Happiness is spiritual living every moment
Abide with your refreshed sense of truth and take strength from your newfound happiness, this is true independence. Most modern values are materialistic, mundane and limited, anyone can see that. At least modern western society offers people the freedom to be different, so claim and enjoy your rights. Part of spirituality is allowing others to be as they are while still seeing the Highest in them. If you feel upset that others don't share your views ask yourself why it is that you are resisting what exists in the moment. Doing so doesn't change the moment, it just creates suffering for you. You can support people who don't hold your views by being an example of someone who doesn't mind others believing different things.
Basically the need for spiritual living arises from the fact that normal existence is based on the principle of dualities. The mind cannot survive without separating the world into opposites. If there is profit, there will also be loss, if there is a plus, we need a minus to balance the two. In the vicious cycle of living in this manner, there comes a stage when we realize there has to be something more to life than simply eating, drinking and making money. Unlike science, spiritualism is concerned about knowing and living with the subject, in observance and alertness, in spontaneity, with awareness, in the presence of the now. This study goes beyond sensory inputs to the subject of consciousness.
There are four aspects one needs to follow: first, knowing oneself in honesty, without any judgments; second, knowing the subtle, witnessing self, which exists beyond our thoughts and emotions; third, experiencing and realizing the power of the now, through meditation and with awareness in every moment; and fourth, experiencing God through compassion, selflessness and non-attachment.
In external perception, there are four factors which determine any experience: the object in question, the sense-organ, the mind, and the conscious self. The mind connects the perceived object to the subject of who we are- the knowing self. Therefore, knowledge is the manifestation of the knowing self, connected through the mind, to experience, forming our consciousness and external perception, to determine anything. The study of inner perception of consciousness or spirit, is spiritualism.
Spiritualism emphasis on three modes of existence; Illusory or perspective existence, where objects appear and disappear. Empirical existence, where inner perception deals with cause and effect through experiences. Absolute existence, when the body and mind dissolve into unified consciousness, in the absence of any inner or outer perception; defying all the laws of mind, ego and desire, to become absolute or pure Consciousness in self-realization (as achieved by a few, like the Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, etc).
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It should make you happy! Your happiness shouldn't change based on the people you meet or not, and it should have the effect of not creating conflict. I have to say though, if you really get deep into some stuff, it's sometimes sad to see how a lot of people don't get it and project their frustrations on you. It's also about communication, some people just don't express themselves in the same way, but ideally you should be able to not mind that, and more: radiate your peace unto others. It's not always easy thought. Meditate on that. If this does not make you happy, maybe you should go back to where you were.
Know that you decided to believe in what you believe now out of conscious choice. You don’t need to reaffirm the details of that initial choice every time you think of it. Being in touch with your spirituality and interested in things that are beyond the material world is sadly a rarity in modern life. You will be different to a lot of people around you, to most people around you. But that doesn’t mean you are alone. I suggest you try to connect with other people who share your clarity of mind, and are interested in the things you believe to be important. Otherwise over time they will dull and cloud your mind, so that the seeds of doubt can be sown.
People will lead you to believe that everything that you can’t see with your own two eyes has no importance on your life. Maybe they wish it was so, but ignoring the truth doesn’t make it go away. I suspect it has to do with your approach, though you don't mention that. One thing that happens to many people who embrace spirituality is they feel they have found the "magic nugget" and they now find ordinary life boring. They also often feel superior to people in so-called mundane human existence, which is a huge mistake, in my opinion.
Spirituality is meant to work with life as it is. There are no conflicts. Those only take place in your mind. As for the people you meet, if your values have changed and they no longer match your new way of being, it seems like it's time to find new friends. That said, you can still be friends with many people regardless of where they come from. What you now have is for you and it would be wise to keep it that way, unless other people ask you for information. To do so without consent would be a boundary violation. Cheers!