Holes in Hierarchy!

Holes in Hierarchy!

Everyone knows what Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory is. What people don't know is that there is a hamster wheel at each level!

In the winters of northern India, I spent a few days this year in Benaras ( Varanasi / Kashi ). In the morning dusky hours on a particular day, before heading to the "Sankat Mochan" temple, I went to Tulsi Ghat. While climbing up the stairs of Ghat from the river and wearing a fur jacket, I saw a Sadhu ( saint ) sitting, relaxed and basking under the sun, frugally dressed. He was looking at the river Ganga. As I climbed the stairs, it appeared as if he was looking straight at me. He had a kind of serenity that was hard to ignore. I wanted to talk to him but was hesitant. Nevertheless, I started a conversation by asking how to go to the "Sankat Mochan" temple. 

And, a conversation followed:

Vivek: प्रणाम बाबा कैसे हैं? ( Greetings, "Baba" ( respectfully for a saint), How are you? )

Saint:बढियाँ, भोले नाथ की कृपा है। (All good with God's grace.)

Vivek:ये संकट मोचन मंदिर जाने का रास्ता बता सकते हैं? (Please, can you tell me the way to Sankat Mochan Temple?)

Saint: घाट से बहार निकालिये, ऑटो रिक्शा को बोलिये, सीधा मंदिर छोड़ देगा। (Ask an auto rikshaw outside this bank entrance; he will drop you straight to the temple.)

Vivek: ठीक है बाबा। धन्यवाद्। वैसे आपको ठण्ड नहीं लगती है क्या, जैनुअरी का महीना है, ठंडी हवा भी चल रही है। ( Thank you, by the way, don't you feel cold. It's January, and the cold wind is blowing?)

Saint: ठण्ड तो है, लेकिन लग नहीं रहा है। (Indeed, it is cold, but I am not feeling it.)

Vivek: मतलब। (What do you mean?)

Saint: मतलब की ये धोती और गमछा काफी है और बाकि सूर्य देव हैं, उनकी कृपा है। (Meaning that these frugal clothes are sufficient and that god sun is shining with all his grace.)

Vivek: बात समझ नहीं आयी बाबा, यहाँ हम फर वाला जैकेट पेहेन के भी काँप रहे हैं और आप धोती गमछा में आराम से गंगा किनारे सर्दी में बैठे हैं। खैर कुछ पूछना था आपसे, अगर आज्ञा दें तो? (I didn't understand much. Here I am, shivering with a fur jacket, and you are sitting calm and relaxed near Ganga river on a winter morning with these frugal clothes. Anyways, if you allow me, I would like to ask a few more things? )

Saint: हाँ पूछिए न बाबू।  (Yes, please ask, my dear.)

Vivek: आप करते क्या हैं? (What do you do?)

Saint: कुछ नहीं। (Nothing.) 

Vivek: कुछ नहीं मतलब? कुछ तो करते ही होंगे। खाना वाना, घर बार, ये सब के लिए कुछ तो करना पड़ेगा। (What do you mean by nothing? You must be doing some work for food, shelter, clothes, etc., etc)

Saint: हाँ, करते हैं। योगासन करते हैं। भजन कीर्तन करते हैं। कुछ लोग हैं जिन्होंने हमें अपना गुरु मान लिया है, वो हमारे साथ ही रहते हैं। योगासन सीखते हैं और कुछ दक्षिणा देते हैं। काम चल जाता है। (Yes, I do. I do yoga and prayers. Few young people have accepted me as their guru.)

Vivek: ये कितने साल से कर रहे हैं आप। आपकी फीस कितनी है। (How long have you been doing this, and what's your fee?)

Saint: २५ साल से कर रहे हैं। कोई निर्धारित फीस नहीं है। जिसको जितना होता है, वो उतना दे देता है। जब आप संसार को कुछ देते हो तो आपके पास उस अनुपात में अपने आप ही चीज़े वापस आ जाती हैं।भोले नाथ की कृपा से कभी कमी नहीं हुई किसी चीज़ की। (I have been doing this for the last 25 years; there is no fixed fee. Whatever people feel, they give. When you give something to the world, the world returns the favor in proportion to that of your efforts. With God's grace, I never suffered from any scarcity.)

Vivek: अच्छा, और कोई इन्शुरन्स वैगेरह है आपके पास, अगर बीमार पड़े तो। (Ok, do you have any insurance if you fall sick? )

Saint: इन्शुरन्स नहीं है। इसलिए हम कभी बीमार नहीं पड़ते। ( I don't have insurance, so I don't fall sick.)

Vivek: मतलब। (What do you mean?)

Saint: मतलब की बीमारी तो शरीर की विकृति है, कोई विकृति नहीं है इसलिए बीमारी भी नहीं। हम सात्विक भोजन करते हैं, और शरीर से यथासंभव काम लेते हैं। इतना काफी है बीमार न पड़ने के लिए।(Meaning sickness is the body's deformity or excess. There is no deformity or excess, so I don't fall sick. I eat clean and healthy food and do physical work as far as possible. This is enough to not fall ill.)  

Vivek: अच्छा है ये तो। हम लोग महीने में एक बार तो बीमार पड़ते ही हैं और आप कभी बीमार ही नहीं पड़े। खैर, कोई चोरी डकैती या अन्य कोई डर? (This is great! We fall sick almost every month, and you have never fallen sick. Anyways, do you have any other fear like theft, etc.?)

Saint: ( मुस्कुराते हुए ), डर तब लगता है जब आपके पास कोई ऐसी चीज़ हो जोई कोई चुरा ले। हमारे पास कुछ ऐसा है ही नहीं जो कोई चुरा ले। और जो है, वो तो हम चाहते हैं की कोई आ के ले जाये, लेकिन आज कल लोगों की रूचि ही विचित्र है। बहुत कम लोग आते हैं। ((With a smile), we are afraid when we have something that we can lose. I don't have any such thing. Actually, what I have, I want people to take from me. But these days, very few people come. )

Vivek: अच्छा, क्या है आपके पास ऐसा जो आप चाहते है की कोई ले ले आपसे। (Really, what do you have that you want people to take from you?)

Saint: बाबू हमारे पास तो बस ज्ञान है। इस ज्ञान से हमारे शरीर का निर्वाह हो जाता है और हमारी आत्मा भी तृप्त रहती है। इस से ज़्यादा हमें कुछ और चाहिए भी नहीं। (My dear, I only have knowledge. I can take care of my body and soul through this knowledge. I don't need anything else.)

Vivek: बाकी आपके प्रियजन कहाँ हैं। (So, where are your loved ones?)

Saint: हर जगह है। (They are everywhere.) 

Vivek: मतलब। (What do you mean?) 

Saint: मतलब की, वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम। ये जगत ही हमारा है। सभी हमको प्यारे हैं। (Meaning, "The World Is One Family." This world is mine. All are my loved ones.) 

Vivek: एक अंतिम सवाल पूछना है बाबाजी आपसे। (I need to ask you one last question, please, if you are ok.)

Saint: अरे पूछिए पूछिए। हम इसीलिए तो आज यहाँ आएँ हैं।  (Please ask. I have come here today for this only!)

Vivek: अंतिम सवाल ये है की, क्या आपको लगता है की आपका जीवन बिलकुल सफल है। जो भी आप कर सकते थे, आप जीवन में वो हांसिल कर पाए। (The last question is, do you feel that your life is flourishing and you achieved what you could have achieved?) 

Saint: बिलकुल। हम आपने जीवन से संतुष्ट हैं। अगर भोले नाथ की आज्ञा से अगर दूबरा मनुष्य योनि में जनम लेना पड़ा तो फिर से हम यही करना चाहेंगे जो आज कर रहे हैं। ( Certainly. I am content with my life. In case, due to the wish of God, I have to be born again, I would like to do the same as what I am doing today.) 

Vivek: बाबाजी धन्यवाद् आपने इतना समय दिया। (Thank you so much; you gave so much time.)

Saint: आप एक जिज्ञासु युवक है, इस्सलिये आपको मैं एक और बात बताना चाहता हूँ। आपसे पहले भी बहुत से लोगों ने हमसे ऐसे कई सवाल पूछे हैं, बनारस के इसी घाट पे। हमने सबको वही बताया को आपको बताया। जो हमने बताया उस्सकी महत्त्ता उतनी ही है जितनी आपकी समझ है। बिना समझ के ज्ञान व्यर्थ है। हमारे पास पहले समझ आयी, फिर ज्ञान आया। आप बस अपनी छमता बढ़ाइए, ज्ञान खुद आपके सामने साक्षात् प्रकट हो जायेगा। (Since you are a curious youth, I want to tell you something. Many people have asked me similar questions. I have said the same things to everyone, as I told you today at this Benaras Ghat. What I told you is not as important as your understanding. 

Without understanding, knowledge is a waste.

First, we need to develop understanding, then we can get knowledge. Focus on developing your understanding, and knowledge will appear right before you! Then he smiled. )

Vivek: बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद् बाबा जी। (Thank you so much.)

I thought of paying some money out of respect and for the saint's time. I looked back to get my wallet from the bag hanging on my back.

With a Rs 2,000 note in my hand, when I looked towards the saint, there was just one brick stencilled "श्री राम।" ( Sri Ram ) and a Tulsi (तुलसी) Leaf.  

The saint had disappeared; instead, an auto-rickshaw driver waved at me right ahead. I sat in the rickshaw in shock at what had just happened. 

All this while, I was probing the saint to qualify my understanding of Maslow's hierarchy.

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However, this saint had clearly surpassed my thinking about the theory. He had also changed my understanding of the need itself. This saint was living at the top level, fully content and self-actualized with the bare minimum available to him.

On the other hand, I see numerous people stuck between bottom levels 1 and 3. 

How great would it be to live most of your life at the top level, self-actualization?

Maslow's hierarchies are more or less acceptable, the problem being that a hamster wheel holds us at each level. We keep asking for more and more of those things that lie at the lower levels of the pyramid. Consequently, we spend most of our life at the very bottom. 

Hamster Wheels at levels : 

  1. Physiological: More food, More sleep, More Sex.
  2. Safety: A better house, More wealth. 
  3. Love / Belongings: More Instagram followers, More likes.
  4. Esteem: Charity, Donations, and Social work for fake fame.  
  5. Self-actualization: There is a shortcut to reach here. That shortcut is knowledge. Knowledge of what is needed and how much of what is needed. And, I am yet to meet the second person in this zone. 

First was the saint who disappeared in the cold winter of Benaras! 


Shalabh Saraswat

E2E Solution Manager at e& | Senior Product Owner | Digital Transformation & IT Strategy Expert | Agile Product Management | Azure Certified (AZ104) | Telecom, E-commerce, Supply Chain Management | Ex-TCS & Orange


Speechless 🙏

michael c weir

cto at Sun Water Works


What you want to see is the saint inside you.

We see that saint everyday; just that we ignore him because we are never sure as to what we really want.

iqbal K.

Visiting Faculty Member at LBS college


To put Maslow's theory and your story in perspective, "Every human being is part of a whole called by us the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. His task is to free himself from this prison, widen his circle of compassion and embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty"...... Albert Einstein

Peter Valles

General Manager at Aalto Marine Services


Interesting thoughts and yes we are trapped at our level by those things we hold dear.

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