Have your experienced a 'twilight zone'?
My true reply to this question is, “Most definitely!” And, “Maybe so.” Yes, may be Twilight Zone exists in your own mind. So, it's a different kind of dimension for everyone who has some experience with it. That's why Rod Sterling describes it in such vague, nebulous terms.At the same time, every “strange” incident must not be given blame to Twilight Zone occurrences.What may feel strange for one person is everyday real life for some. Besides, virtually any strange situation has an ordinary logical explanation. That proves true even if no one alive now can fathom what it may be. This uncertainty alone necessarily proves existence of a… TWILIGHT ZONE!!!!
The Twilight Zone is a television series drama that puts characters into situations where they have to make ethical decisions and pay consequences (or reap benefits) for their choices. Most episodes include supernatural and/or science fiction aspects into the story line. It’s a fascinating study of human nature. The Twilight Zone is an anthology show, meaning every episode is a self-contained story with no relation to any other episode. Most episodes were dramas, although some were more comedic in nature. The way Rod Sterling set up the series, the majority of stories were morality plays, with the plot of the story being a vehicle to study the nature of humanity in both its best and worst cases. The overwhelming number of episodes were resolved with a plot twist, where typically good guys received justice and bad guys received retribution.
It's not an actual place, but Rod Serling did base much of the show on what he considered his "hometown". His hometown high school has a Rod Serling film festival, there is an exhibit in a local museum, his daughter does talks occasionally. Having lived in the area of his hometown, I will say there are moments or instances when out and about where you get flashes of the TV episodes. You can get glimpses of what inspired him, both in the landscape, and the way the people are. There are even still carousels in parks in the area, just like one of his episodes.
To narrate my own experience in 1989 I happened to visit Kissimmee town in Florida, whilst there I hopped into Burger King joint and ordered a Hot Chocolate as a drink with my meal. However although its so commonly known nowadays, it was the first time I ever had Marshmallows with a hot chocolate and it tasted amazing. That same night I told my parents about it. A few nights later I went back to the same Burger king and my intention was to order a hot chocolate on its own. But what actually happened has puzzled me ever since....
This is roughly how the conversation went:
Lady serving behind the counter: "Can I help you"?
Me: "A hot chocolate please".
Lady: "Sorry?"
Me "A hot chocolate please"
Lady (Looking perplexed): "Do you mean a bar of chocolate"?
Me: "No, a cup of hot chocolate".
Lady: "You mean a bar of chocolate in a cup"?
Me: "No, a hot chocolate, you know the drink".
Lady: "Do you mean a chocolate milkshake?
Me: "No a hot chocolate"?
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Lady "Hold on I will get the manager".
Manager" Can I help you"?
Me: " Can I have a hot chocolate"?
Manager: "So you want a hot chocolate shake"?
Me: "No a hot chocolate drink".
Manager "So you mean a chocolate Milkshake that has been heated"?
Me: "Hey Please, no look there on the board, under drinks third line from the bottom HOT CHOCOLATE"
The manager and the original lady looked at the word HOT CHOCOLATE then turned to each other and shrugged their shoulders.
A customer behind me in the queue then turned to the manager and said "I think he means a spooner".
Me: "I have no idea what the hell a spooner is, I just want a hot chocolate".
Manager "OK Sir, we've tried to help you and now would you kindly leave"
I then left feeling totally humiliated.
Its been almost 30 years since that experience and I'm still perplexed as to what actually happened. It felt like I had been teleported to another dimension where heated chocolate beverages didn't exist. Wish if anyone can suggest an explanation for this event I'm all ears.
What I feel is that a twilight zone is a matter of perspective, do you think its real if so then it is. if you don’t its not, its just a figment of your imagination. because it says,”It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. “ it is the dimension of imagination so yes it could be to explain for strange situations, but could these strange situations just be part of you imagination, or another mystery for… the twilight zone? Cheers!