Hey, I missed a day.
Hey friend,
So, I didn't write to you yesterday. I know, I know**gasp**
I was a terrible friend. But trust me, it wasn’t because I didn’t miss you. I did. In fact, I was probably having an emotional meltdown somewhere, and I couldn't gather myself to write.
Have you noticed my recent letters? The ones that seem a bit, well, rushed? Yeah, I know. They don’t have the usual sparkle of precision that you’ve come to expect from me. Shocking, right? I promise, there’s an explanation.
But before I get into it, let me tell you a bit about myself for Day 17.
I’m a crybaby. And yes, that’s a thing.
I don’t know if it’s a weakness or a superpower, but I express every emotion through tears. Seriously, I could be happy, sad, excited, mad, frustrated, or just overwhelmed by life in general and my eyes will make sure everyone knows it.
It’s not even a conscious thing. Sometimes, my tears start before I’ve even processed what I’m feeling. It's like my body gets the memo before my brain does. So, if you ever see me crying, just know I’m probably trying to figure out if I’m mad at you, happy for you, or if the onion just hit me a little too hard.
Now, anger? Oh, I’ve mastered that one. I’m not the "throw things and scream" type. Nope, I’ll just retreat to my emotional corner and cry it out. I’ll live through the storm, make up my mind, and maybe even come back and actually talk to you about it later. That’s my version of "rage."
But honestly, my eyes totally betray me. So much for being subtle, right?
Which leads me to Day 18:
I’m very expressive. Too expressive, in fact.
I can't pretend. My face will always give me away. I could be wanting to pretend that I'm good with it, but my face will definitely saying something completely different. You know those moments when you're trying to keep it together, pretending like everything is fine, but your face is already saying, "Why are you even still talking"?
Yeah, that’s me. 100% no filter.
Like, I might want to tell you, “You're doing great! Keep it up!” but my face will scream, “You're messing up big time!” without me even trying. It's a curse. But it’s also the truth. I can’t hide it. My face is like that one friend who just can’t keep a secret, no matter how hard they try.
And, honestly, I’ve just accepted it. People who know me well can read me like an open book. I can’t pretend to be something I’m not. If I’m mad, my attitude will show it. If I’m happy, you’ll see it in my eyes before I even speak. If I’m confused, don’t worry, my face will give it away before my brain processes it.
I lie sometimes, of course, but let's not get into that today. Maybe another time, yeah?
So, are you like me? How do you express your emotions? Are you more of a "rage room" type or a "quiet corner of the house" person?
And, let's be real, can you actually pretend to save your life? Because I sure can’t.
Let me know, because honestly, misery loves company.
It's the week we close our laptops for the year, except you're into banking (sad), you should be excited.
Got any plans for this weekend in particular?
Let me hear your ideas.
Speak in 24 hours.
I promise, I'll be on time this time.
Petroleum and gas engineer (in view) || Hub Manager at Octave Incorporations ||
2moI really wish I could relate to this but I’m terrible at showing emotions deep down I just want to scream like the things I want to say I just say it in my head and move on Maybe one day I might express just maybe
Business Development | People & Culture | Management | Finance
2moI would like to swallow my honest thoughts but no! After reading through, just felt like giving you a warm hug, weird right? Lol. Now to how I express anger, it depends on the person involved. Never a scream out and scatter everywhere kinda person but whether I’ll be expressive or walk away depends on the person involved. However, I’m glad I’m getting better at processing my thoughts before deciding on what to do with that emotion (anger). Most times, I talk it out but then, when the water settles.
Content Writer/Ghost writer//Entrepreneur//Event planner//Biochemist//Humanitarian ❤️
2moI have learnt to curtailmy temperament I think motherhood shapedme I use to be a cry baby wen I.was much younger..I only cry now if am really hurt I also don't pretend I'm quite blunt Compliments of the season Lady Bhie