Heath Ritenour & John Ritenour of Insurance Office of America Accused of Alleged Stock Manipulation
Farrow Law Files Civil Racketeering Lawsuit Against Insurance Office of America, John Ritenour and Valli Ritenour – All Face Claims of Civil Racketeering (“RICO”), Fraud and Civil Conspiracy
The Farrow Law Firm has filed a complaint in the circuit court for the seventeenth judicial circuit in and for Broward County Florida, alleging the principles of Longwood, Florida based Insurance Office of America Inc. (IOA) including Valli Ritenour and John Ritenour engaged in Florida's RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS ACT ("Civil RICO") to defraud Plaintiff and other IOA associates out of rightly owed insurance commissions.
RICO Defendants Valli Ritenour and John Ritenour intentionally and substantially interfered with agents such as Plaintiff's commissions by stealing, concealing and transferring commission remunerations through either false accounting, concealing actual realized commissions or through fraudulently transferring to other unlicensed entities and persons to launder their illegal gains.
RICO Defendants Valli and John Ritenour would then re-route these alleged illegal commissions through their alleged illegal and unlicensed entity "1188 Partners LLC" to conceal the "profits" of this well coordinated scheme.
Insurance Office of America, John Ritenour and Heath Ritenour Facing Three (3) Lawsuits Alleging Fraud and Stolen Agent Commissions
The Farrow Law Firm, Brach Eichler and Cooper Levenson have filed separate complaints against Longwood, Florida-based Insurance Office of America Inc. (IOA), with one also against individuals John Ritenour and Heath Ritenour, alleging Plaintiffs were defrauded out of rightfully owed insurance commissions in the States of New Jersey and Florida.
The allegations in the Florida lawsuit include Civil Racketeering (“RICO”) and that RICO Defendants John Ritenour and Heath Ritenour conspired in a scheme to steal licensed agent accounts so they could greater enrich themselves and the stock price of their company.
Allegedly, from these illegal actions, IOA misappropriated commissions owed to independent insurance agents such as Plaintiffs Scott Strenger, Rick Collins and Louis Spagnuolo, as well as many others resulting in a “Ponzi” like scheme to artificially inflate its stock valuation.
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“By the looks of it, the Plaintiffs in New Jersey were allegedly fraudulently induced to enter a corrupt culture that rewarded unlicensed activity while they were being defrauded out of substantial earned commissions,” said attorney Farrow. “Clearly with these three similar lawsuits, it isn’t hard to see the pattern of alleged illicit behavior on the part of IOA and the Ritenours.”
The lawsuit alleges: “Instead of defending these cases on the merits, Insurance Office of America, John Ritenour and Heath Ritenour engaged their 'legal fixers' from [Moran, Kidd, Lyons, Johnson & Garcia, P.A.] to file a lawsuit against all four victims and two sets of lawyers claiming they have been defamed. Yet, since inception, Insurance Office of America, John Ritenour and Heath Ritenour have done everything in their power to block and obstruct the victims’ rights to discovery, which further continues a pattern of using judicial process for unintended and 'Illegal Purposes.'”
"RICO" Defendant John Ritenour & Insurance Office of America Accused of "Stealing" Insurance Commissions" from Its Own Agents: Witnesses Sought Regarding Allegation
"Defendants Valli Ritenour, John Ritenour and Heath Ritenour are the proverbial 'wolves in sheep’s clothing' as they built an empire through the commission of multiple fraudulent schemes, causing direct injury to Plaintiff and others similarly situated, including (a) skimming insurance commissions from Insurance Office of America’s sales agents through 'cooking the books'; (b) buying 'books of business' and refusing to pay commissions on accounts and laundering their illegal gains through scores of separate corporate vehicles and real estate transactions; (c) the manipulation of Defendant Insurance Office of America’s stock by making the company look healthier by claiming large accounts as belonging to Insurance Office of America through bullying, deceit, terminations, intimidation and 'mobster-like' behavior; and (d) attempting to intimidate a witness.
The Amended Complaint goes on to allege: “Defendants John Ritenour and Heath Ritenour’s real secret is that they know by stealing accounts, skimming off commissions and shaking down Insurance Office of America agents with no one to challenge them, Defendant Insurance Office of America’s stock price can be manipulated for their personal gain and those of their cronies who have enabled them for years. Indeed, Defendants John Ritenour and Heath’s wealth, power and influence have made them all but 'untouchable' in the eyes of the hard-working IOA agents and employees who dare not use their voice in fear of immediate – certain – and dire consequences. In fact, recently, upon information and belief, Defendant Insurance Office of America’s Corporate Board has become permanent – cementing support and secrecy for Defendants John and Insurance Office of America’s newest 'emperor' - Heath’s schemes and lawlessness.”
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🧿 C.E.O. 💎 Entrepreneur 🧿 Investigator 💎 Family Office 🧿 Partnerships 💎 Insurance 🧿 Proven.ai 💎 Click To CONNECT 💎
🧿 C.E.O. 💎 Entrepreneur 🧿 Investigator 💎 Family Office 🧿 Partnerships 💎 Insurance 🧿 Proven.ai 💎 Click To CONNECT 💎
🧿 C.E.O. 💎 Entrepreneur 🧿 Investigator 💎 Family Office 🧿 Partnerships 💎 Insurance 🧿 Proven.ai 💎 Click To CONNECT 💎