Sonic Geometry
People all over the planet are awakening to a mysterious “matrix” revealed by numerical values found in geometry and the frequencies they represent in sound and light.
Hittite cuneiform sources reveal an orderly organized system of diatonic scales, depending on the tuning of stringed instruments in alternating fifths and fourths. Whether this reflects all types of music is not known.
This sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form, in our system of keeping time, in the way we measure our world, and in certain symbols we find all around us but have lost the connection to their true meaning.
Instruments of Ancient Mesopotamia include harps, lyres, lutes, reed pipes, and drums. Many of these were shared with Central and East Asian cultures. Contemporary East African lyres and West African lutes preserve many features of Mesopotamian instruments (van der Merwe 1989, p. 10).
Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place most visibly in religious edifices, halls and monuments, like pieces of a giant puzzle.
In mathematical physics, a metric describes the arrangement of relative distances within a surface or volume, usually measured by signals passing through the region, essentially describing the intrinsic geometry of the region. An acoustic metric describes the signal-carrying properties characteristic of a given particulate medium in acoustics, or in fluid dynamics. Other descriptive names such as sonic metric are also sometimes used, interchangeably.
An acoustic metric can give rise to "acoustic horizons" (also known as "sonic horizons"), analogous to the event horizons in the space-time metric of general relativity. However, unlike the space-time metric, in which the invariant speed is the absolute upper limit on the propagation of all causal effects, the invariant speed in an acoustic metric is not the upper limit on propagation speeds. For example, the speed of sound is less than the speed of light. As a result, the horizons in acoustic metrics are not perfectly analogous to those associated with the space-time metric. It is possible for certain physical effects to propagate back across an acoustic horizon. Such propagation is sometimes considered to be analogous to Hawking radiation, although the latter arises from quantum field effects in curved space-time.
Since acoustic metrics share some statistical behaviours with the way that we expect a future theory of quantum gravity to behave (such as Hawking radiation), these metrics have sometimes been studied in the hope that they might shed light on the statistical mechanics of actual black holes. Some people have suggested that analogue models are more than just an analogy and that the actual gravity that we observe is actually an analogue theory. But in order for this to hold, since a generic analogue model depends upon both the acoustic metric and the underlying background geometry, the low energy large wavelength limit of the theory has to decouple from the background geometry.
Though it defies all logical explanation, it appears that our ancient ancestors were “gifted” by “sky-visitors” (known as " Anunnaki") with certain information that could only be verified by present-day technology.
Such information is the explanation of how frequency reveals mechanical movements found throughout the universe, how certain harmonics contain keys and codes to unlock the very process of creation, and how one particular math system reveals the very matrix of existence.
This information is not new. It has been laying dormant in our geometry, in our system of keeping time, in the way we measure our world, and in certain symbols we find all around us but have lost the connection to their true meaning.
Frequency is all around us and can be found in all things. Whenever we take a breath, we are inhaling frequency. Whenever we listen to music, we are interacting with frequency. Even when we think, we are using the power of frequency to help us express our thoughts. Since we are always interacting with this invisible wave of energy, we should learn to understand it so that we can comprehend how it affects our life.
People sometimes use vibration and frequency interchangeably but they both do have their differences. In physics, vibration is the “oscillating, reciprocating, or other periodic motion of a rigid or elastic body or medium forced from a position or state of equilibrium.” As for oscillation, it is “an effect expressible as a quantity that repeatedly and regularly fluctuates above and below some mean value, as the pressure of a sound wave or the voltage of an alternating current.” In simple terms, it is a motion that repeats itself.
Frequency is achieved when one pattern or cycle of vibration and oscillation occurs. In other words, the combination of vibration and oscillation is what determines the vibrational frequency rate (cyclic pattern of scalar waves) of all things. In simple terms, frequency is “the number of cycles or completed alternations per unit time of a wave or oscillation” or the number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time.
The frequency rate is what sets the rhythm of particle pulsation, which then allows the formation of wave spectra within dimensional reality fields. This process also determines the density levels of matter in the material realm. As the frequency rate of matter increases or flashes faster, matter becomes lighter and less dense. Since our body is made of matter, it will also become lighter and less dense as our frequency increases.
Frequency has the ability to heal or harm you; therefore, if you want to stay healthy, you need to understand how it affects your wellbeing. For example, certain electromagnetic energies generated by computers, mobile-phones and electronic devices contain energy codes or frequencies that don’t synchronize and harmonize well with your body. When you surround yourself with these types of electromagnetic energies, they disrupt the natural flow of your body’s energy, causing it to flow out of order. If the natural flow of your energy is disrupted for too long, it could cause health conditions to manifest.
Consuming genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or fluids that contain very low frequency can also disrupt your energy levels. In the early 1990s, Bruce Tanino was able to build a frequency monitor that could determine frequency levels of certain parts of the human body. He found that a normal human brain’s frequency rate was precisely 72 megahertz (MHz). As for the human body, it was between 62-78 MHz.
Although it is generally accepted that humans cannot perceive sounds in the frequency range above 20 kilohertz (kHz), the question of whether the existence of such "inaudible" high-frequency components may affect the acoustic perception of audible sounds remains unanswered.
The 432 hertz (Hz). is the magic number everybody is talking about. It is said to be the natural frequency of the universe, to have cosmic healing powers and to attract masses of audience to our music. To understand the healing power behind 432 Hz, you must first learn about another frequency, 8 Hz. It is said that 8 Hz is the fundamental “beat” of the planet. The heartbeat of the Earth is better known as Schumann resonance and is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who documented it mathematically in 1952.
According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the 528 Hz. is a frequency that is as well central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything, that’s why 528 Hz. is also known as DNA repair frequency.
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