked in a body of outdated habits and patterns and paradigms reminding me to remove my rose colour glasses, step off the Pollyanna pony carousel and enter reality.

Yes, I am afraid that what I wish for is too often beyond my reach. It’s true that my imagination takes me there. I travel first class on the backs of majestic mammoths and flying dolphins dressed in my free-flowing gossamer gowns. I am the Goddess of Wonder, of Magic and Miracles and I am revered and cherished by these species more than one could ever wish for.

Yet, if only I could remain awake — awake in the earth dream. In the human dream. Awake as the God, Goddess I Am. Instead, I falter. I strive. I hunger. I pray. I pray for the me that flies with the eagles on high and the me that walks among mortals. Oh, how I pray.

I pray to shapeshift into one steady being. Steady enough to never, ever falter while making love to the world. And I pray that when I do, I remind myself that I am a human being, on an every-expanding path of growth and it’s okay to stumble and fall, then brush myself off and start again . . . knowing ALL IS WELL.


All love and blessings,


PS — That's David's painting of the Pandas. They are absolutely certain that All is Well. No mistaking those happy smiles!

Jack Miller

Life Coach at Truth TuneUps


My heart weeps in joy, my soul dances in delight after reading your heart and soul stirring words, thank you dear JunieGirl. Dear David your Panda picture is so full of life, depth and vibrancy, thank you. You both are such blessed angelic messengers of Source on the planet, thank you. May this Christmas day fill you with the pure goodness of all there is! Love you, Jack xo... 😘 😍 😂


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