Having Acne on your Cheeks?
Cheek acne: what is it?
Acne that develops on your cheeks is exactly what it sounds like: cheek acne. The term "acne" refers to a broad category of tiny pimples that can develop on your skin due to clogged hair follicles filled with dead skin cells and oil. They could show up as pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads.
An age-old Chinese and Ayurvedic method called face mapping links the location of acne on your face to various consequences. Acne can provide some insight, even if it might not be a sign of every health issue or lifestyle choice. For example, having acne on your cheeks could indicate that you don't practice good hygiene, such as washing your makeup brushes or changing your bedding. Regardless of where it manifests on the skin, acne frequently has several causes.
Why does cheek acne occur?
What exactly causes acne on our cheeks is the key question. Usually, oil buildup inside pores is the culprit, which exacerbates inflammation and worsens the visibility of acne. Numerous causes, such as the use of pore-clogging skincare products or filthy makeup brushes, might contribute to this accumulation of oils. A number of factors can contribute to cheek acne, including touching your face, transferring bacteria from your phone to your pillowcases, wearing cosmetics, and hormone fluctuations. The good news is that you may lessen the severity of your cheek acne or prevent it with a few different methods. To get your acne addressed, consult a physician.
Your Phone is a Bacterium Vector.
Your phone spends a lot of time in various locations, which eventually causes bacteria to accumulate. Although this in and of itself is not a huge concern, it could become problematic if we touch our phone and then touch our face or, worse, hold it right next to our ear. It's possible that some germs is making its way into your face unless you're constantly cleaning the screen of your phone. This may therefore result in clogged pores, which either initiates or exacerbates acne.
Dirty sheets and pillowcases
While sheets and pillowcases usually stay in one location, they also gather bacteria. Moreover, irritating your skin when you sleep is a possibility, particularly if you rub your face against the pillow a lot—it happens to the best of us!
Putting hands on your face
You can't even go a day without meeting your keyboard, credit card, or steering wheel, and those are only a few examples. Furthermore, even while it would seem simple to refrain from touching your face, it's not always feasible. Acne can aggravate or develop new lesions on your face due to the transfer of bacteria and oil from your hands to your face.
Inadequate skin care regimen
The things we put into our bodies have a big influence on how we feel and appear. More precisely, scratching your face too vigorously or using skincare products with harsh ingredients can irritate your skin. However, failing to wash your face frequently enough can cause bacteria and oil to accumulate in your pores, which, if left unchecked, can result in acne.
Hormone changes
Your body contains androgens, which are very variable hormones (particularly for women). Sebum (oil) is produced when the sebaceous glands are stimulated by the release of androgens. Acne can be caused by oily skin because it provides the ideal conditions for bacterial development.
How may cheek acne be avoided?
Fortunately, there are a number of actions that may be performed to either prevent or lessen acne. Try these tips to maintain the health of your skin:
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Before using your phone, wipe it down.
Cleaning your phone's screen, especially before touching it to your face, may seem like a chore, but it can lower your chance of getting acne. The less likely you are to bring microorganisms onto your face, the cleaner the screen on your phone.
Avoid using your phone in the restroom.
The restroom is one of the germiest areas in the house, no mystery. Your hands come into touch with numerous potentially bacterial surfaces between using the toilet and the faucet. Furthermore, it’s a good idea to leave your phone out of the bathroom or keep it in a closed bag if need be.
Replace your pillowcase once a week or more.
It is impossible to prevent bacteria from getting on the pillowcase and subsequently making their way onto your skin, even if you wash your face before bed. If you can't wash your pillowcase every week, have an extra on ready to replace it.
Wash your hands often.
Generally speaking, there's no harm in washing your hands. By doing this, you stop germs from spreading from surfaces you touch to your face. Water alone is not as good at killing bacteria, so be sure to use soap as well.
Modify your skincare regimen
Certain skincare products may cause skin irritation. Change things up if you find that your present regimen is uncomfortable or just isn't working. While warm water and mild, fragrance-free soap work well most of the time, severe acne may require further care. In this situation, you must speak with a doctor so they can help you identify the routine that best suits your requirements.
Consult your physician about birth control
While using birth control by itself won't help clear up acne, combining it with other therapies may make your skin seem better.
Treatment for cheek acne
Knowing what causes acne, the first step towards a treatment is only. But how can acne really be effectively treated? The solution is simple: you must locate a customized acne remedy. If you haven't previously, you can begin by using a pimple-fighting product that has benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as one of the primary active components. These chemicals are found in many pharmacies and food stores, and you can obtain skincare products without a prescription. However, we advise speaking with a physician if you've previously tried several lifestyle modifications and novel skincare regimens and nothing has worked. Having a physician with expertise in treating acne is crucial when it comes to treating your skin.