Happy Companies. Having honest and effective conversations (One on One)

Happy Companies. Having honest and effective conversations (One on One)

In some companies, employee performance evaluations are conducted; others use 360-degree assessments, while many do nothing. Historically, the primary purpose has often been to determine salary increases and bonuses, and ultimately to justify business decisions (such as terminations or departmental changes).

I always found them to be subjective and a waste of time. Ours was poorly designed, didn't help with happiness (and retention), and was incredibly boring.

So, I designed a new one based on Ben Horowitz 's concept of one-on-one meetings and discovered a powerful tool for having honest and effective conversations and building a Happy Company.

Through honest conversation, both parties will know what to expect from each other, whether their professional relationship has a future, what they like or dislike about the relationship, work, and colleagues, and whether it's beneficial to continue together or not.

Having honest and effective conversations

It requires complete attention, preparation, and dedicating as much time as necessary (I usually reserve at least two hours). It's not about filling out a form or following a company mandate; the conversation includes a script to start, and a list of questions to discuss important topics.

Mobile phones, computers, and distractions are prohibited. It takes place in a small meeting room, avoiding offices that demonstrate hierarchy or places with distractions.

The conversation is confidential; however, the conclusions and both sides commitments are communicated to HR, or as each company has established.

What is the purpose of an honest conversation?

It's an exchange between two individuals where there is necessarily a hierarchical relationship but it is used to guide and help in both directions, not to impose.

It serves to:

  • Get to know each other,
  • Set expectations,
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses,
  • Define areas for improvement,
  • Establish mutual commitments.

It's about being open to each other, opening our minds and hearts; it doesn't mean sharing our life stories, gossiping, or becoming best friends.

How often is it conducted?

At the start of the employment relationship, either due to the recent hiring of the person into the company or due to a change in position, and periodically throughout the years of the employment relationship.

It's necessary to have an honest conversation within the first week of joining and at least twice before the first six months.

Once expectations are set and understood by both parties and after a reasonable time for autonomous work and experiencing the company culture, the frequency can be reduced to twice a year.

What is the script?

The script is a list of questions suitable for use in meetings; it's a living and individual document that will be adapted to each person and situation.

You cannot "demand" what has not been "requested" and "explained" beforehand.

Within the first week of the employee's onboarding, it's essential to conduct an initial one-on-one conversation to establish agreements and finalize a customized job description that meets mutual approval.

What is reflected in the document provided to HR?

The conversation is entirely confidential, but in writing, it must reflect both the positive points and those that are not, and on which we have agreed to work and commit together (the action plan) and monitor in future conversations.

Who does the action plan apply to?

It includes commitments for both parties; in cases where only one party makes commitments, it is better to end the relationship because it's not balanced.

What happens with the document?

Once the conversation is finished, one person fills out the document for the first time and shares it with the other; once both agree, it is sent to HR, and each keeps a copy to review during the next conversation.

The document will always include an updated and agreed-upon job description.

Therefore, the document will evolve and reflect our relationship, what's good, what needs improvement, the commitments from both parties, the results, and the changes.

Don't be afraid of having difficult conversations with your employees; happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Below is the script I use, it should be adapted to the characteristics of each company, sector, and professional relationship:

One-on-One Template

Technical competency

  • The level of technical competency (understanding of business processes, use of tools, improvements, new functionalities, etc.) observed is as expected based on the recognized experience level upon your joining or for your current role category.

Example of feedback after two conversations with Zephyra:

  • January 10, 2024: Zephyra has an adequate level of technical competency as per the attached job description that we agreed upon, but improvement in their knowledge of the SkySync CloudConnect tool is expected within 3 months.
  • April 20, 2024: Zephyra has demonstrated a proficient understanding of SkySync CloudConnect, as agreed upon in the previous One-on-One meeting.

  • Do you feel like you're evolving in your current position? (Describe some things you've learned recently)
  • Action plan: if an action plan is required to improve technical competencies, agree on what will be done both by the company (e.g., buying a book, providing a course, ...) and by the employee (taking an online course...).

Example of response after two conversations:

  • February 10, 2017: It is agreed to enroll Zephyra in the next course on SkySync CloudConnect, and also Zephyra will dedicate 1 hour per week to study the tool's administration manual.
  • April 30, 2017: Zephyra has become an expert in SkySync CloudConnect and proposes improvements to the administration manual to facilitate training for employees at the new Sawarak office.

Organization and planning

  • You organize and plan your time effectively and efficiently: adhering to the company's schedule, making the most of your time at work, promptly addressing assigned tasks, completing them within the allotted time, and requesting/creating more tasks when finished.
  • What were your biggest time thieves or barriers to progress last week or the week before?
  • Action plan...

Communication Skills

  • You express your ideas, needs, and opinions to the rest of the team through clear and detailed comments and descriptions in task management tools, public presentations, meetings, and informal interactions.
  • Action plan...

Ability to Work Independently

  • According to your level of technical and business experience, you perform assigned tasks without requiring help except in specific cases. You use available resources (books, documentation, etc.) to educate yourself and ask questions when you don't find the answer.
  • Is there someone on the team from whom you'd especially like to learn?
  • Who provides you with the most valuable feedback?
  • Action plan...

Initiative and Entrepreneurial Spirit

  • You contribute your own ideas to the projects or tasks you undertake. You are proactive in seeking solutions, executing tasks, and improving your skills (e.g., you have read the manual for..., watched the video on...).
  • Action plan...

Flexibility and Adaptability

  • You easily adapt to changes in organization, tasks, assignments, projects, and deadlines.
  • Action plan

Responsibility and Personal Commitment

  • You demonstrate day by day that you feel responsible for the assigned tasks, and you engage with dedication in everything you undertake, even if it's boring.
  • Action plan...

Teamwork Skills

  • You are an active member of the company, helping others to accomplish their tasks, and your relationship with the rest of the team is cordial and positive.
  • Is there any member of the company with whom you find it difficult to work? Could you explain the reasons?
  • What do you think could help us work better as a team?
  • Action plan...

Critical Thinking and Self-Criticism

  • You think about the best way to do things, providing constructive criticism of your work and that of others.
  • Do you like my team management style?
  • What would you recommend I improve to lead better? Could you describe some specific situations?
  • Action plan...

Adherence to Policies and Procedures

  • You perform your daily tasks following defined workflows and procedures, update internal documentation when improvements are needed, and adhere to company policies and departmental regulations.
  • Action plan...

Integration into the Organization

  • Do you feel comfortable with the company's mission and values (meritocracy, pragmatism, honesty, profitability)? Do you understand the meaning and share these values?
  • What is your greatest achievement since you've been here (since our last conversation)?
  • Is there anything you would change to improve the company?
  • Are you satisfied with your work at the company?
  • Do you feel valued? Have you ever felt undervalued?
  • What worries you?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • What projects would you be interested in participating in the coming months?
  • What would you like to achieve in the next three years?
  • When will we meet again?
  • Action plan...


  • February 10, 2017: Zephyra joined the company yesterday and is very excited to have been selected to help improve our flagship application. We have agreed on his responsibilities as per the attached job description, and his Liaison (I will explain this in an upcoming article on the onboarding process) is providing valuable assistance.
  • April 20, 2017: Zephyra and I are very pleased with the work done. We have agreed to work on assigning more responsibilities to Zephyra.

Is your current One-On-One helping build a happy company?

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