Here is the number one reason why your facebook ads don't work... and how to fix them!
"Elia we set up some ads and spent money on facebook but we haven't gotten any results, what are we doing wrong? "
When I get on a first meeting with new businesses they often tell me, that they already tried to use facebook ads to generate more customers but it didn't work!
Let me tell you this, when I started using facebook ads for my business I was exactly in the same situation...
I spent thousands of dollars on facebook but did not see any good results. I asked myself what I was doing wrong... since I knew it worked great for other businesses.
It took a while and a lot more money until I learned something which turned my campaigns from being unprofitable to making me thousands of dollars!
And this is also one of the biggest things I see businesses struggle with when it comes to effectively using Facebook ads to grow their business. It is not having a clear offer.
As a business you have to give your audience incentive to stop what they are doing and look at your offer, go to your website and purchase the product.
It is all about the offer!
Without having a great offer your ads won't work. You need something which your potential new customers really want, something that sparks their interest! And it has to be really clear what it is!
Now you may ask yourself but what is a great offer?
A great offer is something your potential new customers want so badly, they can't say "no" to it. It triggers an urge within them that is so strong, that they will willingly throw money at you.
But how do you come up with an offer like this?
"Find out what your customers want, understand it better than they do themselves and then sell it to them with ease." - Sam Ovens
To understand that you have to dig a little deeper. It is not about the offer itself but more about that you really understand your ideal customer. Ideally you want to know them better than they do themselves. It helps to really think about what do they look like? What are their interests ? What are they passionate about? What are their goals, dreams and desires? What are their biggest fears? What are their biggest problems and challenges?
If you can't answer those questions. Take some time to really do your research, speak to your ideal customers. If you don't know how they feel about certain things simply ask.
When you understand what your ideal customers want, it becomes really easy to attract them or to come up with a great offer. There is a great quote from Eugene Schwartz about this:
“Let’s get to the heart of the matter. The power, the force, the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work, comes from the market itself, and not from the copy. Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears and desires that already exists in the hearts of millions of people, and focus those already existing desires onto a particular product. This is the copy writer’s task: not to create this mass desire – but to channel and direct it.” – Eugene Schwartz
You don't create desire, you simply understand what your customers want and then present your product in a way that triggers their already existing desires. The better you understand your customer, the easier it is to sell your product.
Let me give you an example:
Let's say I had an outdoor kids party place.
I know my ideal customers are parents from 25 - 45. They like the outdoors and they want their kids to have fun and a great experience. They have between 1 - 3 kids and value great service for their children and are willing to pay money for it!
I would create a targeted 60 second ad giving people an inside look at the fun kids are having there. The video would be fun, colorful, and entertaining. The parents would clearly see, that their kids will have a great time at the place. I would include testimonials from current customers which talk about how great the service of the party place is.
At the end of the video, I would offer a special discount. Maybe a huge discount for the first visit, or a discount for siblings or a special bonus they receive when they take the offer right now. For example free food or free drinks!
Once people click on the ad, they’re taken to a landing page where they have to enter their email address in order to access the discount offer. This means that in addition to generating more customers for your business you also growing your email list.
This works for every business. From realtors to spa from dentists to restaurants.
Get creative with your offer while always keeping your business goals in mind and experiment to figure out what works. Always ask yourself what your ideal customer wants and try to put yourself into their shoes!
This is just a simple example on how a great offer could look like!
Thank you for reading!
If you have any questions regarding the topic, please don't hesitate to contact me anytime!
this is a great article, I can only approve everything mentioned! Elia let‘s connect!