Holiday Greetings from Larry’s Tax Law
2024 is almost at an end. For me, this year went by at lightning speed.
2024 was a wonderful year, full of change and opportunities. I continue to be extremely grateful for the unwavering support of my family, friends, clients and law colleagues!
Mark Twain is accredited with saying:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.”
During 2024, I followed Mark Twain’s mantra – I threw off the bowlines and sailed my ship away from the safety of the harbor, catching the trade winds!
I was privileged to speak at several tax conferences, including:
Also, I published a new 200-page white paper, A Magical Mystery Tour Through Subchapter S – With A Stop At Many Of The Obscure Destinations Along The Way. This paper was written to provide tax practitioners with a thorough overview of the current state of Subchapter S and the traps that still linger within this tax regime for unwary taxpayers and their advisers.
Additionally, I was pleased to be able to give back to the tax profession by authoring more than 20 substantive tax law blog posts, including 13 articles in my multi-part series dealing with the obvious and obscure aspects of Subchapter S and the following:
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Lastly, I feel fortunate to have been asked to contribute to various legal, tax and business periodicals, including:
I would like to thank our readers for their support, guidance, encouragement and words of gratitude for the content and insights I have provided. I have received several notes from readers, thanking me for our commentary, offering ideas for future blog posts and providing tremendous feedback.
I look forward to continuing the tax blog next year and to keep providing guidance to the tax community. I intend to continue my multi-part series on Subchapter S.
Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe holiday season, as well as a terrific 2025!