The demons possessed, the alcoholic, the drug addict, the fornicator struck the hand of God,

Stretched for their benefit and blessing,

Hot wax seals earth shadows,

They are the souls of women who died from the blows of men.

The earth is not yet ventilated by demons,

They live in families where a holy vein once grew

The children look in terror at the beaten mothers

They would put the male aggressors to the ground, they are not big yet.

They cry with their arms around their neck of the beated mothers,

They were repeatedly knocked to the ground by monsters

The blood is so hot,

The demons possessed take their energy from cruel deeds.

The insatiable take their wives, smash them against the wall,

With their fists onto their heads, they "care" for them,

Women with the little strength left, defend themselves,

Scratch the skin on the cheeks of bandits.

Who strikes a woman and a mother,

His hand will never rot,

Loaded with suffering is their karma,

They will get back exactly what they gave.

The world is still a roar of pain,

The forces of evil have unleashed,

Evil kills for pleasure, the evil pours acid into the holy water.

Mothers burn incense in the candle, their lives are bitter,

They are the protectors of the children, with dificulty conceived in their wombs,

The fire of their virtue attached to the hearts of beasts,

Surrounds the world, fills it with tears 77 million times.

The blind remain blind, the deaf remain deaf,

Mute without words in their purple mouthes

When evil becomes master over eveything,

Mothers all over the world, are burning oil in candles for peace on earth,

Demons in the light have no power, the swamp of their sins drags them into the grave.

This century is a miracle,

Black and white are uncovered,

The children of abused mothers grow up, they go out into the world,

To seal the evil, to fulfill what is meant to be,

The earth is united with the water, brothers are forever,

The forests hide their chosen ones under the fir trees on the mountain slopes,

There will be earthquakes in our lives in all states,

Demons from families, corrupt leaders from all industries and political leaders of Satan will fall.

God's hand protects the children, his angels are brought into the world,

To show parents how it will be,

In a world without maleficent people,

They grow in men that women will not beat

And in women without fear of death,

They are the true leaders of humanity cleaned by alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes and demons possessed.

Fields of daisies grow on blood and tears,

They are whiter and more translucent than the radiance of the radiant moon,

The flame of love is held by children in their hands,

God puts His holy hand on their heads so they will not become fallen angels.

By Lora Levitchi, Aug 1st, 2020

Facts and figures: Ending violence against women | UN Women – Headquarters




Posedatul, alcoolistul, drogatul, curvarul au lovit mana lui Dumnezeu,

Intinsa spre folosul si binecuvantarea lor,

Ceara fierbinte sigileaza umbre de pamant,

Sunt sufletele femeilor care din loviturile barbatilor au murit.

Pamantul nu este aerisit inca de demoni,

Colcaiesc in familii in care odata crestea un filon sfant

Copiii privesc in teroare mame lovite

I-ar culca la pamant pe agresorii barbati, inca nu-s mari.

Plang de gatul mamelor lovite,

Puse de monstrii repetat la pamant

Sange tasneste menit sa-nfierbante,

Pe posedati ce-si iau energia din crude fapte.

Nesatiosi isi iau femeile, le izbesc de-al casei zid,

Cu pumnii in cap le 'dezmiarda',

Femeile cu forta ce le-a mai ramas, se apara,

Zgarie pielea de pe obrazuri de banditi.

Cine loveste femeia si mama,

In veci mana nu ii va fi putrezit

Incarcata cu suferinti le e karma,

Vor primi inapoi exact ce-au oferit.

Lumea i-un muget tot de durere,

Fortele raului s-au dezlantuit,

Raul ucide pentru placere, maleficul toarna-n aghiazma acid.

Ard mamele tamaie in candela, viata le este amara,

Sunt protectorii copiilor din pantecul lor cu greu zamislit,

Focul virtutii lor alipit de inimi de fiara,

Inconjoara lumea, o umple de lacrimi de 77 milioane de ori.

Orbii, orbi vor ramane, surzii, far de auz,

Mutii far de vorbe in vinetii gure,

Cand raul devine stapan peste toti

Ard mamele de peste tot din lume, untdelemn in candele pentru pace pe pamant,

Demonii in lumina nu au putere, mlastina pacatelor lor ii trage-n mormant.

Veacul acesta este-o minune,

Albul de negru e descoperit,

Copiii mamelor planse cresc, pleaca in lume,

Sa puna raului pecete, sa indeplineasca ce e menit.

Pamantul se uneste cu apa, infratiti pe vecie,

Padurile isi ascund alesii intre brazi pe coaste de munti,

In viata noastra cutremure in toate statele o sa fie,

Vor cade demonii din familii, capii corupti din industrii si lideri politici de Satan insemnati.

Mana lui Dumnezeu ocroteste copiii, sunt ingerii lui in lume-aruncati,

Sa arate parintilor cum o sa fie,

Intr-o lume far de alienati,

Sa creasca-n barbati ce femei nu vor bate

Si in femei fara frica de moarte,

Sa fie lideri ai omenirii curatate de alcoolisti, drogati, curvari, posedati.

Pe sange si lacrimi cresc lanuri de margarete,

Mai albe si mai translucente ca stralucirea lunii radiante,

Flacara iubirii-i tinuta de copii in maini,

Dumnezeu le pune mana pe crestete, sa nu devina decazuti pagani.

De Lora Levitchi, Aug 1st, 2020


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